TES V Ideas and Suggestions # 139

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:11 am

Id like to see a definate reward like hunters guild where you can bring pelts and skins from animals you've slayed.

"Hello, how can I help you?"
"I've got some wolf pelts here you mist be interested in"
"ok well let me take a look.... hmm... Very nice, did you skin these your self?"
"Sure did, I found the beasts in a pack around the back of fishermans rock"
"Ok, I tell ya what, I'll give ya five gold for these, and an extra 2 gold for you've done a nice job skinning them, so that will save me time cleaning them"
"Oh, ok. Thankyou for that. I'll see what I have for you next time I visit Bruma. See you"

Oblivion severely lacked in dialogue.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:56 am

I would like to see the political and religious elements of Morrowind return in the next TES game. The Tribunal Temple and the Great Houses each had a good number of quests with interesting background and story telling. By comparison, you never really became involved with Cyrodil's politics, aside from lending military aid to various Counts. Knights of the Nine was good, but it heavily favored combat classes and was more about the Knights than the Nine.

Along those same lines, I think magic should be Morrowind-like. Ditch fast travel, but give the player Mark and Recall options. Shrink the cities or add a loading screen, levitation was a lot of fun and really differentiated the way Mages in TES play. Speechcraft should be more conversationally focused and not be tied into a poor quality mini-game.

Those are my main "wants" for a future TES game. I liked the skill system in Oblivion, although adding Medium Armor back in would be nice. The Mages, Thieves, and Fighter's Guild quests were well done and I liked that they added genuine perks to being at the top of a faction. Combat was much improved from Morrowind and I think the regenerating Magicka was a good decision as well. Mostly, I want a richer world than Cyrodil, with more factions, quests, and unique things to do.
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Allison C
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:04 pm

Id like to see a definate reward like hunters guild where you can bring pelts and skins from animals you've slayed.

"Hello, how can I help you?"
"I've got some wolf pelts here you mist be interested in"
"ok well let me take a look.... hmm... Very nice, did you skin these your self?"
"Sure did, I found the beasts in a pack around the back of fishermans rock"
"Ok, I tell ya what, I'll give ya five gold for these, and an extra 2 gold for you've done a nice job skinning them, so that will save me time cleaning them"
"Oh, ok. Thankyou for that. I'll see what I have for you next time I visit Bruma. See you"

Oblivion severely lacked in dialogue.

I agree with the dialogue bit, but can't you already sell pelts and skins from animals you've slayed? I don't know how you could build a hunter's guild around that...
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:06 pm

Bring back the layered clothing and armour, imagine having to wear a steel Curiass with no shirt on underneath. That would be so uncomfrtable.
Bring back having left and right seperate items. I liked being able to mix and match :)
Bring back a greater range of weapons
Bring back the Morrowind character creation system so we can have more skills to choose from and 5 major skills and 5 minor skills rather than 7 major skills.

Make it, if possible, so that if you seel an item to a merchant you might see an NPC with it. So it seems like they do actually buy things.

Bring in a mix of text and talking for NPCs. For example the NPC will actually say only the relevent things, but if you read the text it elaborates in much greater detail.

Make the game less combat orienated. I would love to be a farmer, or craft weapons for people. It would be so good to be a travelling merchant. Or become well known as a dress maker, or someone who digs for different ores and stuff. I obvoiusly don't think you should get rid of the combat side of things at all, as thats why most people play games. But even in Morrowind it annoyed me that you couldn't be a cook or a a jewellery maker or something.
I would like to see some non combat skills in the game.

I would alsolike to see horse and carts. Mostly for transporting goods. It would be so nice to walk down a road and see a armer with a horse and a cart bring loads of potatoes or something to a main city. Or to be a farmer and fill up your cart with stuff and take it to a city. As a farmer I would also love it so much if you could breed animals, and set up some kind of business where people come and buy horses from you because you can breed and train them. I know it wouldn't be to everyones tastes but it would be so much fun for role playing purposes.

I think it would be great if you could include both vampires and were-creatures in the next game. And it would be so cool if there was some sort of underworld for them, like you can say a certain sentence to NPCs and they'll let you in to a secret inn or a merchant will sell things to you... etc.
It would also be cool if there was more entertainment in game for the NPCs, like theatres and plays and stuff.

Overall I would like TES5 to be for role players, as Morrowind is one of my favourite games ever, I have played it pretty much on and off since it first came out and it has never got boring for the reason that theres so much to do.

Anyway I'm going to stop before I rant too much.

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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:31 pm

Maybe a buddy system (No, not adoring fan, quest NPCs, or guild recruits), but NPCs who are adventureres like yourself, similar to FarCry 2. You could gain them, say, if you rescue them, or maybe paying them as a merc. Buddies should be able to stay at their own homes (or yours), and will be able to give advice or even assistance on quests, and can assist you in combat (You distract an enemy, while your buddy comes up from behind with a finishing move), and maybe even come to your rescue if you get knocked out (Again, FarCry 2). And just as easily as you can gain friends, you should be able to lose them, whether from death or if they begin to hate you. And ofcource, you can equip your friend with different equipment and enchantments, say, if he's wounded, you could hand him a bandage. Just my 2 cents...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:12 am

weather needs a change. as i was playing morrowind, it started to rain. i looked down, yet the ground wasnt wet. i looked up, and rain was falling through the roof. ... where does physics take place in tes?

when it rains, i want the ground to be wet, i want fires to go out, i want dirt to become mud, i want to slip on wet surfaces, and i want my dumb fireball spell that i dont want and dont use to be half as effective as it normally would be. same when it is snowing. cold places should be could, and if not wearing warm armor, you should get cold and slow down. your blood would cool and youd be able to see your breath. sandstorms, however would damage your sight. if it is a mega sandstorm, and if you arent quick enough, you might get buried in sand. tornadoes should be loud, they should pick you up and toss you. this would make acrobatics important so you wouldnt die from falling damage. and lava shouldnt act as water that does fire damage. it should be lava. lava (or magma) is generally very soupy and thick, making it hard to swim and move in. it should also svck you in, burning your feet, legs, chest, head, choking you as it goes down your throat, thrashing in your stomach, churning your insides, burning, stinging, consuming! ...might be a bit too violent for tes, and would give the children of ESRB nightmares, so you might want tone that one down...

but you all get my point
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:59 pm

...it should be lava. lava (or magma) is generally very soupy and thick, making it hard to swim and move in...

Actually, lava being molten rock and still having the same density, it would be impossible to swim in it since you can't sink into it. However it could be possible to WALK on it, though not without protective magic or very good shoes.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:06 pm

Maybe a buddy system (No, not adoring fan, quest NPCs, or guild recruits), but NPCs who are adventureres like yourself, similar to FarCry 2. You could gain them, say, if you rescue them, or maybe paying them as a merc. Buddies should be able to stay at their own homes (or yours), and will be able to give advice or even assistance on quests, and can assist you in combat (You distract an enemy, while your buddy comes up from behind with a finishing move), and maybe even come to your rescue if you get knocked out (Again, FarCry 2). And just as easily as you can gain friends, you should be able to lose them, whether from death or if they begin to hate you. And ofcource, you can equip your friend with different equipment and enchantments, say, if he's wounded, you could hand him a bandage. Just my 2 cents...

I agree, I had one of the vampire mods for morrowind like Vampire Realism or something where you could create other vampires and if you looked after them and brought them a victim to drink from (and your level was higher than theirs) they would become your companion and travel around with you. You could tell them to meet you at certain places as well so you didn't always have to have them with you and you could acess their inventory to give them new items, it's probably one of my favourite gameplay morrowind mods because it made playing a vampire much more fun as I liked having the game acknowledge me as a vampire instead of just shunning me.

I would really like to see some more gameplay aspects for vampires in this sense in TES5 because I love playing vamire and were wolf characters, but the oly thing the NPCs do to acknowledge the fact you are a vampire is shun you, and it really really annoyed me that even if you became a vamprie before doing the dark brotherhood quests in Oblivion the vampire still spoke to you as if you were mortal and offered to give you the dark gift, I liked to pretned my vampire character was really old, much older then the dark brotherhood vampire and I wished he would be able to acknowldge that it some way.
And when you became a vampire, I hated the fact that all the vmapires in Cyrodil still wanted to kill you...
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:59 pm

I think eating and drinking should be in the game not only as this would add more immersive ways of healing but also give all the food you can find a meaning and add to gameplay with new mechanics.

Now first off, what should eating do and don't.
What it should do is regenerating health, however I don't say it shouldn't give you instant healing, no bite in a sandwich and you're fine again. However what it DOES to it boost natural regeneration.
Your health, stamina and possibly magic slowly regenerating over time. What eating does is boost and upkeep this, if you eat regularly and "good" food your regeneration rate would be high, eating little or nothing makes it go down.

Eating should NOT be a necessity just to stay alive, you don't loose health for not eating and you don't DIE. What not eating does is simply slowly make your health regeneration rate go down, and starving might also inhibit stamina regeneration. Also you wouldn't have to eat like every 10 minutes, more like every 1 ? 2 in-game days or so would be the "minimum necessity" to upkeep a good regeneration rate. The regeneration boost wouldn't be instant too, it depends on WHAT food you eat as well. Some foods get in your system faster, some nourish you longer and so on.
Your regeneration wouldn't fully fade too but go down to a very low rate. Plus you can still regenerate health and magic by sleeping and stamina already by simply resting (letting your char catch his breath by going slow or sit down a bit).

Drinking gives you a stronger regeneration boost over a much shorter time than eating. It also depends on what you drink, clear water only boosts stamina regeneration, but other drinks give additional regeneration boosts, like potions for health, or maybe teas for mana. Some drinks like coffee or beer have additional effects for your stats. Antidotes also work over time and counter poison effects, instead of simply removing the poison instantly.

Food is digested over a day or so, drinks over few hours (in-game time). You can only eat or drink so much though. If you are full and keep eating, your stamina regeneration goes down, or you'll get nauseous and vomit eventually. This could actually save you if you ate something poisonous, you can consume something extremely bitter or drink enough water to make you vomit the poison. Maybe it can even be possible to smuggle something in your stomach.

Food is digested at a much slower rate while you rest or sleep. That way you can "wait" a lot longer without having to eat again like when you have to wait a few days for a certain event and just want to skip them.


While drinking gives your stamina only a short time boost, sleeping keeps up your stamina regeneration for up to a day. Like eating you could go quite a while without sleep without suffering negative effects too strongly, after a full day without sleep your character would just tire out a bit faster but this can still be countered with "energy drinks". After 2 full days you'd start to tire out faster and your character is a bit dizzy and after 3 days it can even happen that you hallucinate.
Though I don't think sleeping actually is THAT much of a problem seeing as it regenerates everything and heals heavy injuries faster.

Another idea is that a resting (not sleeping) character uses the time to meditate, which boosts his mana regeneration for some hours.

In very hot areas you automatically get a "Hyperthermia" or heatstroke status effect that can get worse depending on the temperature, your clothing and your natural resistances. It slowly drains your stamina, and in worse stages of Hyperthermia and dehydration your character also gets dizzy and starts to hallucinate. Water kinda acts like an "antidote" to that, meaning as long as water is in your system, the hyperthermia effects are reduced.

Inversely in very cold areas you can get a "Hypothermia" status effect, again depending on temperature, clothing and resistances, which, in addition to draining your stamina, slowly makes your muscles stiffen, your movements becoming more sluggish and shaky. Eating and drinking warm foods acts as a "antidote" here, drinking alcohol counteracts the effect on your movement a bit but doesn't really warm you. Actually generally eating food counters the effects a bit unless it's too cold.

Passing out is a serious risk in areas that constantly drain your stamina, as you'll probably never wake up again unless you are very lucky and get rescued. If you pass out while swimming, you might get washed onto the shore and regain consciousness.

Food scarcity is usually not an issue, but if you plan a longer trip, you should bring rations.
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:40 pm

Sorry to say, but the best thing Beth could hope to do is take every element from dragon age and put it into TES. Dragon age was surperior in every way except the fact it wasnt sandbox, do anything kill everyone, the lore wasnt as deep as tes and alot of the npc's looked similar. Magic/Dialog/Gameplay all superior.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:55 pm

A much bigger presence of Skooma and other TES Drugs, it's for realism :D
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:35 pm

Lets discuss the landscape and nature.

The problem with TES wildernes is that, even if it looks beautiful and exciting, the landscape is kinda "empty". Like gothic 3, TES needs abandoned caravans and chest lost in the wilderness, or skeletons of dead hunters/exploreres in the wild to loot. This will make it feel like the player is not the only one who was a brave adventurer. We need many more reasons to go out in the wilderness not to look for ruins only, but also other tresures on the wild.
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:36 pm

I'd hate if there were more monsters (variety is good, but I'd hate them to be numerous).
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Harry Leon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:08 am

Bring back the layered clothing and armour, imagine having to wear a steel Curiass with no shirt on underneath. That would be so uncomfrtable.
Bring back having left and right seperate items. I liked being able to mix and match
Bring back a greater range of weapons
Bring back the Morrowind character creation system so we can have more skills to choose from and 5 major skills and 5 minor skills rather than 7 major skills.

Make it, if possible, so that if you seel an item to a merchant you might see an NPC with it. So it seems like they do actually buy things.

Bring in a mix of text and talking for NPCs. For example the NPC will actually say only the relevent things, but if you read the text it elaborates in much greater detail.

Make the game less combat orienated. I would love to be a farmer, or craft weapons for people. It would be so good to be a travelling merchant. Or become well known as a dress maker, or someone who digs for different ores and stuff. I obvoiusly don't think you should get rid of the combat side of things at all, as thats why most people play games. But even in Morrowind it annoyed me that you couldn't be a cook or a a jewellery maker or something.
I would like to see some non combat skills in the game.

I would alsolike to see horse and carts. Mostly for transporting goods. It would be so nice to walk down a road and see a armer with a horse and a cart bring loads of potatoes or something to a main city. Or to be a farmer and fill up your cart with stuff and take it to a city. As a farmer I would also love it so much if you could breed animals, and set up some kind of business where people come and buy horses from you because you can breed and train them. I know it wouldn't be to everyones tastes but it would be so much fun for role playing purposes.

I think it would be great if you could include both vampires and were-creatures in the next game. And it would be so cool if there was some sort of underworld for them, like you can say a certain sentence to NPCs and they'll let you in to a secret inn or a merchant will sell things to you... etc.
It would also be cool if there was more entertainment in game for the NPCs, like theatres and plays and stuff.

Overall I would like TES5 to be for role players, as Morrowind is one of my favourite games ever, I have played it pretty much on and off since it first came out and it has never got boring for the reason that theres so much to do.

Anyway I'm going to stop before I rant too much.

I lol'd.
But the sad thing is, I agreed with everything you said.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:24 am

it would be impossible to swim in it since you can't sink into it.

you can in tes :shifty:
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:09 pm

I think eating and drinking should be in the game not only as this would add more immersive ways of healing but also give all the food you can find a meaning and add to gameplay with new mechanics.

Now first off, what should eating do and don't.
What it should do is regenerating health, however I don't say it shouldn't give you instant healing, no bite in a sandwich and you're fine again. However what it DOES to it boost natural regeneration.
Your health, stamina and possibly magic slowly regenerating over time. What eating does is boost and upkeep this, if you eat regularly and "good" food your regeneration rate would be high, eating little or nothing makes it go down.

Eating should NOT be a necessity just to stay alive, you don't loose health for not eating and you don't DIE. What not eating does is simply slowly make your health regeneration rate go down, and starving might also inhibit stamina regeneration. Also you wouldn't have to eat like every 10 minutes, more like every 1 ? 2 in-game days or so would be the "minimum necessity" to upkeep a good regeneration rate. The regeneration boost wouldn't be instant too, it depends on WHAT food you eat as well. Some foods get in your system faster, some nourish you longer and so on.
Your regeneration wouldn't fully fade too but go down to a very low rate. Plus you can still regenerate health and magic by sleeping and stamina already by simply resting (letting your char catch his breath by going slow or sit down a bit).

Drinking gives you a stronger regeneration boost over a much shorter time than eating. It also depends on what you drink, clear water only boosts stamina regeneration, but other drinks give additional regeneration boosts, like potions for health, or maybe teas for mana. Some drinks like coffee or beer have additional effects for your stats. Antidotes also work over time and counter poison effects, instead of simply removing the poison instantly.

Food is digested over a day or so, drinks over few hours (in-game time). You can only eat or drink so much though. If you are full and keep eating, your stamina regeneration goes down, or you'll get nauseous and vomit eventually. This could actually save you if you ate something poisonous, you can consume something extremely bitter or drink enough water to make you vomit the poison. Maybe it can even be possible to smuggle something in your stomach.

Food is digested at a much slower rate while you rest or sleep. That way you can "wait" a lot longer without having to eat again like when you have to wait a few days for a certain event and just want to skip them.


While drinking gives your stamina only a short time boost, sleeping keeps up your stamina regeneration for up to a day. Like eating you could go quite a while without sleep without suffering negative effects too strongly, after a full day without sleep your character would just tire out a bit faster but this can still be countered with "energy drinks". After 2 full days you'd start to tire out faster and your character is a bit dizzy and after 3 days it can even happen that you hallucinate.
Though I don't think sleeping actually is THAT much of a problem seeing as it regenerates everything and heals heavy injuries faster.

Another idea is that a resting (not sleeping) character uses the time to meditate, which boosts his mana regeneration for some hours.

In very hot areas you automatically get a "Hyperthermia" or heatstroke status effect that can get worse depending on the temperature, your clothing and your natural resistances. It slowly drains your stamina, and in worse stages of Hyperthermia and dehydration your character also gets dizzy and starts to hallucinate. Water kinda acts like an "antidote" to that, meaning as long as water is in your system, the hyperthermia effects are reduced.

Inversely in very cold areas you can get a "Hypothermia" status effect, again depending on temperature, clothing and resistances, which, in addition to draining your stamina, slowly makes your muscles stiffen, your movements becoming more sluggish and shaky. Eating and drinking warm foods acts as a "antidote" here, drinking alcohol counteracts the effect on your movement a bit but doesn't really warm you. Actually generally eating food counters the effects a bit unless it's too cold.

Passing out is a serious risk in areas that constantly drain your stamina, as you'll probably never wake up again unless you are very lucky and get rescued. If you pass out while swimming, you might get washed onto the shore and regain consciousness.

Food scarcity is usually not an issue, but if you plan a longer trip, you should bring rations.

Do you think that, as far as drinking goes, dehydration would follow the same rules as starving, but maybe to a slightly more severe degree? The body would need a bit more water to keep going than food.
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:24 am

Also, DEFINATELY more people, including children. I just noticed that in all of Oblivion, i have not found a single child, but they are there in Fallout 3. So it might work out that the children can't be killed (can't be targeted), and will run home / away if there is fighting, this way no anti-game stuff comes up with footage of the character butchering children. Just thought that it was wierd that in the whole world, there isn't one child...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:02 pm

Also, DEFINATELY more people, including children. I just noticed that in all of Oblivion, i have not found a single child, but they are there in Fallout 3. So it might work out that the children can't be killed (can't be targeted), and will run home / away if there is fighting, this way no anti-game stuff comes up with footage of the character butchering children. Just thought that it was wierd that in the whole world, there isn't one child...

Indeed, immersion felt.. odd. Almost as if there was a disease that stopped people from breeding and we are whats left over or something.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:56 pm

Also, DEFINATELY more people, including children. I just noticed that in all of Oblivion, i have not found a single child, but they are there in Fallout 3. So it might work out that the children can't be killed (can't be targeted), and will run home / away if there is fighting, this way no anti-game stuff comes up with footage of the character butchering children. Just thought that it was wierd that in the whole world, there isn't one child...

I think it'd be better if they were left out instead of being made into cowardly gods. It was bad enough i couldn't kill ~1/30 of the population in Oblivion, but with children being unkillable the number of unkillable people in the game would be closer to 1/2 of the population.

I just hope people stop singling out video games soon.:sad:
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Beat freak
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:04 am

Yeah if they did infact make it so you could kill everyone like you could in Morrowind and just have the little thing popping up saying you gotta restart the game from this point if you wanna finish the mainquest that would be great.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:04 am

Actually, lava being molten rock and still having the same density, it would be impossible to swim in it since you can't sink into it. However it could be possible to WALK on it, though not without protective magic or very good shoes.

Boy, tell me what shoemaker you use. If his good shoes can walk through lava, then his bad ones should at least be waterproof!

It'd be awesome to throw someone as an H2H move. Like, into a chasm or a pit of lava/that green stuff you sometimes see in dungeons in RPGs that is vaguely described as sludge, if at all.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:07 pm

Yeah if they did infact make it so you could kill everyone like you could in Morrowind and just have the little thing popping up saying you gotta restart the game from this point if you wanna finish the mainquest that would be great.

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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:45 am

Yeah if they did infact make it so you could kill everyone like you could in Morrowind and just have the little thing popping up saying you gotta restart the game from this point if you wanna finish the mainquest that would be great.

...Only, remember to protect them from marauding Xivali and the such, letting you be the only one capable of ending their lives. Otherwise I'll be MAJORLY PISSED. :stare:
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:16 pm

Okay, this is something not outlandish that is fairly easy to do and adds loads of fun and immersion.

Different style of creature/monster attacks. Not all of them should just mindlessly charge at you and fight to the death.

Wolves - Usually attack in packs (2-5) circle you, jump in, bite, jump out.

I'm sure you could make small differences for other animals. Lions would be stealthy and pounce, would chase you far. Bears might stand up, only chase you a little bit. As for ogres, trolls, etc..idk
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:58 pm

...Only, remember to protect them from marauding Xivali and the such, letting you be the only one capable of ending their lives. Otherwise I'll be MAJORLY PISSED. :stare:

That would be something that I would actually like to see when you raise the difficulty slider up so it forces you to use healing spells and the like and to distract the enemies. But of course ONLY when the difficulty slider is maxed out would this be nice to have to make the storyline very precious and fragile.
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Sophie Morrell
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