On topic about the whole quest-marker, compass etc. I think that what we need is not to take away the quest-marker, but to add more stuff (bear with me!)
I say we make the quest-compass optional, easy to toggle on and off from the esc menu (or whatever it's called) then we have that whole problem with the compass...this means that for all compass users, the game should supply sufficient information for your task, no more mystical diaries that know everything (should be toggled too)
No. I am vehemently opposed to toggling any major, or hell, even minor, gameplay mechanic. It is bad development if a game developer creates a game as complex as this and can't decide on a design that makes most people happy.
Personally, I believe the issue with the compass was that it lacked variance. In some quests, where the player was supposed to be looked for something in an area, the compass pointed straight to it. Instead, it should have a circle on the map, in which the object could be anywhere within that circle. On the compass itself it would be a green horizontal line, which would expand to cover the entire compass when you were within the boundaries of the circle.
This way, if an objective's location is known, it can be directly pointed to. It it isn't known, you won't get any marker. If the general location is known, you will receive a circle. Simple, easy, makes perfect sense, and allows quests that make the player search for something exist while still being able to use the compass to aid directionally challenged players.
Necromancy is the animating of a dead body or the trapping of a soul. Conjuration is the act of teleporting something that exists somewhere else to your location for a set time period or until they are about to die. When you Conjure a zombie or the like, your are simply taking a zombie from a random cave and having it fight for you, where as to necromance a Zombie you'd have to bind it's joints with leater/steel, assemble all the body parts, and cast an Animate body spell (one that would last until the creature was destroyed again.
You can not tell me with a straight face that conjuring undead is anything more than a cheap gameplay backdoor so that the devs would not have to take the time to make a specific necromancy skill. In addition, there is very little, if almost no, lore information on conjuring undead.
I don't care if they still allow conjurers to summon undead, but damn it I want the ability to have a permanent mindless slave to do my bidding and not disappear at a crucial moment.