Why? Why set limitations on what might be good ideas simply because they aren't in a book? How do you think the book got written?
I offered a set of like 100 books, actually (in-game counts), and what I'm saying is "I really don't think fans should be trying to write lore". If you'd like to suggest a remnant of the Crimson Scars exist in TESV "by chance", or that someone has ressurected the concept, that's cool. We have a basis for that. If you read a tale from Skyrim (and the novel has at least one!), and think that there could be a guild based around that, connect your idea with that. It's stuff that is known to exist, or has a basis in existing game lore. Fans trying to write in alternatives to Tamriel's fixtures, though, just for options? Why would a company with an internal server just for game lore, including future lore, be interested? If they want an alternative to the Dark Brotherhood, they probably have three already. And they know when, where, and why they appear.
If you want a cult of Jyggalag, consisting of people fed up with the chaos in the world, and longing for Order? I have no problem with that. It makes sense with what we have. If you'd like to speculate that a certain organization with certain non-Imperial goals that is mentioned in the novel has an assassin's guild working for it, I wouldn't be opposed to someone wishing it were joinable (I have a feeling it may exist, and if so, you'll be involved in crushing it)
I guess the objection is "let's keep the game world in the hands of the people that gave us mortal gods, the Shivering Isles, and the Dragon Break", rather than making it a free for all, even in the suggestions threads only

Otherwise, you'll fight ten thousand dragons every game and they won't be special, powerful creatures. Every game will try to out-awesome the previous one on a JRPG scale, and it'll fall flat on its face....
Now, on to a suggestion. The first, last, and only time I'll probably reference a JRPG in a positive light. A bit more of what Legend of Mana was good for, please:
Give us interesting NPCs who have an on-going story in tthe game. So I helped Bob the Boozer discover that his neighbor was stealing his carrots. If Bob is just another character, that's plenty of Bob. But if he's a genuinely unique person within the game world, I'd like to interact with him more. Maybe he needs some help getting the girl. Maybe he needs someone to do some dirty deeds. But he's Bob, so maybe I'll do things I'd normally find distasteful, like giving alms to the poor. And maybe I'll go out and do some legendary deeds because Bob doesn't think I'm man enough for what he needs done.
See, the thing is that this only works if Bob is a person I can distinguish. It ceases to be "For the quest complete", and becomes "For Bob", if you make him someone different. Someone we respect if we don't like him, or someone we like because he's delightfully naughty. Or something. Something that says "THIS IS BOB, FOR NO NPC IS LIKE HIM". Whereas Jane in another town needs to have a different sort of uniqueness than Bob, so I'll feel like she's worthy of repeated help.
In short, I guess? Non-guild quest lines, focused on an INDIVIDUAL relationship with people.