First Off: Good sweet ****, this has had 144 versions?
Second Off: Hello, everyone. I'm Fulcon and as far as TES goes, I've only played Oblivion. Liked it.
Third Off: I think Magic, Combat and Stealth should ALL get over-hauled to make the amount of skill points much more relevant. I'll type what I think entirely on the subject in a few hours.
Fourth Off: Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or whatever you celebrate.
Okay, again everyone. I think Swords, Magic and Stealth should all be overhauled to make the skills more relevant. Err?anyway. This is what I have to say.
Fighters:Okay for?no, wait. Fighting is pretty much perfect as far as the hack-and slash goes. There should just be different models and types for every armor and sword (Breton Steel Armor, Elven Steel Armor).
The only thing I would change is have changed is separate skills for Daggers and Axes. Daggers are not regular Blades and Axes aren't Blunt weapons. What were the devs thinking?
Oh, and perhaps every six skill points in Weapon category would reduce the amount of Fatigue that each swing uses. A master can swing his sword for
years, while an apprentice?can't.
Magic: Now I think Magicka should be re-vamped.
Magicka: Okay, what I think is that a spell, when it's cast it takes up magicka. The magnitude, the distance it travels and its area of effect is all determined by how much magicka you have. If you cast a spell that takes more magicka than you have, your magicka will be distributed equally amongst the spells attributes (how far it will travel, its magnitude and its area of effect, or if it's a self-affect spell, just its magnitude and area affect).
Skill: How skill effects magicka is simple: Every ten points in an area of skill, you're mana becomes more potent, in that you need less magicka per category to cast (magnitude, range, area of affect, ect. ect.) I'm thinking every 10 (or fifteen) points of skill, the more 'M.R.AoE' a mana point is worth (for each category), and with each milestone, you can set for a higher magnitude by ten or fifteen, how ever many skill points it takes to get to milestones or more.
Spells: Okay, when you go to the local spell dealer, you're not buying spells. You're buying effects. And you can make new spells right from your spell-book, rather than having to go find an Altar of Spellmaking. With every skill level (Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, Master,) you can stack more effects together. Thus coming full circle with the setting of M.R.AoE. Magnitude is default at one?because it has to do at least something. If Range is set to Zero, it's a touch-spell, unless defined as a self-affecting spell.
Doesn't it make more sense this way, to have skill tied more closely to actual spell casting in this way? Feedback is appreciated.
Oh, and I think the ability to warp to land markers without losing anytime should be something Conjuration experts can do. And combat teleportation.
Wands: Wands, I think, should be special. I have heard them tossed around this forum, but I think they should be implemented like this: They can be used to block spells similar to shields, using the block skill (or perhaps its own skill), with magnitude going against it. And if you press the attack button (regardless of consol), and the wand connects with the spell, it'll send it right back at the caster.
So there you go, how I think wands should be handled.
Stealth:I heard Splinter Cell being tossed around as an example. In all honesty, I think it should go in this direction. Not completely, just a little bit more in this direction and Skill still made relevant. You should be able to go prone (hide in tall grass and behind small things). You should also be able to prop up against walls (though doing so should be done automatically upon running up to a wall, and dis-prop just as quickly).
General: It would determine how quite you are not just while sneaking, but while walking normally. If you have a high stealth-skill, you could accidentally sneak up on someone and startle them?without using stealth mode. Though while sneaking and you make to much noise, like say accidentally bonking a vase or tripping over a stool, someone's bound to notice, and I think that being able to sneak in heavy iron boots, no matter how good you are at sneak, to be ridiculous.
Also, I think it would be used as a way to naturally improve one's night vision?they'll still know if it's dark, but shadows won't impede them as much.
And perhaps they should allow people who are sneaking the option to automatically kill sleeping people. You wouldn't have any idea how frustrating it is to sneak up on a sleeping Pirate Captain for a certain, very secret quest and stab him in the back?only to have him jump up and attack you.
And it would help Stealth-based people role-play better.
ON THE TOPIC OF ACROBATICS: Is there any reason to deny people the ability to climb the way you can in Assassin's Creed (just automatically)? I know there's a reason to deny people the ability to wall-run like in PoP, and you can already jump like you can in Assassin's just need a level design that works with it.

For those of you who disagree, I have one thing to say. Since Bethesda has so many different avenues and play-styles available?shouldn't they be trying to perfect those avenues and deepen the mechanics behind them?