TES 5: graphics engine features prediction

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:45 pm

In anticipation of some sort of official unveiling in the next couple of months I thought it might be fun to put down a few predictions about TES 5. In particular I'd like to speculate about the level of graphical fidelity the new game will have. Since these are predictions, I've noted down the probably or belief I have in each one from 0% to 100%. Based on the limited information that has been released by Bethesda about their new tech, and educated guesses about level of optimization that can be achieved, what do you guys think?

General engine capabilities
[70%] I suspect that there will be approximately twice the number of polygons on screen at any time.
[70%] I think there will be dynamic shadows outdoors
[80%] The game will feature screen space ambient occlusion (or some AO variation)
[50%] I think that the texture resolution will be the same as Fallout 3

Outdoor graphics
[70%] Water will feature better texturing, refraction and Fresnel effects.
[50%] 3D water surface
[85%] I think trees will have static foliage (as opposed to the Speedtree floating foliage)
[65%] Dynamic skybox (clouds changing shape as well as moving across the sky)

City graphics
[70%] I think that cities will increase in size, to 2 or 3 times as large per loading area as Oblivion cities.
[80%] Cities will be more populous (up to twice as many NPCs on screen at any time)
[70%] There will still be a loading screen when entering houses

Animation: will likely be the biggest change from Fallout 3.
[90%] Entirely new animation system, at least comparable to recent games like MW2.
[40%] Dynamic animation interaction (like in GTA4/RDR and AC2/3)
[10%] Dynamic facial animation (detailed facial animation that reacts to in-game player action)
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:16 am

Bethesda hasn't said that their upcoming game is an Elder Scrolls title. Yes even ignoring the rumors flying about an Elder Scrolls game seems most likely but let's be careful not to get ahead of ourselves.

Moving on, we have an official thread for TES V speculation, although your game engine predictions would probably better fit the official TES V ideas thread if you want to repost them.
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