Imagine, it is dark. A wolf howls in the distance. You sit upon your horse as you ride it to the city, passing groups of wounded soldiers walking in the same direction, one is dead at the side of the road, face down in a pool of blood. At the gates to the city you met by a refugee camp, the buzz of flies filling your ears.
Now compare that image to that of Oblivion. Demons have entered Tamriel but aren't attacking towns or gaining land, they just loiter. Beggars are fed by thieves for information and nobody is that poor (i never found beggars very convincing). There are no crimes that you don't commit or are more serious than a stolen loaf of bread. Indeed the darkest part of Oblivion is the Dark Brotherhood, but that isn't hard for an assassin guild.
Who else thinks the next TES needs to be darker?
Although you seem to harbor some kind of prejudace against beggars I am with you. There was no grime in Oblivion. Everything was shiny and pretty. While the graphics were really good, everything was polished and nice. There was indeed a demonic invasion that effect on anyone outside of one city, kvatch, that was never rebuilt (without mods that is