Hey guys, I think this is my 4th thread today but I have a lot on my mind regarding TES and Skyrim and stuff. So over the years, TES has always had major improvements in graphics in each installment, from Morrowinds simplistic textures and 2001 graphics to Oblivion with greatly improved textures and effects and then Skyrim, which admittedly looks alot like pimped out Fallout graphics(I'm not trying to insult it's graphics because they do look great but it isn't an "all new" engine like Todd said). What I'm wondering is how can Bethesda and other companies in general improve game graphics when they are pretty much at the peak of what they are capable of being. I mean, after Crysis 3-4 years ago, graphics of games have kind of stayed the same because there aren't really any ways to make them even better. To me, it seems that one of the golden rules of TES is to always have greatly improved graphics in every new installment but what can they do now? Probably the best graphics i've seen would be in the Real-Life Graphics mod for Crysis but once games start getting those kind of graphics they can't really go any further.
So basically what I'm trying to ask is how can TES games keep coming if game graphics are nearing their peak? The TES games would keep looking the same if there are gonna be alot more installments because they won't be able to improve the graphics any more. Sorry if I sounded stupid or something.