Regardless, the TES series, for being the best RPG, is lacking big time on the biggest RPG aspect: making choices. I also feel that their customization svcks without mods. You're one of three characters, with a few little things offsetting them from being exactly the same.
[this is a complilation of ideas ive had, i dont know if they've been said already or not but here they are, and constructive criticism only please

EDIT: i love the daedric armor idea up ^there^, i was kinda disappointed that i had a full set of daedric armor at level 20 somthing in OB when to this day i havent had a full set of daedric armor in MW and ive been playing for 5 years.
i agree entirely, i know im going to get yelled at by some one who is a die hard beth fan and dispises bioware, but i would really like to see the choice making factor that is present in bioware games ,like mass effect and kotor, to be present in TES:V and on the point of siding with the good or bad guys, it wouldnt nessesarily have to be good or bad, you could still fight for the empire but in a way that could differ for instance you can either go and destroy a village that is harboring spys or root the spys out through an investigation and then take them to prison, both come out to the same result, the spys arent there anymore, but this result could be achieved in multiple ways, and with each way theres an out come, not a major one but still an outcome. for example some side quests may be lost since you destroyed the village and some may be gained because some faction sees that your ruthless enough to join them. and also inclde more than one major NPC, so if you choose the bad path(destoying the village) you gain influence with one but lose influence with another. and on the comment about being one of three characters, i think beth just need to branch out with nuetral characters such as joint classes that are for example, proficient in both combat and magick but not as proficient in either one as someone who is proficient in just magick or combat. and also have skills that are restricted to certain classes, for example you dont normally see a mage going around toting a warhammer, and you dont see a warrior using the unarmored skill, and i know this makes it were it takes away from the point of customization and the "i can be what i want to be factor" but i would force players to branch out and play as different classes and custom char builds. also i think that they should bring back the difficulty in advancing in guild that contradicts your char build like in MW, because in OB i found that even as playing as an assassin i could easily advance to the top of the mages guild or fighters guild. it made making a "super char" easy and i found that completing quest in OB wasnt very hard once you got to about level 25. i also think they should increase the leveling list in TESV for example the player wouldnt get daedric weapons until level 35. it would make playing the game alot more fun and give the feeling that you have to go that extra mile to get something but when you get it, its well earned, for example i had a daedric dai katana in MW at level 6, from killing the guy in the guard tower at the dren plantation. and i know this is a special circumstance because it wasnt a leveled NPC but it completely ruined the feeling of acomplishment that i had when i first played MW and finding a steel claymore at level 8 was so awsome that i had to go tell everyone. and id also like beth to include a maximum limit on chameleon/shield/reflect magnitude when enchanting, i found it entirely to easy to do quests and get away with things when no one could see me. and on that note quests should be alot longer and more challenging in TESV, like the ultimate hiest quest in OB. all in all i think beth should make TESV more difficult but only in a way that makes the player want to keep treking through that ruin to find the artifact at the bottom or not be able to go and beat the arena in one day, but have to do it over the cousre of the game, and really feel accomnplished at the end of a quest and not the normal ok im finnaly done with that crap now weres my gold feeling.