TES V Ideas and Suggestions # 144

Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:00 am

Definetly agree on deeper first person, in this field also NO breaks from first person as done in Oblivion, why must the game jump to third person just for me SITTING DOWN?

However no FAKE camera effects like overblown motion blurr, camera splatters (droplets of water or blood on the screen, blurred view is fine), lense flares and the like.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 1:54 pm

I don't have any problem with flirting and the like, but only if it's optional.

Most of those game (except for GTA) were games that I liked, I just don't see how they could transfer over into a TES game, if you would explain more instead of just whining over how arrogant everyone but you is then maybe we'd agree with you.

All we are saying is give peace a chance :D

P.S. I loved thief, in fact, I know one of the guys who helped design Thief 3.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:21 pm

I just don't see how they could transfer over into a TES game

Well name a few systems and i'll try to tell how they can be brought into the games, things you have to keep in mind however are causaility lines where introducing one system also has to include changes to another but this true for almost all systems.

And, uhm, i DO explain the systems i suggest, the problem is people often just read the title and don't bother with the explanation anymore. That was quite evident when i started a thread on envirnmental influences on your character and already had 3 NO answers a few SECONDS after posting it, the entier post was about 4 word document pages long explaining systems in detail and how they'd work.
And make one, ONE, suggestion that vaguely sounds like something that was in fable and you get the "Fable Flail". The reason i react so angry to "don't make it like game X" or "That was in game X, so it won't work" comments is because they show people scream NO without giving it a single though and that IS something showing up especially on this forum.

I do agree that saying "It should be more like Assassins creed" is not very productive since it doenst explain what PART should be more like it but then giving it a universal NO answer is just as counter productive since you slap away ALL possibilites. The right answer would be "what part do you mean".
And exactly the same thing can and SHOULD be said about Morrowind and Daggerfall as well, don't say "it should be more like them" say WHAT should be more like them because Oblivion DID do better on a few fields.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 2:30 am

Make the player character have a little bit more substance, if you know what I mean. Like they're an actual person and not a floating camera. Have headbobbing, better collusion detection, hand animations for opening doors and containers, possibly have your chest and legs visible when looking down (if it doesn't look to shabby), blurring effects when you look up and rain gets in your eyes (same with blood), motion blur when you get hit with a blunt weapon, panting when your fatigue is low. Things like that. And it goes without saying that animation needs a serious workover.

I agree, and I would also like people to say things about the way I look rather than just say hello and comment about my mastered abilities, that gets boring, I want to walk around in rags and have people shy away because of my stink, I want to be able to have a shower, go to the toilet, etc. I want people to say I look good, or that shirt looks amazing, those pants could use some tailoring, that belt is shiny, your hair needs a wash, you completely stink, I feel like throwing up, sorry I just threw up, and actually watch people react, see them throw up, see them cover their noses, see them smile or cringe, see them and hear them say to other residents, that guy looks great, or that guy stinks, keep away from him. I want someone to run up to me with a bottle of water and empty it on me to wash away the smell, I want people to throw rotten fruit at me if they don't like me, to kick me without provoking a fight, to steal from me, to steal from each other, to summon daemons to attack me without suddenly becoming enemies themselves. And if I look good I want to be annoyed at people who come up at me from the street and give me stuff, people who just want to hang around me to show other people they are my friend, I want to feel like knocking them off high buildings because they won't leave me alone, I want to be agrevated to the point of murder when I look resplendent in my fineries, like that annoying little kid from the arena in oblivion, wanted to kill him so bad, but that's why I let him live... OMG!!! That golden haired kid from the arena, he was a child and he could be killed, HAHAHAHAHA.... Sorry, won't mention that agian...

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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 12:09 am

If it costs too much resources, then those resources are just not good enough. Much better games have been made with much less resources.

Seriously, when i make suggestions, i don't keep to the Bethesda resource managment plan.

Very well.

I want all of Nirn, all of the 16 Oblivion realms, all of the 8 plane(t)s of the Aedra to be fleshed out to the level of detail of Morrowind, yet to the scale of Daggerfall.
I want completely dynamic relationships with characters, of the level of a Bioware RPG, but extending to every single NPC in the game, of which I want 800+ like Oblivion and Morrowind.
I want a dialogue system with the same amount of Morrowind's topics, but with a completely unique answer for every NPC, and it all has to be voiced with 3 different voice variations per race/gender permutation.
I want to play as any race mentioned in the game; that means Sloads, Ka'po'tun, Tsaesci, Tang Mo, Kamal, Maormer, Imga, Falmer, Dremora, Xivali, Mazken, Aureal, Yokudan, Khajiit and Argonian sub-races, etc.
I want all those above-mentioned races, along with the stock ten races, to be triple the quality that they were present in Oblivion, x3 texture sizes, x3 poly counts, x3 face-generator options, x3 age overlay textures, complete with scar options, tattoo options, and x3 the eye colors and hairstyles.
I want to be able to court and marry anyone in the game, and I want unique courting dialogue and events for each person; I also want the freedom to prolong the courting process for in-game months without the content of the courting getting stale.
I wanto to be able to sire children in the game, to be able to watch them grow up, to be able to dynamically interact with them with near the same freedom that I would interact with a child in real life.
I want 100% completely interactive environments; If I cast a big enough fireball spell at a large city tower, I expect it to explode and collapse, and I expect the city to then have the AI and scripting to build another one (or to rebuild whatever I destroy in the game everywhere).
I want a combat system that is a state-of-the-art virtual fencing system, a magic system that provides me complete freedom (not just of spells, but of all powers, like the powers of Daedra lords or Psiijics, in full detail), and a stealth system that factors in all possible motion and 100% of all AI and environmental effects.

Etc, etc, etc.

This is me not keeping to Bethesda's resource plan. Sure, it all sounds nice. But all of these things are a ridiculous drain to resources, and for most, it should be obvious that suggesting them is a waste of time, because despite the fact that the technology is there, it cannot happen.
Much better games have been made with much less resources? Name me a game that provides the graphical complexity that Morrowind/Oblivion did, coupled with the sheer explorative scope of Morrowind/Oblivion, that provided far more in-depth mechanics without saluaging from something else within their game? Every game in the history of video games faces that. They come up with draft ideas that sound awesome, but they can only do so much. And so they try to fit in all that they can, cut those things that just aren't essential or even tertiary, and try to balance the necessary things as best they can.

Morrowind basically used the exact same combat mechanics as Daggerfall and Arena, with some 3D animations as tweaking. Morrowind also had a wide variety of weapons. Oblivion completely redesigned the mechanics of combat from the ground up, in relation to its predecessors. Oblivion also had a piteously small variety of weapons.
Possible scenario A: TES:V basically uses the exact same combat mechanics from Oblivion with some minor tweaking (greatly expanding on the combat AI packages to factor in for dynamic skill checks, for example). TES:V also has a wide variety of weapons.
Possible scenario B: TES:V completely redesigns the mechanics of combat from the ground up, in relation to Oblivion. TES:V also has a piteously small variety of weapons.

Now, does this exact reprecussion model have to hold? No; resources can be drained from anywhere in the game, not just weapon diversity. But applying this basic model to, say, improving stealth with Splinter-cell-esque mechanics as a goal to roughly shoot for, can easily result in the same resource-deprivation.

Which gets back, once again, to what I perceive as the difference between an FPS and an RPG. An FPS narrows the field of the player's play style, while providing far more complexity to that field. An RPG does not provide that complexity in return for a vast myriad of possible play styles. Finite resources at work; they can only be stretched in so many directions.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:08 pm

Since the developers do supposedly read this, I'll just say this:

According to the novel, the parts of Morrowind that aren't covered in ash are covered in Argonians. It only seems right to give combine Morrowind with Black Marsh on the official map. When TESV comes out, I hope to see that there is no longer a province called "Morrowind," only a bigger version of Black Marsh. I like Morrowind, I do, but it's about time the Argonians got what they deserve.

It also seems logical that Orsinium will become it's own province. I'm pretty sure the book didn't mention whether or not High Rock seceded from the Empire, but lets assume they did. If the Empire tries to get them back, Orsinium should demand to be a province of it's own and if it can't be, it will refuse to join the Empire.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 12:34 am

Very well.

I want all of Nirn, all of the 16 Oblivion realms, all of the 8 plane(t)s of the Aedra to be fleshed out to the level of detail of Morrowind, yet to the scale of Daggerfall.
I want completely dynamic relationships with characters, of the level of a Bioware RPG, but extending to every single NPC in the game, of which I want 800+ like Oblivion and Morrowind.
I want a dialogue system with the same amount of Morrowind's topics, but with a completely unique answer for every NPC, and it all has to be voiced with 3 different voice variations per race/gender permutation.
I want to play as any race mentioned in the game; that means Sloads, Ka'po'tun, Tsaesci, Tang Mo, Kamal, Maormer, Imga, Falmer, Dremora, Xivali, Mazken, Aureal, Yokudan, Khajiit and Argonian sub-races, etc.
I want all those above-mentioned races, along with the stock ten races, to be triple the quality that they were present in Oblivion, x3 texture sizes, x3 poly counts, x3 face-generator options, x3 age overlay textures, complete with scar options, tattoo options, and x3 the eye colors and hairstyles.
I want to be able to court and marry anyone in the game, and I want unique courting dialogue and events for each person; I also want the freedom to prolong the courting process for in-game months without the content of the courting getting stale.
I wanto to be able to sire children in the game, to be able to watch them grow up, to be able to dynamically interact with them with near the same freedom that I would interact with a child in real life.
I want 100% completely interactive environments; If I cast a big enough fireball spell at a large city tower, I expect it to explode and collapse, and I expect the city to then have the AI and scripting to build another one (or to rebuild whatever I destroy in the game everywhere).
I want a combat system that is a state-of-the-art virtual fencing system, a magic system that provides me complete freedom (not just of spells, but of all powers, like the powers of Daedra lords or Psiijics, in full detail), and a stealth system that factors in all possible motion and 100% of all AI and environmental effects.

Even if bethesda had the resources to make this in 1 game, I personly wouldn't have it all in 1 game yet.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:58 pm

One thing i think would make things great is if they brought back the seasons, and holidays like in daggerfall. i don't know if the tech is there yet but i think it would be awesome if you had a snowed in pass and had to melt your way through it with fire spells.

also growing seasons. i pick everything in a farm and before i know it it's all back again. there should be only one harvest a year and it should be timed decently. also if you steal the entire harvest the farmer would starve to death during the winter.

perhaps not feasible yet but in future iterations of the series this kind of detail would help make the gameworld much more believeable.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:27 pm

Even if bethesda had the resources to make this in 1 game, I personly wouldn't have it all in 1 game yet.

What's that mean? You're saying you wouldn't play/own a game that had all of this in it?
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:50 pm

Very well.

Which gets back, once again, to what I perceive as the difference between an FPS and an RPG. An FPS narrows the field of the player's play style, while providing far more complexity to that field. An RPG does not provide that complexity in return for a vast myriad of possible play styles. Finite resources at work; they can only be stretched in so many directions.

I see what you're saying but I say this, no limits on resources, make multiple disks!!! Seriously, I'm not just saying that to waste time...


EDIT: Back in the day, I would buy a game and it would come with 20 diskettes, they were bigger and bulkier than cd's and they only had about 1 or 2 Mb per diskette but they got the job done and the games were really good. I would like to buy TESV and get 20 cds, plug them all in and install to my xbox or pc or ps and then play the best damn game ever created because there were no limits to the resources placed on the creation of said game!!!!!!

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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 10:56 pm

Well double layer DVDs can hold up to something like 10 gigs, which is plenty big enough. And I dont want to install 20 CDS, I have enough trouble getting 2 disks to install, those install programs allways screw up when you change the disk.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:34 am

Just had a thought, in Oblivion, Talos and Mehrunes Dagon are both dead/subdued, which means there's 2 vacant lots, 2 power vaccuums, the realm that Talos came from and the realm that Mehrunes Dagon came from are up for grabs, I'd like to go on quests in the lands of daedra and aedra to fulfil requirements and obtain one of these lands for myself, perhaps there will be a rival in game who will take whichever plane I don't take, just to even things out. While in one of these planes that I will own I'd like to have a 'control room' area which will let me tweak the in game AI for the land of Tamriel so that people respond differently to me and each other after I've tweaked things in my plane of Oblivion or Whateverness. I'd also like to be able to send Daedra to Tamriel from my plane of Oblivion and I'd like to send whatever forces are to be found in Whateverness down to Tamriel as well. And when I obtain whichever plane I choose then the other Daedra and Aedra will treat me differently.

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Alan Cutler
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 12:33 pm

Well double layer DVDs can hold up to something like 10 gigs, which is plenty big enough. And I dont want to install 20 CDS, I have enough trouble getting 2 disks to install, those install programs allways screw up when you change the disk.

Yeah, ok then use those, but don't limit the game to 10Gigs if it takes 30 in order to have all the lands of Tamriel, Oblivion, Whateverness (aedra) and all the other continents that have only briefly been mentioned in other games. And don't limit it to 30Gigs either, have absolutely no limit, make the game with complete disregard to space requirements, then if it's too big to fit on 1 or 2 double layer dvd's then fit it on 5 or 10...

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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:01 am

I see what you're saying but I say this, no limits on resources, make multiple disks!!! Seriously, I'm not just saying that to waste time...


EDIT: Back in the day, I would buy a game and it would come with 20 diskettes, they were bigger and bulkier than cd's and they only had about 1 or 2 Mb per diskette but they got the job done and the games were really good. I would like to buy TESV and get 20 cds, plug them all in and install to my xbox or pc or ps and then play the best damn game ever created because there were no limits to the resources placed on the creation of said game!!!!!!


You're misunderstanding what I mean by finite resources. Resources does not mean limitations of disc space. Resources means limitations of company budget, production time, manpower and man-hours. Companies do not have unlimited amounts of funding. Companies do not have an unlimited timeframe between when they start their game and when they must release it. Companies do not have unlimited amounts of employees. And companies do not have unlimited amounts of time to work those employees.
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 12:27 pm

So your saying, a thousand monkeys on a thousand typewriters will write the best game ever made?
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hannah sillery
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:00 pm

No. But then, Bethesda does not hire monkeys, nor does it use typewriters.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:28 pm

Google what I said and you'll understand what I meant.
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:40 am

I'm aware of the Infinite Monkey Theorem. I fail to see how the overall point, statistical probability for any event never being reducible to zero, applies to my quote.
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Craig Martin
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 2:26 am

Well an infinate amount of workers with unlimited resources would of course make the greatest game ever made.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 10:34 pm

Just had a thought, in Oblivion, Talos and Mehrunes Dagon are both dead/subdued, which means there's 2 vacant lots, 2 power vaccuums, the realm that Talos came from and the realm that Mehrunes Dagon came from are up for grabs, I'd like to go on quests in the lands of daedra and aedra to fulfil requirements and obtain one of these lands for myself, perhaps there will be a rival in game who will take whichever plane I don't take, just to even things out. While in one of these planes that I will own I'd like to have a 'control room' area which will let me tweak the in game AI for the land of Tamriel so that people respond differently to me and each other after I've tweaked things in my plane of Oblivion or Whateverness. I'd also like to be able to send Daedra to Tamriel from my plane of Oblivion and I'd like to send whatever forces are to be found in Whateverness down to Tamriel as well. And when I obtain whichever plane I choose then the other Daedra and Aedra will treat me differently.


Mehrunes Dagon wasnt killed, he was banished from Nirn and sent back to his realm. Akatosh wasnt killed either, he came to Nirn, banished MD then went back to wherever it is he came from.

Edit: corrections
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 3:32 pm

Well, you are free and welcome to state what you want, even if it seems like a waste of time. That's why we are here. To make suggestions.

And, you know, most, if not all of your wishes could actually be possible with advanced enough generators, synthesizers and AI.
Though it does take time and funding, i don't know how much the devs have. If you know, please enlighten us. Otherwise, please don't act as if you know exactly, and stop telling us what we are allowed to suggest.

I think they do have enough resources to base their stealth on splinter cell, and i wish they would base their combat and magic systems a bit more on other games, that made it better.
Possible scenario C: TES:V completely redesigns the mechanics of combat from the ground up, in relation to Oblivion. TES:V also has a wide variety of weapons.
Be a bit more open and creative.

Cost of resources is just a popular killer argument in this forum, and you can try to justify it as much as you want, i won't see it as a valid argument. The most important resources in game making are creativity and effort, not time and money.

Name me a game that provides the graphical complexity that Morrowind/Oblivion did, coupled with the sheer explorative scope of Morrowind/Oblivion, that provided far more in-depth mechanics without saluaging from something else within their game?
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, very fun game ^_^ . I think our views of what makes a game better differ a bit, so don't expect me to argue about that, but i think you can find good games yourself.

I don't value pretty graphics that much, and if you are willing to ignore graphics, i would suggest you to give dwarf fortress a try.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 1:09 pm

Mehrunes Dagon wasnt killed, he was banished from Nirn and sent back to his realm. Talos wasnt killed either, he came to Nirn, banished MD then went back to wherever it is he came from.

That was Akatosh, not Talos.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:54 pm

Well, you are free and welcome to state what you want, even if it seems like a waste of time. That's why we are here. To make suggestions.

And, you know, most, if not all of your wishes could actually be possible with advanced enough generators, synthesizers and AI.
Though it does take time and funding, i don't know how much the devs have. If you know, please enlighten us. Otherwise, please don't act as if you know exactly, and stop telling us what we are allowed to suggest.

I think they do have enough resources to base their stealth on splinter cell, and i wish they would base their combat and magic systems a bit more on other games, that made it better.

I do not know how much time and resources the developers have, nor do I know the relationship between time and resources and mechanics. However, I can infer, based on team size between titles, mechanics differences between titles, and content differences between titles. I have not been insinuating that I know. Nor have I been telling anyone what can or can't be suggested. Suggest what you will; if there are objections, they will surface. Resources is an objection that has surfaced.

Never mind that my list was largely hypothetical, random generation can only go so far (not to mention stylistic complaints regarding procedural generation, regardless of its workings).

Be a bit more open and creative.

I don't consider turning a blind eye to the realities of the video gaming business world as being more open and creative.
Is there the possibility that Bethesda does indeed have the resources to have their cake and eat it too? Of course, and if it turns out that way, then I will have no complaints (if the mechanics in question are properly rooted in character skill, but that's a different argument). But based on what I've observed from the past 7 years, on what I've noted, I do not believe it to be so.

Cost of resources is just a popular killer argument in this forum, and you can try to justify it as much as you want, i won't see it as a valid argument. The most important resources in game making are creativity and effort, not time and money.

If you don't wish to see it as a valid argument, that's fine. There's no need for justification that resources are the bottom line of what goes into a product. Creativity and effort fall by the wayside if they are not coupled with the resources to mass-produce it. No one would praise dikeens if dikeens had never had the means to get published.

The only real question is whether Bethesda has the resources or not, to get it done without cannibalizing off of other gameplay aspects. And I would argue that they do not, for past patterns and current anolysis I've already highlighted.

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, very fun game ^_^ . I think our views of what makes a game better differ a bit, so don't expect me to argue about that, but i think you can find good games yourself.

I don't value pretty graphics that much, and if you are willing to ignore graphics, i would suggest you to give dwarf fortress a try.

I don't care too much about graphics. Yet Bethesda does. Every single one of their titles, with the exception of Redguard, has been visually state of the art for its time. We can only infer that they will continue this trend for TES:V.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:36 am


I want loads more choice in TES 5 about

situations in MQ, e.g. deciding which side to join
All questlines
towns, cities

If I'm the saviour of the land shouldn't I actually have some effect on it, I feel like I've just been used by the Blades and the rulers of the Land
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 8:24 pm

Well an infinate amount of workers with unlimited resources would of course make the greatest game ever made.

With an infinite amount of time.
Which we don't have, so us forumites won't live long enough to play this randomly generated best of the best of the best.
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