I have high hopes for the next Elder Scrolls title. While I'm not the biggest fan of an unmodded Oblivion, imagine what the next logical step from that game could be! Slightly better graphics and animiations than Oblivion, overlayed on a world environment with more content and with less level-scaling. That game would be among the best RPG's ever created.
Here are my some of my ideas, some of which are not terribly original:
1. Have a completely new environment. Anything other than a common, temperate European landscape. Something a bit more alien like Morrowind would be awesome. Doesn't have to
look like Morrowind, but that game had
2. Create a world whereby the farther out you get from highly populated, military guarded cities, the more dangerous it gets. You could have a system with invisible concentric zones around each population center. So rather than have level-scaled enemies, you just have these zones where a weak, early character will have to carefully probe lest they get in over their heads. Roads between population centers with regular mounted guard patrols would be relatively safe so as to travel between these oasis's of safety, or you could use morrowind like fast-travel means like mages guild to go between major cities. This will create a game where an adventurer feels a sense of accomplishment when they are powerful enough to visit dangerous locales, but still freedom of movement so you're not just stuck around the first town or city for a long time. A spin on this would be to have different types of enemies around each population center. Lets say you are exploring around city 1, but then use the mages guild to transport you to city 2, the monsters in the first zone around city 2 are not really more powerful than the ones around city 1, but because you're in a different part of the world, they are different monsters/enemies, etc...
3. Ditch most level-scaled content so sun doesn't seem to rise and set on your a**
So I concede most of this is very unoriginal, but every few months I come on here and repeat it just in case a dev reads my entry.