TES V Ideas and Suggestions # 143,

Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:34 pm


Playing as a Personality 100+ / Speechcraft 100+ / Illusion 100+ char from time to time, who says I never would? :) And yes, you can talk with most Bandits and Marauders and the like in Oblivion, they don't always attack you on sight.


ya they do unless they are part of a quest
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 3:21 pm

He/She is Mages guild leader. (S)he can send dremora, or other summons, to 'convince' a politician to do something.

i dont think the dremora like passing out flyers >_>

I just want to say that there should be some small touches. I know this thread is usually about big stuff like story, gameplay, factions, etc., but let's not forget the little things. For example, one of my favorite things in Oblivion is finding retired adventurers who mark good dungeons on your map and tell little mini-stories, like the Orc lady in Cheydinhal. Let's have some more of that!


id like tes to have a bit more rustic feel, maybe darker, stained walls, furnaces, more wooden, stone and wattle-and-daub houses, perhaps more dense/mysterious forests like the ones in these [awesome] pictures

p.s. older people shouldnt sound like younger people; example: rohssan in the IC shouldnt sound like a redgaurd thats 15
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sam westover
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 10:19 pm


ya they do unless they are part of a quest

A simple try, I made a char with:

120 Personality
120 Illusion (not really needed, but whatever :))
120 Speechcraft
70 Fame
"Voice of Rapture" spell (you can make a better spell at this level though if you like to)
A Ring of Shadows and a few Cloak scrolls, to avoid unnecessary violence :)

So basically, straight out of the imperial sewers ...
player.setav personality 120player.setav illusion 120player.setav speechcraft 120modpcfame 70player.addspell a97b0player.additem 91ab1 1player.additem 84aed 10

The result looks like http://www.vernideas.de/tes4/ScreenShot43.jpg. He's a pretty nice guy if you learn to know him a bit better, frankly. And even if he would attack you at first, Charm + yielding is all it takes to be friends again.
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 2:30 am

I don't see why we need the Dark Brotherhood or the Morag Tong. Yes, we should have some assasin guilds in the game but the Dark Brotherhood and the Morag Tong and Camona Tong all belong in Morrowind. Think up some new names and new ideas please, I was greatly disturbed when I found out the Dark Brotherhood was in Oblivion as it showed a major lack of imagination.

How about The Creed, Two Brothers and Peoples Choice as assasin guild names?


Not really. The Comonna Tong is the crime syndocite led by Orvas Dren, but the Morag Tong and the Dark Brotherhood can be found all over the place. The Morag Tong's headquarters is in Morrowind, but the Dark Brotherhood, especially, resides all over Tamriel.

New names and ideas are great... except for the fact that they'd completely destroy the lore that Bethesda's laid a great foundation for. THAT would maken no sense.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:19 am

Hey, before this thread gets particularly in-depth on a particular topic, can I ask a personal favor of the general community?

The favor I request is that we all try to think of ways to reduce the segregation between gameplay and story, such as it is. Videogames are the best artform, period, that humans can make at this point. However, they haven't come close to their potential, mostly because of gameplay/story segregation. So please bear that in mind, okay guys?
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 12:30 am

/broken record

Find the manifesto on what Daggerfall was meant to be. Then do it. Even if the game needs to take a graphical step-down. Graphics are about immersion. But immersion in it's purest form is a fully formed world that's as complex and intricate as our own in it's own way. THAT would be the greatest RPG of all time if pulled off and would be next to impossible to top.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:26 pm

[quote name=shadowstrike45 date='Dec 18 2009, 1:33PM' post='15431323']

ok i dont really know how this works this is my first suggestion but this is what i think should happen

in the first oblivion were you went with martin and went to war i think there should be somthing like that in the next one but i think there should be a massive war like you in a big town standing on the edge of the wall fireing arrows down and a big army coming your way you can go any were like walk down the wall and fight the armys smashing down the castle gate.
well somthing like that

please please dont get rid of the arrows in the next one like fable 2 made that mistake every one likes bows and swords and armour dont put in old fashine one shot guns with gun powder.

also i would like to chose out of lots of armour fallout 3 was great but if you can more armour i want lots not just. you get to the end of the game and you have the best armour the end ( try not to make the light armors best crap i mean like glass who ever thought of green i mean every one wanted like assassin things not bright green glass i have some armour class things here

rusty iron
dirty steel
dragon hide

i have lots more but i would like to discus the wounds i mean if you are in a big battle after when you need to repair your armour it should look broken i mean like lose straps rips cuts no boot i dont know make it look like it needs repairing

and i liked all the depression when you put all the main charatars not be invinsibale in the end war i liked that if there is going to be a big war main charatars should be able to die it would be more fun that way

( thanks for reading this is shadowstrike45 )
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:50 pm

my hopes

1) Expansive character scripting to really bring the NPCs to life. Dependencies on your character, class, disposition, location, etc...along with subscripting for behavioral patterns, such as eating, sleeping, being bored, remembering talking to people, flirtations, potential preganacys and children, etc...aka, watch TS3 for a few days and see how they have done their AI for the NPCs (potential PCs if you choose to select em)

2) open borders for expansions - Why must I go into portals in oblivion? Why didnt Bethsda simply do a Hammerfell expansion, or Skyrim expansion...or even the black marsh. Dont divide the world...expand it, and have expansions flop over into the main land your dealing with. Frankly, if TES5 came out and one requirement was to have TES4 installed so it expanded the world...that would be beautiful (so long as they overwrite all the old stuff with a new engine, AI, items, etc...)

3) Stronger mod tools. I think at this point, Beth knows that the strength of their games lies not in just the brilliance of what they do conceptually, but that once released, they can sit back and let us modders expand beyond their wildest dreams...making for one of the strongest reasons why PC gamers must buy it...even if they have no overwhelming desire to play RPGs in general, people whom like to tinker and get their name out will grab it. A direct .obj importing system (or making it easier) would be great...but once again, I point back to the first...scripting scripting scripting...NPCs make or break the world, be it a clever combat AI, or a lifelike "downtime" AI...the more people care about their companions and hate their enemy, the more profound the game is.

4) *more than 1 mesh per race!!!!!* I want short fat imperial merchants near tall gangly imperial mages standing by midsize tankshaped imperial warriors...why must there be only 1 shape per race...WEAK! Please, oh please make the mesh fully moddable (women with big...attributes standing near the same race of someone wafe thin and technically a woman but not very blessed)...all dependent on their class, activity, perhaps a new attribute for NPCs like vanity, etc...and make it count...if you see a fat bandit, you know he isnt going to be running fast or very far...but if you see a athletic person, you know that is going to be quite a sprinter...and that guy that looks like a brick wall...slow, but dont get hit by him)

5) Offical flying mounts. Not very necessary to literally code it in actually, but do keep in mind that if you dont do it, a modder somewhere will, and so design the world with Z in mind...maybe make the air thin if you really dont want people flying around so if you go too high up, a dizzy blurry feeling happens to potential blackout and damage...etc. Either do it properly, or do things to really damage the potential...but do something either way...(I suggest open cities and tower archers)

6) NPCs NPCs NPCs...fill the world...make it a option of course if you want a quiet world or a bustling busy filled world. For now, we have to download like 3 mods just to get the roads used and cities full, else its a bloody ghost town everywhere you go. This also means more expansive cities of course (wow, a thief could actually make a living with all these homes in the residental district)

7) look at popular oblivion modding sites...those top 100 lists are top for a reason...its what people desire. You dont have to do all the work...whatever you do, the modding community will change and improve upon anyhow, but look at the core concepts. Companions, eye candy, and a good fight experience/expansive magical system are ultimately the order of the day.

I could go on and on...but those I would venture to say are the top desires of what I would want/expect from TES5. (bullet-time for random cool moves would be nice in battle btw...)

However, if Beth continues to drag its feet for ages...then toss in there a good holographic interface and better flavoring on the matrix mudcrab cakes...lets hope it comes out before that though (come on beth...what happened to 2010 anyhow)
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 11:08 pm

I'd like more hot keys (shift and alt?), and to be able to find a dungeon every now and then where I don't stand a chance (yet). And maybe some puzzles and crazier traps in dungeons.
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lacy lake
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:22 pm

I'd like more hot keys (shift and alt?), and to be able to find a dungeon every now and then where I don't stand a chance (yet). And maybe some puzzles and crazier traps in dungeons.

About the hotkay, my idea is that you cant pick your most favorite spells/armor, and put it in a "Favorite List". Then Q and E could be a the "Next" and "Previouse" keys.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 2:16 am

From a topic I started, but was informed one already existed.

These are all my personal opinions of what I would like to see in the next Elder Scrolls game. These are mostly things that were in Morrowind, or left out of Oblivion.





Enchanting and Spellcrafting. I should be able to do this myself, not pay to have the Mages Guild do it.

Craftable Armor. I think Armorer skill should allow me to make my own armor with ore and a forge.

More varieties of Armor. I liked how much there was in Morrowind. Nordic Mail, Bear, Wolf, etc. I'd like more of these to be brought back.

Separation of Long Blade and Short Blade. They're not the same.

Separation of Axe and Blunt Weapon. Axes are not blunt.

Were-creatures: Werewolf, Wereboar, Werebear, etc.

More Artifacts. I found Oblivion to be greatly lacking in this aspect, where as Morrowind, I found much joy in collecting rare and unique items.

Dual-Wielding Weapons


Facial Hair. This is an absolute must. I hated how on Oblivion I couldn't have a beard.

A more streamline Character Customization system. I had fun with the Oblivion one, but I'd rather not spend 4 hours customizing my character.

A Wider variety of Hair-styles, reflecting the character's racial backgrounds. If I'm a Nord, I want a more Viking-esque array of hairstyles, like the ones from Morrowind.

Obtainable Scars. I liked in the game Fable how if you got scars from battle, and would like to see a similar system in the next Elder Scrolls game.

Sweet Spots in combat. I think if I slash someone in the throat, it should do more damage than if I slash them in the shoulder.

Decapatation, and other forms of disembowelment. I want to chop people into pieces.

Partial Nudity. This was in Daggerfall, and I see no problem with t. In the old days of Table-Top Dungeons and Dragons, the handbooks contained artwork featuring topless females, and in a society where there's supposed to be equality among genders, why should women not be able to show their chests when men can?

The Ability to travel to every Province. In Oblivion, you constantly heard of stories in other provinces such as Sumerset and Morrowind, yet you couldn't witness it for yourself. I'd really like to be able to go to places like Skyrim and Valenwood as well.

Deeper insight into the Dwemer, and possibly the ability to find out where they went. In the Elder Scrolls. the Dwemer were always my favorite lore subject, yet I'm still left hanging as to what happened with the Disappearance of the Dwarves.

A look at Akavir. This is another great lore topic that I'm sure we'd all greatly appreciate.

Marriage. This is something I always wanted to see. I think since we can purchase a house, we should have the ability to meet and marry various NPC characters.

Children NPCs. This is a rather trivial, yet mood-setting addition I'd like to see. I always thought it was weird walking around the Imperial City, or one of the other towns and not seeing any children running around or anything.

Dragons. I see alchemical ingredients like "Dragon's Tongue" and I think: "Where are the Dragons?"

Armor Display Cases for out homes. Even if I'm not wearing it, or have enough weight capacity to carry it in my inventory, I'd like to put my collected armor sets on display in my home.

Pack Animals/Wagons. I often become over-encumbered in my travels for treasure, and really wish there was a way to carry more loot. A pack mule, or the ability to have my horse mount pull a cart around would be nice.


Feel free to commentate on my suggestions, or add on to what could make the next Elder Scrolls game even better than all previous games.

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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:34 pm

I'd like more hot keys (shift and alt?), and to be able to find a dungeon every now and then where I don't stand a chance (yet). And maybe some puzzles and crazier traps in dungeons.

How would those extra hotkeys work for console players?
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 2:40 am


i agree beth needs to make this one a great one i dont really care and i dont think others do ether take as long as you want making this game but make it so good that will be the only game on my shelf

other points that i will put in now are:

weapons i went on about armor but i forgot weapons MORE! we need big small great looking swords in my 13 years ive seen loads of great looking weapons

so this is what i want you to do beth i want you to send out a and somthing to every one saying draw us a sword axe mace what ever to us and we will use it if its good ive seen some great swords and if you could make them in the game that would be great ( same with the armour get people around the world to make draw some ideas and send it to u

same with the weapons if it needs to be repair make it look like it needs to be repaired

and you can do that with everything mosters and all so if your reading this please take our ideas and use them but make it a good one thanks
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:18 pm


oh and one last thing

spell casting whats with that all you do is put your hand up

have a look at fable 2 and there spells be more creative with them

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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 8:10 pm

The Dark Brotherhood does not "belong" in Morrowind. It is an assassins' guild that operates all over Tamriel. And there is something wrong with you if you think that the Dark Brotherhood lacked imagination or creativity in Oblivion.

I'm not saying that, what I'm saying is that the writers need more imagination than simply taking the same guilds and popping them into a new game without thinking about what other guilds may already be in place in the rest of Tamriel, why weren't there more privately operated assassin guilds and thieves guilds in the center of the Empire? In Morrowind there were three assassin guilds, why aren't there more in Oblivion? because the writers were concentrating on their paycheques and release dates instead of thinking more creatively about the game world.

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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:22 pm

My suggestion is that instead of famous names for voice actors you hire three normal actors and give those voices some variety and personality to characters.

In Oblivion dungeons some of the Necromancers would simply say, not yell, 'aaarrgh', 'is that the best you can do?', etc. There was no feeling, no thought, just some actor reading lines, and all the actors, women and men had the same lines.

I agree, we need to get TESV some better voice actors, and by that I mean, not highly paid actors who have no clue what the game is about but people who play the game and can really feel the lines.

Or go back to text and get rid of voice acting altogether so there's more room on the disk/s for gameplay.

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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:16 pm

Quick one on the hotkeys, I'd suggest the way Crysis handled it with the suit/weapon settings.
Simply hold down a key and it displays a selection of Options, to tie that into the game it could display all objects you wear on your body (NOT the ones in your backpack). That would tie your quick selection into gameplay mechanics as well.
Time could be paused while the selection menu, that's just better gameplay wise and since you still have to klick on what you want to choose. Plus you could say it's just your character quickly thinking about what to use.
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:37 pm

/broken record

Find the manifesto on what Daggerfall was meant to be. Then do it. Even if the game needs to take a graphical step-down. Graphics are about immersion. But immersion in it's purest form is a fully formed world that's as complex and intricate as our own in it's own way. THAT would be the greatest RPG of all time if pulled off and would be next to impossible to top.

Agreed. If I was a lead developer, I would very much like to make the best RPG of all times, then release huge expansions once or twice a year for the next 5 years or so, and live like a king and make millions of people in the world happy. Millions of RPG fanatics, that is. Presumably aged 25-40, the people who actually play games and have money to buy them. Game like that would sell more than WOW, but it wouldn't svck #$$ like it.

Daggerfall's replay value. Multiple ending, and on EVERY playthrough the path there would be different. Challenging as heck. People would genuinely feel rewarded when they finish it, or find a particular item (Wayrest Painting anyone?), or stumble upon something completely random and RARE.
Graphics? Weeeell, Oblivion level, not much improvement is required. The landscape should be better generated though, see Gothic series, and stretch the scale to Daggerfallish hugeness.

The maingame should include a Province (not a dumbed down version but real size), while the expansions would be huge too, other Provinces maybe. No DLC crap but Multiple DVD's with maps and whatnot.

I'd happily pay 100? for each part of it.

But well, at least there's DA:O and Witcher 2 for me to play while waiting for the impossible.
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:48 pm

If it has multiple choices, it shouldnt just have a good/evil option at the end of the game to get the extra ending. the game ending should be decided from everything that I did in the game, (And NO I dont mean Fallout 3s endings, that were just movies saying how bad ass you were), I want actual different endings, like joining mehrunes dagon and joining him in oblivion, then killing him and taking his oblivion realm, etc. Not just a choice to flick a switch or press a different button.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:34 am

If it has multiple choices, it shouldnt just have a good/evil option at the end of the game to get the extra ending.

The next game needs to completely forget all this good/evil stuff. I want shades of grey and my actions having consequences. Daedra, demonized by latest games should have their own morals and goals, like they seemed to have in Battlespire. Now they're just boring bad guys.
Edit: also, the paths to the 'ending' should split off in mid-game, like in Gothic 3. Even earlier. Or several times during the game. Not like in TES2: where you can load the point where you decide who to give the totem to, and just try out each ending. And of course, ending must not be a real ending. There should be enough to do in the world after the MQ, too. I don't want to end up demigod, or to wander in a world where I've already solved every problem of every person.

From another thread:
I think it'd be nice to see references from all past elderscrolls games in the next one.

Yeah, would be nice to find an old story teller who knows something about everything. Maybe just vague little references, or not-quite-right 'facts' you would know to correct if you've played the games. There has been hundreds of years, after all, memories fade and vocal lore and legends get twisted.

Also, I would like people to contradict each others, that's what happens in real life. People's opinions affecting the 'facts' they tell you. Nicely done in the Price of Neutrality adventure of The Witcher Enhanced Edition: you had abolutely no idea which side was telling the truth, or was closer to the truth. And following your gut-feeling hardly led to a happy ending. Lovely game design, just lovely.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:36 pm

Why? Why set limitations on what might be good ideas simply because they aren't in a book? How do you think the book got written?


I offered a set of like 100 books, actually (in-game counts), and what I'm saying is "I really don't think fans should be trying to write lore". If you'd like to suggest a remnant of the Crimson Scars exist in TESV "by chance", or that someone has ressurected the concept, that's cool. We have a basis for that. If you read a tale from Skyrim (and the novel has at least one!), and think that there could be a guild based around that, connect your idea with that. It's stuff that is known to exist, or has a basis in existing game lore. Fans trying to write in alternatives to Tamriel's fixtures, though, just for options? Why would a company with an internal server just for game lore, including future lore, be interested? If they want an alternative to the Dark Brotherhood, they probably have three already. And they know when, where, and why they appear.

If you want a cult of Jyggalag, consisting of people fed up with the chaos in the world, and longing for Order? I have no problem with that. It makes sense with what we have. If you'd like to speculate that a certain organization with certain non-Imperial goals that is mentioned in the novel has an assassin's guild working for it, I wouldn't be opposed to someone wishing it were joinable (I have a feeling it may exist, and if so, you'll be involved in crushing it)

I guess the objection is "let's keep the game world in the hands of the people that gave us mortal gods, the Shivering Isles, and the Dragon Break", rather than making it a free for all, even in the suggestions threads only :)

Otherwise, you'll fight ten thousand dragons every game and they won't be special, powerful creatures. Every game will try to out-awesome the previous one on a JRPG scale, and it'll fall flat on its face....

Now, on to a suggestion. The first, last, and only time I'll probably reference a JRPG in a positive light. A bit more of what Legend of Mana was good for, please:

Give us interesting NPCs who have an on-going story in tthe game. So I helped Bob the Boozer discover that his neighbor was stealing his carrots. If Bob is just another character, that's plenty of Bob. But if he's a genuinely unique person within the game world, I'd like to interact with him more. Maybe he needs some help getting the girl. Maybe he needs someone to do some dirty deeds. But he's Bob, so maybe I'll do things I'd normally find distasteful, like giving alms to the poor. And maybe I'll go out and do some legendary deeds because Bob doesn't think I'm man enough for what he needs done.

See, the thing is that this only works if Bob is a person I can distinguish. It ceases to be "For the quest complete", and becomes "For Bob", if you make him someone different. Someone we respect if we don't like him, or someone we like because he's delightfully naughty. Or something. Something that says "THIS IS BOB, FOR NO NPC IS LIKE HIM". Whereas Jane in another town needs to have a different sort of uniqueness than Bob, so I'll feel like she's worthy of repeated help.

In short, I guess? Non-guild quest lines, focused on an INDIVIDUAL relationship with people.
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:21 pm

Give us interesting NPCs who have an on-going story in tthe game. So I helped Bob the Boozer discover that his neighbor was stealing his carrots. If Bob is just another character, that's plenty of Bob. But if he's a genuinely unique person within the game world, I'd like to interact with him more. Maybe he needs some help getting the girl. Maybe he needs someone to do some dirty deeds. But he's Bob, so maybe I'll do things I'd normally find distasteful, like giving alms to the poor. And maybe I'll go out and do some legendary deeds because Bob doesn't think I'm man enough for what he needs done.

See, the thing is that this only works if Bob is a person I can distinguish. It ceases to be "For the quest complete", and becomes "For Bob", if you make him someone different. Someone we respect if we don't like him, or someone we like because he's delightfully naughty. Or something. Something that says "THIS IS BOB, FOR NO NPC IS LIKE HIM". Whereas Jane in another town needs to have a different sort of uniqueness than Bob, so I'll feel like she's worthy of repeated help.

In short, I guess? Non-guild quest lines, focused on an INDIVIDUAL relationship with people.

You could have put it more simply, but I think I get your point :) Doing quests for sake of doing quests is lame, but awfully common in RPGs. In Mass Effect though, talking with my crew, and deciding what to do with their problems was rewarding in itself. I bet my buttocks that it's the same thing in DA:O, which I haven't played yet. NPC design is superb in their games (Bioware). When situation escalated into a death of my crewmate (you know whom I speak of) I couldn't get sleep, and promised myself to realod tomorrow and save his life. Which I did. I've never given a crud about TES characters, but you have to admit that there's plenty MORE of them than in Mass Effect, and it's plain impossible to create 1000 interesting characters in one game. BUT having a couple to interact MORE with, would be great. I loved having a drunken party with my friends in The Witcher.
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:10 am

More varieties of bows... Short bows dont shoot as far, but they are quicker to draw so thats more of a battle field archer. Long bows deal out more damage and shoot farther but are slower to draw. And ofcourse cross bows....

Also, i think bows need it's own leveling system (as far as more powerful). I always found it unrealistic that you could shoot a metal. I mean really?
so how bout Yew, Mahogany, Ceder.... ect.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:09 am

TESV needs what vanilla Oblivion sorely lacked - incentive aside from quests to go and explore dungeons. IIRC, there was no unique non-quest equipment to be found in dungeons - all the unique gear came from shops or quests - so there was little point to clearing out most of them. In vanilla, I never went into Ayelid ruins and undead dungeons because I disliked them both, and after all, what could I get from them that I couldn't get from anywhere else? Generally I stuck to a tried and tested few bandit and marauder dungeons, and never went anywhere Ayelid or undead unless my journal told me to. Some mods like OOO added the unique items and the incentives to explore, but Bethesda really shouldn't rely on modders to cover for them.

EDIT: Oh, and make it so you're not battered by lonliness the minute you step outside a city. More roadlife, and personally I'd like to see taverns made necessary somehow, seeing as how I literally never used them.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:40 pm

More varieties of bows... Short bows dont shoot as far, but they are quicker to draw so thats more of a battle field archer. Long bows deal out more damage and shoot farther but are slower to draw. And ofcourse cross bows....

Also, i think bows need it's own leveling system (as far as more powerful). I always found it unrealistic that you could shoot a metal. I mean really?
so how bout Yew, Mahogany, Ceder.... ect.

I actually never thought about that before. That's a really good point lol. I mean, a bow made out of silver? lolwut?

But you can look at a silver bow as being made out of 100% silver (or whatever metal), or you can think of the bow as being mostly high quality wood, with some silver trimming/decoration?

I dunno, but I honestly never thought about it. But than again, a silver bow makes about as much since as a silver axe... Why don't we ever see copper/bronze by the way?

I agree that the bow system needs tweaking. Why does an iron arrow, shot from a silver bow, damage ghosts? When you would think only silver arrows would?
I think a shortbow-longbow-light xbow-hvy crossbow system might work.
And depending on how skills are handled in the next game, that might work out as 1 skill handling all 4 types of wpns, or a different skill each.
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