» Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:40 pm
I really like this idea, though I still note a bit of favoritism, I've noticed a lot of people are suggesting to release it for ONE system and ignore the other
I don't see how this WOULDN'T be possible for both systems, sure, the DS would have worse graphics, but it's control sysem would be far superior.
just as someone said about uploading mods to a psp memory stick and being able to use them (I LOVE this idea by the way, and if there's any way to do this for the DS...)
and also someone suggested a battlespire-esque multiplayer on the DS's WiFi (I don't think psp-ers could do this over the internet, but could if near each other)
come now people, we're all TES players! just like the fights between 360 and PC players, we're all men and mer! (and you khajiit and argonians too, not sure which catagory you guys would fall under on paper =P) we shouldn't consider ourselves psp players, or DS players, or 360 or PC players, we're all TES players! can't we find a happy medium? can't we all just get along?
(PSP user, if anyone cares, don't have a DS but wouldn't mind checking one out)