» Fri May 27, 2011 6:59 pm
I think eating and drinking should be in the game not only as this would add more immersive ways of healing but also give all the food you can find a meaning and add to gameplay with new mechanics.
Now first off, what should eating do and don't.
What it should do is regenerating health, however I don't say it shouldn't give you instant healing, no bite in a sandwich and you're fine again. However what it DOES to it boost natural regeneration.
Your health, stamina and possibly magic slowly regenerating over time. What eating does is boost and upkeep this, if you eat regularly and "good" food your regeneration rate would be high, eating little or nothing makes it go down.
Eating should NOT be a necessity just to stay alive, you don't loose health for not eating and you don't DIE. What not eating does is simply slowly make your health regeneration rate go down, and starving might also inhibit stamina regeneration. Also you wouldn't have to eat like every 10 minutes, more like every 1 ? 2 in-game days or so would be the "minimum necessity" to upkeep a good regeneration rate. The regeneration boost wouldn't be instant too, it depends on WHAT food you eat as well. Some foods get in your system faster, some nourish you longer and so on.
Your regeneration wouldn't fully fade too but go down to a very low rate. Plus you can still regenerate health and magic by sleeping and stamina already by simply resting (letting your char catch his breath by going slow or sit down a bit).
Drinking gives you a stronger regeneration boost over a much shorter time than eating. It also depends on what you drink, clear water only boosts stamina regeneration, but other drinks give additional regeneration boosts, like potions for health, or maybe teas for mana. Some drinks like coffee or beer have additional effects for your stats. Antidotes also work over time and counter poison effects, instead of simply removing the poison instantly.
Food is digested over a day or so, drinks over few hours (in-game time). You can only eat or drink so much though. If you are full and keep eating, your stamina regeneration goes down, or you'll get nauseous and vomit eventually. This could actually save you if you ate something poisonous, you can consume something extremely bitter or drink enough water to make you vomit the poison. Maybe it can even be possible to smuggle something in your stomach.
Food is digested at a much slower rate while you rest or sleep. That way you can "wait" a lot longer without having to eat again like when you have to wait a few days for a certain event and just want to skip them.
While drinking gives your stamina only a short time boost, sleeping keeps up your stamina regeneration for up to a day. Like eating you could go quite a while without sleep without suffering negative effects too strongly, after a full day without sleep your character would just tire out a bit faster but this can still be countered with "energy drinks". After 2 full days you'd start to tire out faster and your character is a bit dizzy and after 3 days it can even happen that you hallucinate.
Though I don't think sleeping actually is THAT much of a problem seeing as it regenerates everything and heals heavy injuries faster.
Another idea is that a resting (not sleeping) character uses the time to meditate, which boosts his mana regeneration for some hours.
In very hot areas you automatically get a "Hyperthermia" or heatstroke status effect that can get worse depending on the temperature, your clothing and your natural resistances. It slowly drains your stamina, and in worse stages of Hyperthermia and dehydration your character also gets dizzy and starts to hallucinate. Water kinda acts like an "antidote" to that, meaning as long as water is in your system, the hyperthermia effects are reduced.
Inversely in very cold areas you can get a "Hypothermia" status effect, again depending on temperature, clothing and resistances, which, in addition to draining your stamina, slowly makes your muscles stiffen, your movements becoming more sluggish and shaky. Eating and drinking warm foods acts as a "antidote" here, drinking alcohol counteracts the effect on your movement a bit but doesn't really warm you. Actually generally eating food counters the effects a bit unless it's too cold.
Passing out is a serious risk in areas that constantly drain your stamina, as you'll probably never wake up again unless you are very lucky and get rescued. If you pass out while swimming, you might get washed onto the shore and regain consciousness.
Food scarcity is usually not an issue, but if you plan a longer trip, you should bring rations.