TES V Ideas and Suggestions # 141

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:25 pm

I'd like the next TES game to be far darker. I want, poverty, wounded stragglers from a nearby conflict, drunks on the streets, betrayal. I'm thinking Dragon Age Origins dark, on that there are civil wars, beggars and communities that get wiped out as the story progresses.
Imagine, it is dark. A wolf howls in the distance. You sit upon your horse as you ride it to the city, passing groups of wounded soldiers walking in the same direction, one is dead at the side of the road, face down in a pool of blood. At the gates to the city you met by a refugee camp, the buzz of flies filling your ears.
Now compare that image to that of Oblivion. Demons have entered Tamriel but aren't attacking towns or gaining land, they just loiter. Beggars are fed by thieves for information and nobody is that poor (i never found beggars very convincing). There are no crimes that you don't commit or are more serious than a stolen loaf of bread. Indeed the darkest part of Oblivion is the Dark Brotherhood, but that isn't hard for an assassin guild.

Who else thinks the next TES needs to be darker?

Although you seem to harbor some kind of prejudace against beggars I am with you. There was no grime in Oblivion. Everything was shiny and pretty. While the graphics were really good, everything was polished and nice. There was indeed a demonic invasion that had....no effect on anyone outside of one city, kvatch, that was never rebuilt (without mods that is ;).
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:25 pm

Although you seem to harbor some kind of prejudace against beggars I am with you. There was no grime in Oblivion. Everything was shiny and pretty. While the graphics were really good, everything was polished and nice. There was indeed a demonic invasion that had....no effect on anyone outside of one city, kvatch, that was never rebuilt (without mods that is ;).

I am not prejudiced against beggars, prejudice suggests i dislike them simply for being beggars when in reality i have a number of valid reasons for hating them.

1. "Me children are starving please help" Beggars are liars who say they have the only children in the universe.
2. "One more coin and i can git a pair of shoes" no matter how much money i gave them they still had no shoes or no new shoes.
3 "Have pity on an old war veteran" What war are you a veteran of then? How can i believe that Puny Ancus was a veteran?
4. They work for the thieves Guild, they deserve no charity.

Some more gritty, no-nonsense armour would be nice as well; I'm a down to earth sort of person who wears Steel armour no matter its armour rating, simply because it looks real but carefully crafted, iron looks real but is produced en mass.
I'm aware that it is a fantasy game that appeals to people who like elven, daedric and other frilly clothing but it would be nice to have some more functional looking armour as well.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:38 am

I am not prejudiced against beggars, prejudice suggests i dislike them simply for being beggars when in reality i have a number of valid reasons for hating them.

1. "Me children are starving please help" Beggars are liars who say they have the only children in the universe.
2. "One more coin and i can git a pair of shoes" no matter how much money i gave them they still had no shoes or no new shoes.
3 "Have pity on an old war veteran" What war are you a veteran of then? How can i believe that Puny Ancus was a veteran?
4. They work for the thieves Guild, they deserve no charity.

Some more gritty, no-nonsense armour would be nice as well; I'm a down to earth sort of person who wears Steel armour no matter its armour rating, simply because it looks real but carefully crafted, iron looks real but is produced en mass.
I'm aware that it is a fantasy game that appeals to people who like elven, daedric and other frilly clothing but it would be nice to have some more functional looking armour as well.

I was just kidding. I don't care if they have a beggar grinding machine in the next game to make soilent green.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:28 am

Alright, I've just got Daggerfall running, I've been playing for a few hours now, and I must say, aside from the graphics and controls and the fact that the whole screen goes multicoloured after a few minutes of play and I have to save and reload the game... Daggerfall is by far the best game I've ever played (so far), the fact that you can climb walls is a neat feature, the map size is mindbogglingly staggeringly immensely huge, a city in that game is a city not a town, you wander from one side of the city of Daggerfall to the other and it takes maybe twenty minutes. The skill list is better suited to an RPG than I've before encountered.

In short, why not learn from the past? ESV (TESV) should scale back on the graphics, or at least not improve by much, and the developers should focus on the size of the world, the skill system, the number of npc's, the number of quests and random quests and side quests, the size of the world (again), the reality of the world and play environment...

I could go on but I won't, devs, please play Daggerfall again, then Morrowind, then start working on ESV.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:40 am

Being able to choose the fate of people, cities and the whole province would increase immersion by a lot, your character is meant to be the one who changes everything in the province to become more stable. By more stable I mean one governing faction controlling everything.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:22 pm

Random Generated Quest.

About the random quests - There should be atleast 1 random quest pr day at every guild, and the quest would have to be guild related.

1) Fighters Guild type quest.
When asking a fighters guild memeber about "Any New Task?", you will recieve a letter to read your quest, and that letter a random person like "Lost Merchant" will be generated and will be spawned in a random cave/ruin. You will then recieve money or even an item if your high rank enough. Or maybe a quest like :"I have to get x number of iron nuggets and a hammer (and other items used when smithing) and get it back to the guild.

2) Mages Guild type quest.
These quests should focus on magic. I don have some very cool quest ideas, but something like "A (randomi generated) person in a village needs some potions, and you have to get it to him/her. Or a witch is practising spell castin without the mages guild agreemend. Find a way to make her sign the agreemend". (Man.....I fail at making mage quests).

3) Thieves Guild type quests.
Well, a "taskmanager" asks you to kidnap a wealthy persons family member and use as blackmail, or maybe you need to find some new lockpicks and take it to x city, cause the thieves there are running low. Or maybe: "We need you get a guard outfit to disguise, so we can get our items back from the evidence chest at the castle dungeon".

4) Dark Brotherhood type quests.
The pc will randomise a person at an inn or some other place, whos food you need to poison or just kill in their sleep.

5) Merchants type quest (If ther ever will be such a guild).
The merchant will give you a list of items that the shops need, and you have 48 ours to get it.

I cant think for more quest, but the game should be made so it will never generate the same person in the same town with the same items. At every generated quest should be a comepletely new location and new person.
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:19 pm

Random Generated Quest.

About the random quests - There should be atleast 1 random quest pr day at every guild, and the quest would have to be guild related.

1) Fighters Guild type quest.
When asking a fighters guild memeber about "Any New Task?", you will recieve a letter to read your quest, and that letter a random person like "Lost Merchant" will be generated and will be spawned in a random cave/ruin. You will then recieve money or even an item if your high rank enough. Or maybe a quest like :"I have to get x number of iron nuggets and a hammer (and other items used when smithing) and get it back to the guild.

Sounds good, they should also put in escort quests and quests to get rid of Bandits and Goblins that would spawn in caves and around camps

2) Mages Guild type quest.
These quests should focus on magic. I don have some very cool quest ideas, but something like "A (randomi generated) person in a village needs some potions, and you have to get it to him/her. Or a witch is practising spell castin without the mages guild agreemend. Find a way to make her sign the agreemend". (Man.....I fail at making mage quests).

Getting shipments of potions, if Necromancers are on your side you could ask towns and cities to allow the Necromancers to study dead prisoners, helping getting rid of rogue Mages/Necromancers. Also in TES 5 there won't be a mages guild, the Mages guild collasped after the Necromancer ban, it's now the colledge of whispers

3) Thieves Guild type quests.
Well, a "taskmanager" asks you to kidnap a wealthy persons family member and use as blackmail, or maybe you need to find some new lockpicks and take it to x city, cause the thieves there are running low. Or maybe: "We need you get a guard outfit to disguise, so we can get our items back from the evidence chest at the castle dungeon".

4) Dark Brotherhood type quests.
The pc will randomise a person at an inn or some other place, whos food you need to poison or just kill in their sleep.

Sounds good, recruiting new members would also be good

5) Merchants type quest (If ther ever will be such a guild).
The merchant will give you a list of items that the shops need, and you have 48 hours to get it.

Protecting shipments from Pirates and Bandits, collecting Money from people who are excepting Items from the shop.

I think Randomly Generated quests should be included, it gives the guild a purpose after you finish the questline
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:00 pm

Hybrid races:

Well here's a thought we never heard before :P.
Actually, you likely haven't heard it this way before as what I'd suggest is that there ARE hybrid races but NOT visually.
No, mixing a Orc and a Dunmer won't give you a green elf or a blue skinned Orc.

However what it does it mixing the race specific attributes, immunities and weaknesses.
This would actually be in canon with the lore since this is how Bretons where created, they still look 100% human even though they stem from generations of controlled breeding between humans and elf's, they simply have enhanced magical abilities.

Now the way this would be handled is taking the mothers and fathers racial stats, it would take 75% of the mothers and 25% of the fathers and mix them together. Visually it would always be the mother race though, as mentioned, no visual mixing between them.

That way you could also chose your mothers and fathers race in the beginning, this wouldn't contradict the "of unknown parents" part the games usually start off with as you'd only know their race but nothing else.

However the character editor should actually be advanced enough to create mixed looking races, at least to make them somewhat appear like that, for example a Bosmer who wouldn't stick out between Nords since he's built and has a similar face like one.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:04 am

Couldn't they decimate that piece of information and make half blue/half green orc dark elves?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:12 am

in regards to randomly-generated quests in guilds, an idea I've liked would be to make it so at some relatively early point in the guild's questline, you would be required to join a specific branch of the guild, and that branch would determine what types of random quests you would get.

For instance, in the Mage's Guild, you might join different branches based on the different magic skills. So, if you join the Destruction Guildhall, the quests you get might be themed around acting as a mercenary warmage; the Alteration Guildhall might give quests based around exploration and dungeon-delving; and the Illusion Guildhall might give quests based on sneaking and infiltrating; and so on.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:01 pm

^ i really love that idea..maybe this could apply to the fighters guild too, so like the heavy armour and light armour? :shrug:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:40 pm

Maybe some fists weapons or just have you armor gloves add boosts. If you were wearing iron it could decrease speed but add power and etc. im gonna think of this more in depth though
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:18 pm

Its been said before, but I think TESV should make it so that you might get mugged in the city, or be able to really mug others, like holding a knife to their throat. It just seems weird that the pc is pretty much the only person capable of breaking the law. (yes i know about the occasional pickpocket, but that hardly counts).

On an unrelated note, magic should leave visible marks, you cast a fireball at someone you should see horrible burn marks and scars and they should scream in agony, depending on how strong it is possibly dropping their weapon and clutching their face. Ice spells should slow your enemies down and make them very stiff. Shock spells should send spasms through your enemies. These are just a smalll portion of the many magic suggestions i've come up with throughout my few years playing pretty much every character as a mage.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:21 pm

Merchants. Everything they have for sale should be visible in the store, except special or rare items which could be held in a strongbox, and thieving should directly affect them. If you steal from the store regularly, the merchant should eventually go out of business. If Bethesda includes the ability for a player to be a merchant and own a store, than if they constantly loot a rival store, any of these should happen: They go out of business after a while and your commerce increases or you are caught by private guards and charged/sent to jail and your assets siezed.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:36 pm

Character should go to bed if I press sleep and when wake up the character should got out you can't stand and sleep near bed can you?

If there is going to be Vampire and Werewolf
I think they should make a cinematic when character change in to Vampire or Werewolf
if not Cinematic then they should make it that we can see some change like some mod in morrowind that make your character fall down and groan when they change and then cut to cinematic but there should be more feature than that
and when you have your Vampire dream the character should act like it's having a nightmare maybe on bed before get up?

Anyone got better suggestion?
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:25 pm

I think they should make a cinematic when character change in to Vampire or Werewolf

A SKIPABLE cinematic, please. :stare:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:22 pm

I think Neltharain means when you initially turn into one, which wouldn't be too bad in my opinion.

One thing that has occurred to me with magic, is the TES's idea of becoming more powerful is a little limited. Instead of being able to cast spells with greater magnitudes or areas of effect, the spells themselves should perform their task better. If you become really adept in a magical school, then you should also be able to create specialised versions of spell effects.

For example, how I would like Detect Life to be implemented would be:

As your Mysticism level increases, you are capable of casting the spell over a greater area, for a longer duration.

Also, as your Mysticism increases, so too does the 'sharpness' of the spell effect. So at low levels all players can see are pink blobs, whilst a high Mysticism will allow players to actually see detail.

Once Mysticism is over a certain threshold, players can create specialised versions of Detect Life:
- Detect Monster
- Detect Undead
- Detect Plantlife
- Detect Person

For offensive effects such as Fire or Frost, perhaps players could be allowed to access additional effects once their Destruction was suitably high. For example...

- OK I am going to make a Frost spell that is of 20 Magnitude and 3 seconds duration.

- My Destruction skill is high enough that (for an additional magicka cost) I can add a small chance of:
- The target being slowed down a little (Destrution needs to be high)
- The target being paralyzed for a second (Destruction needs to be super high)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:36 am

I would LOVE a TESV and in it add some new factions like werewolf and vampire guild and add bigger citys and more NPC's with their own actions, also place it in skyrem it will fell like morrowind's BloodMoon, it would have a barbaric thing to it
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:15 pm

I would like to see some large scale battles. Keep the variety in player housing. Whoever made the darkbrotherhood questline should make pretty much every quest. Less loading screens if possible. Use pointlook out as a model for the ideal dlc. ($10, explorable, and new items). Add a co-op similar to borderlands, where players can drop in and out. I would personally prefer generic/expendable companions. A dog. Make the main quest feel epic like the in TES IV, I think its acceptable to make the main character save the entire world.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:11 am

I'd like the next TES game to be far darker. I want, poverty, wounded stragglers from a nearby conflict, drunks on the streets, betrayal. I'm thinking Dragon Age Origins dark, on that there are civil wars, beggars and communities that get wiped out as the story progresses.
Imagine, it is dark. A wolf howls in the distance. You sit upon your horse as you ride it to the city, passing groups of wounded soldiers walking in the same direction, one is dead at the side of the road, face down in a pool of blood. At the gates to the city you met by a refugee camp, the buzz of flies filling your ears.
Now compare that image to that of Oblivion. Demons have entered Tamriel but aren't attacking towns or gaining land, they just loiter. Beggars are fed by thieves for information and nobody is that poor (i never found beggars very convincing). There are no crimes that you don't commit or are more serious than a stolen loaf of bread. Indeed the darkest part of Oblivion is the Dark Brotherhood, but that isn't hard for an assassin guild.

Who else thinks the next TES needs to be darker?

Certainly. Some things in Oblivion didn't make sense. You have Oblivion gates opening all over Tamriel, and things are supposedly very scary and dangerous, yet... the game doesn't portray that. Daedra didn't attack cities (except for Kvatch, I'll give them that). What Oblivion should have done, was better show an actual crisis. Not just pretend it was happening. There should have been active guards defending cities at all times against Oblivion gates. There don't need to be specific quests toward them either, they're just something that would make the game make sense.
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:39 pm

I would like to see some large scale battles. Keep the variety in player housing. Whoever made the darkbrotherhood questline should make pretty much every quest. Less loading screens if possible. Use pointlook out as a model for the ideal dlc. ($10, explorable, and new items). Add a co-op similar to borderlands, where players can drop in and out. I would personally prefer generic/expendable companions. A dog. Make the main quest feel epic like the in TES IV, I think its acceptable to make the main character save the entire world.

I hated the epicness of OB's questline, I want something like MW's. OB it felt too forced.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:43 am

Yeah, Oblivion tried and failed miserably at "epic." Nor do I want Bethesda to shoot for "epic."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:30 pm

The light armor should be more fitting to the body. I always felt that the light armor in Oblivion seemed to big and cumbersome.

I would also appreciate a more refined third person experience. Fallout 3 was much better than Oblivion, but it could go a long way. If you have an awesome looking character, then I believe you should be able to see him while your playing (possibly without switching back to first person because sword play and bow shooting was too unwieldy in third person).

Stealth kill animations/ critical hit animations (like Dragon Age critical hit decapitations)

Better walking and running animations

Different fighting styles (different ways of holding and attacking with weapons) that you could learn and perhaps pick and choose from once you learned them.

Spears, chain weapons, duel wielding, crossbows, fist weapons, kicks, a more diverse array of magical staffs

More complex fighting system

Wider array unique armor (take the daedric shrines for example)

More plain clothing

Full masked headwear

Boats maybe for travel to different islands

Specific chests for armor, weapons, and other items that allow you access to all of your items, no matter which house your in

Higher level cap.

More monsters appear at higher levels.

More quests, more expansive side quests.

Possibly desert terrain to mix it up a bit.

Maybe have dexterous characters dodge attacks when they hold the block button, in place of a shield block.

Stab wounds.

Have the races actually differ in build, so they don't feel so humanoid. Armor could be refitted if a small character got it off of an ogre.

Every face in that game was ugly. The character creation in Fallout 3 was much better, so go that direction.

ONLINE COOPERATIVE PLAY. Borderlands did it with some success, and I believe the new elder scrolls would prosper from it.

Thanks for listening guys.
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:14 pm

Wut? Which part of MW's MQ was not epic?

Although...the big ultimate battle outside Bruma, where about 12 or so people turn up made me laugh.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:49 pm

Beth should DEFINATELY go for epic. I want an epic MQ. What I don't want is an apocolyptic, which is what they went for, and that's why it failed.
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