TES V Ideas and Suggestions # 143,

Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:04 pm

I'd rahter go with the approach that repairing is more than just clicking a button over and over.
Also for repairing you should actually need repair materials svck as iron instead of just magically having your armor patched up when hammering on it. Some armors can also be "patched" with other materials which does repair them less strong but at least fixes holes.

I played Everquest 2 for a while and really enjoyed the crafting mini-games. I would spend a lot of time in the lizard-dudes city making stuff. I think a more pronounced option at crafting weapons, armor, potions, etc... would add a lot of depth to the gameplay without really sacrificing much if anything. People who don't want to craft can find wares at shops or drops, and those who want to be collectors and crafters could do that. It's one of the few things I like about MMO's.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:33 am

I'm not sure if someone has said this already, but let us go to all the lands! I have been craving to explore the Black Marsh, Morrowind (I don't have that game) and the other mysterious provinces that surround Cyrodil. I would also like to see if any other "empires" exist! Let us travel more. I do hope this is implemented, because Cyrodil feels pretty small.
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Ann Church
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:01 pm

Enjoy either 1) your Elder Scrolls game in 24 years, or 2) you Elder Scrolls game scaled down to where all of Tamriel is the same size as Cyrodiil.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:31 pm

If they were to, hypothetically, try and do a game with all Tamriel, one way they could do it that would work would be to release a game with just one province, and then start doing a continuous expansion cycle, similar to a lot of MMOs; every year or so, put out an expansion containing a new province, or a large chunk of a province. Just keep doing that for a few years, and bam, you've got Tamriel.

Of course, this would cause any sequel to lose some of its luster, as we wouldn't be seeing any new land, so that would have to be kept in mind.
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:08 pm

Except a continuous expansion cycle would not be doing each province justice.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:56 pm

i think there should be a spell that works as a spell that stops your enemies in a dramatic way. Like a curse. This spell would allow the player too torture his enemies. Or just have fun. What the npc would do is he/she would get hit by the curse but then would on her knees and say please no stop it kill me. or just scream. If a creature was hit by the spell then it would scream out loud and fall. Even a evil laugh would be nice extra too the character.Even the curse could be sent continuously in a stream of energy.

Also wands should be introduced into the game. like wands should act as focusers for the mage. But also the wand should be able too have its own magic. It should be able too regenenerate energy. It could have the ability to knock back or knock down an enemy when you tap the attack button. A stream of magic would come out that had one or multiple effects. Also wands should be able to block attacks and spells. But also when your blocking you could release magic that would push back your enemies. also when the wand is in block position it should act as a torch by leading the way.

Also bethesda more clothing designs should be introduced and would each be in different colors. Also veils and cloaks of many colors should be introduced too the game. also on top of my veil or hood i would like to add a crown or etc. I would love to have the same rbes that dumbledore wore in hp1 and hp6. I would also love to have the robes that syl and thadon had.

Also there should be buyable and empty lots in ESV. That would allow for customization of property, security, services, there should be the ability to add fences to the property, and design.

Also these properties can be used for commerce like put a shop there or an inn. And every week or month you would earn money. Also you could support your buisness by hiring a express boy/girl. Who would go on horseback to town to town spreading the word of your new establishment.

There should be a banking system.
When the character wants too make another staff wand or any other weapon.. There should be a screen that pops up and lets you add your name in gold, put designs. make your weapon surrounded by flame. They could add crystals and etc. it should also be shown to you in a screen where you could make your customizations and etc. then you would know what your getting then it would be delivered to you or your residence for free or a fee. For furniture thet you order it should be customized and you should pick where it goes.

Also characters should be allowed to have stocks. And characters should be able too buy empty lots in all the cities. and turn them into houses inns or shops. For the shops the character should be able too hire workers too sell items. the character should be able too buy ownable mines and extract the minerals from the mine and send it too your shops. Also the goods can be sent by caravan too your stores. Then they could turn them into whatever and you get money. also the workers should be essential

for the inns you would get a permit and build however on your lot. then you would open your buisness to the public by sending messengers to send good news about your inns or shops.

Also for the guilds i think one go through special quests meetings paperwork and leveling before you could become the next level.

Also there should be pets like a lion or dog or etc.

There should be pools of substantiation where you could make creatures like pheonixes or daedra.

The arcane university should be as big as a small town. Also it should have a giant greenhouse with most of the worlds ingredients.

Also players should be allowed to design there house. By choosing everything or by starting with a already made design. You could add a fence or huge gate. Add a guard dog or daedra. Or add regular guards. Add your own services. You could have a house in the woods. Add what you want including floor and etc. now this is for empty lots.

shape shapeshifting should be allowed also possessing beings but not spirits.

Also for the buisness just for fun a player could own his own strip club or prosttute house Where you would hire your dancers. Or prosttutes. You could build it to your customizations. and for fun you could have any race any gender. now it could be either gay or straight. Just for civil purposes.

sixual content should be allowed in the game.
Well on my idea about the properties. I think that it would be nice to buy empty lots and change them into inn,houses,shops and even a prosttute house.

In these properties you would custromize it by a design thats already done and you would decide on everything else.

For the inns as i said earlier you would hire a inn keeper and a maid. You would pay them once and thats it because they have a place too stay and something to eat. You would also get all of your money sent to your bank account. For the design you have already decided how many rooms you want in your house. The workers would be essential. Also you would get someone too spread the news about your buisness.

For the prosttute houses you would design it and you would get your money sent to your bank account. The prosttutes would be all of the races and each gender. You would either have it gay or straight it's by what you choose.The game has too be gay friendly for sales. Also you would have the prosttutes pay you there tips. You would also decide how many rooms you would have in the rooms.

For the house.
Players should be allowed to design there house. By choosing everything or by starting with a already made design. You could add a fence or huge gate. Add a guard dog or daedra. Or add regular guards. Add your own services. You could have a house in the woods. Add what you want including floor and etc. now this is for empty lots.

for the shops,
Also characters should be allowed to have stocks. And characters should be able too buy empty lots in all the cities. and turn them into houses inns or shops. For the shops the character should be able too hire workers too sell items. the character should be able too buy ownable mines and extract the minerals from the mine and send it too your shops. Also the goods can be sent by caravan too your stores. Then they could turn them into whatever and you get money. also the workers should be essential.

Also for a item. There should be a special cloak that when warn has light or shadows coming from it. But when you double jump it allows the wearer to be engulfed in shadow or light and fly. While you fly darkness or light comes from you in a stream. Also u have the ability to to do spells. But when you touch the ground you are normal, also when your attcked you fall to the ground.

A spell ive been thinking of is a spell that makes surroung walls of fire appear. but you need a wand. Then any threat near you will be attacked by streams of fire coming from the walls. But you musty try to hold it for as long as possible. Like in hp6.

Also they should have giant daedra or monsters roaming the forest. or some place.

also some shapeshifting would be nice please.

also about the flying the use of flying should be granted to certain items so that lets say u double jump u could fly. And u could look like a glowing wisp or a dark shadowy cloud. and as u fly u could have like shadows or light coming from u as u fly. but this is for special items that have a special curse or enchantment on them.

also houses could be burnt down. But u could stop the burning by using a water spell. also repairing key items should be available.

please do look at these ideas.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:57 pm

also a witches coven or a vatican of some sort should be in the making. so that players could build a religious status.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 1:36 pm

also evil should be part of the game. instead of a one way street.
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:17 am

:facepalm: How many times have we told you to use the edit button?
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:03 pm

On the whole physical alteration with rise in attributes, I would like if, say, you hit 75 strength, then you get the option to switch to a more muscular appearance. This way, people who wanna play a little girl, with enormous power, doesn't have to look the effort.

This would also create a interesting aspect, if it was a standard for NPCs, this way when you look at a bandit up ahead, and he's resembling Conan the Barbarian, well than you know that he has 100 strength, and you should probably try ranged attacks.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:17 pm

I would really like to see this feature from Morrowind return in TESV; When you first start a new game, the map starts out completely blank, and the more you explore, more of the map is revealed. So if you just walk in a straight line from one end of the map to the other, only that line will be highlighted, and what lies out in the rest of the map is a mystery. It's very useful for remembering where you have and haven't been, and it also stops you from knowing where the major cities are before you discover them, unlike in Oblivion, where every major city already has fast travel markers as soon as you emerge from the sewer.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:05 am

i think the next game should be more like the shivering isles how the mq was more decision based you could give resources to make special weapons and armor each place is unique like how every ruin had something special about it they all werent the same basic structure of hallways and big rooms with bandit in it like oblivion was a lot of npcs should give you quests more variety's of random objects more quest where you gotta gather rare objects for people like the museum of oddities

over all i thought the shivering isles is what oblivion shouldve been like and i hope the next game has the same kind of set up like that
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 3:09 pm

I would really like to see this feature from Morrowind return in TESV; When you first start a new game, the map starts out completely blank, and the more you explore, more of the map is revealed. So if you just walk in a straight line from one end of the map to the other, only that line will be highlighted, and what lies out in the rest of the map is a mystery. It's very useful for remembering where you have and haven't been, and it also stops you from knowing where the major cities are before you discover them, unlike in Oblivion, where every major city already has fast travel markers as soon as you emerge from the sewer.

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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 10:53 pm

I would really like to see this feature from Morrowind return in TESV; When you first start a new game, the map starts out completely blank, and the more you explore, more of the map is revealed. So if you just walk in a straight line from one end of the map to the other, only that line will be highlighted, and what lies out in the rest of the map is a mystery. It's very useful for remembering where you have and haven't been, and it also stops you from knowing where the major cities are before you discover them, unlike in Oblivion, where every major city already has fast travel markers as soon as you emerge from the sewer.

I understand the concept, but we have to figure that maps showing the location of cities and roads would be rather common.
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 11:41 pm

I understand the concept, but we have to figure that maps showing the location of cities and roads would be rather common.

There were maps like that in Morrowind for the cities, they were presented as in-game scrolls. I like that approach, rather than assuming my character knows every hillock and vale of the province at level 1. :)
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D LOpez
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:57 pm

Ironically the reverse was true in Morrowind. The character knew the exact relief from the start, which he promptly forgot and replaced with useless texture information as he explored :D
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Steve Bates
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:05 pm

I understand the concept, but we have to figure that maps showing the location of cities and roads would be rather common.

I just prefer the way Morrowind approached it. It was much more exciting walking over a hill and suddenly seeing a city I didn't know was there. At the very least, they could not put fast travel marks on the map from the very beginning.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:47 pm

I just prefer the way Morrowind approached it. It was much more exciting walking over a hill and suddenly seeing a city I didn't know was there. At the very least, they could not put fast travel marks on the map from the very beginning.

Thruth, I liked the exploration of morrowind more than oblivion. When I opened the map in morrowind, I allways thought that if I were to travel from Balmora to Ald'Ruhn, I might as well check the rest of the missing area of the map".

When I first opened the map in oblivion and saw all the major cities, I was like "Fail!".
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 1:49 pm

I'd rahter go with the approach that repairing is more than just clicking a button over and over.
Also for repairing you should actually need repair materials svck as iron instead of just magically having your armor patched up when hammering on it. Some armors can also be "patched" with other materials which does repair them less strong but at least fixes holes.

I like it. Also for some armours namely things like platemail I want an anvil or workbench to be required (with appropriate tools). Oh and I would like it to take time tp take off/put on armour. E.g doing up straps, adjusting, putting on layers. It's not instant you know :P same goes for alchemy, Armourer,

Oh and Marksman DOES NOT affect the damage done with a bow. By azura if I pull back the string and hit a target it hits the target, dammit, Same force, Same damage. Marsman should only affect how accurate you are with a bow. I forgot to mention: Strenth should be require to pull back a longbow. In fact to fully pull back the string of a longbow requires the same strength as lifting a fully grown [average] mans body weight.

Water needs to be handled very differently. Arrows don't fire at high speeds into water and stop like theres a magical barrier. Arrows need to pass through water just with a large water drag.

Really I would quite like them to use Cryengine 3 if not just for it's particle physics style water.
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jessica breen
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 12:13 am

I just prefer the way Morrowind approached it. It was much more exciting walking over a hill and suddenly seeing a city I didn't know was there. At the very least, they could not put fast travel marks on the map from the very beginning.

Even though I haven't player Morrowind yet (hope to soon, though) I completely agree with you
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 8:24 pm

they should add in more dwarven things so the game has a more steam punk feel to it i thought mods of dwermer things were pretty cool and they are lore friendly
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Nuno Castro
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:25 pm

Funny thing about those map scrolls that were mentioned in Morrowind:
Despite being a long time player, I still used them. I knew where most cities were but I would forget which roads took you to them. It was easy to get lost if you were a bit forgetful. So I would stop by the local bookstore and pick a travel scroll up and use the directions it gives to get to the town. It really sped things up and also gave me a totally in-game and in-world directional system that allowed me to comfortably navigate. No magical quest compass. No magical markers when I started the game. An in-game, in-world scroll and shrewd traveling skills took me to my destination quickly and safely.

If that isn't a brilliant solution then I don't know what is.
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Ian White
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:00 pm

I wouldn't mind a perk that lets you free run like in AC, it's a perk that can only be obtained if you are at a high rank in the assassins guild.

Also they should do a hybrid of Morrowind and Fallout 3 for the Fast travel system, you can only Fast-travel to places you have already discovered but you can also use lots of different methods of transport e.g. Ships, Teleportation etc
Then everyone is happy :D
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 10:33 pm

  • No Fallout 3 perk system.

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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:08 pm

If possible, add the little touches. There are all manner of issues that jolt a person back to "this is a game".

For me, it's that people sleep on beds, not in them. Now, I suspect that's more trouble than it's worth at this stage of TESV's development, based on my own intuitive judgment of what I'd be doing and when in Bethesda's case. But There can be other, smaller touches of... not realism exactly, but "Tamriel realism". Just little things where the fantastic books we get to read talk of people doing something that people in-game are incapable of, or we see people who tell us they have a job, and then they stand around.

So... the "small touches" that are "probably not worth it" on the surface, but collectively could be awesome:

- people sleep under covers. Presumably, the same type of system would allow both flexble banners (adaptive meshes so that the sleeper doesn't clip through the sheets) and multistated items (not sure what else you'd need items that could have multiple appearances depending on what an NPC is doing, but the idea is almost certainly reusable)

- water. There are how many different water mods? And how many people c omplain about the look of each? What gets me is that I've seen a lot of water in my lifetime, and all water is not created equal. Take Houghton Lake in Michigan: you can see approximately 4-5 feet down under ideal conditions. At Palms Book State Park, you can see thirty or more feet down under less than ideal circumstances. Can the water system be altered to allow bodies of water to have different clarity levels?

-weather. People have lots of ideas, but the one that's most missing is wind. Especially on water. Yes, Bethesda, fluid dynamics is a bit excessive, but could we fake it over the next couple of games?

-idiosyncratic NPC behavior. Some NPCs should talk in their sleep. Some should snore. Some should toss and turn, while others sleep like the dead. Makes-Steel-Claws, the Argonian smith, should be an early riser, while his cross-town competitor, Haakon the Wencher, should stay open later, and occasionally conduct business while drunk at 3 AM. Additionally, he should hit on female characters and possibly offer them slightly better prices than male characters.

- Simple bookcase managment. Because HMA is on a mission to collect all the books he can, and usually will be. But chests svck for storing books.

- dust. Just... dust. In old castles. In tombs. In houses you don't visit.

Anyone else have small, insignificant things they'd like to see that would simply help them forget that they are playing a game a bit more? Keep in mind, it really should be "meaningless" in the context of the game. No assigning effects to it, no making the player interact. Whatever it is should just exist just to exist!
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