TES games:Sometime I have wonderd

Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:12 pm

I am not a PC player, atleast for this game, own it on 360.

Anyways I have always wonderd why all these great texture mods make it on PC by fellow gamers and fans yet it seems Beth CAN'T make it like that in their final game, what givess?

I mean I saw a pic of a mod recently and it showed better trees and hell even realistic bark on the trees or better blood texures, why couldn't beth already make all that look as amazing as it does from a fan?

I mean if a fan can do it, who more than likly is not a paid programer or texture maker for cash than why the hell isn't the Beth artist team or whoever does it be able to make it look so real and amazing as well?

This has nothing to do with it being on 360/PS3 with limited hardware issues but I mean why couldn't it look like that on PC than IF it is due to the limited hardware with the consoles?

Anyone want to shed some light on how the modding community for their games comes out with better things like textures than even a big company with skilled people like Beth do? :/
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:15 am

I think you answered yourself. The devs don't want the console players to feel left out. The modders know modern computers can handle those awesome textures.
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:15 am

I think you answered yourself. The devs don't want the console players to feel left out. The modders know modern computers can handle those awesome textures.

awwww well that blows lol :brokencomputer:
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brenden casey
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:20 am

Not to bash Consoles, but they have very limited amounts of memory compared to PC. When you're using a 1024x1024 texture instead of a 512x512 texture, those textures require an exponentially larger amount of memory to be displayed. If you do that to almost all objects, it multiplies that amount even further. Developers use the smallest, most compressed texture quality they can get away with. Modders do the exact opposite.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:47 am

Like others have said, modders don't have to worry about pleasing everyone. If Bethesda went all out with PC textures they would nearly have to make two separate versions of the game for consoles and PC since the difference in texture quality and size would be so large. This isn't taking into account other things that the PC can handle that could be done that consoles could not.
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:13 pm

There is another issue with larger textures and the concurrent higher memory requirements: more space needed on the physical disc. One of the major points that is decided in development today is how many discs (i.e., memory) the shipped game will be. If the decision is made to restrict the final game to one single DVDROM, that also finalizes how much space is available for all assets that must ship with the final game.

Modders do not have as big of an issue because they can have larger files posted for download. There are still concerns such as bandwidth per file, but even that can be gotten around with multiple files. This cannot be done for physical discs, though, so the restrictions for the final game based on the initial development decision dictates how big textures can be (along with all other assets including all sound files, executables, etc).

Note that I do not agree with the decision to restrict to a single disc and feel it is a copout when major titles on console such as Star Ocean: The Last Hope came on THREE discs.
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:58 pm

Conclusion: DIE CONSOLES!!! DIE!!!

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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:36 pm

Conclusion: DIE CONSOLES!!! DIE!!!



want a mod to say hi? Cuz I sure don't .

Thankz for replying everyone
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