I honestly wouldn't mind. But, whatever.
As for my dungeon idea, I'd rather TES explore non-combat skills.
Cooking, crafting and so forth. Along with a bunch of interesting characters to interact with.
Seriously though. There's something wrong about running into a place, killing everything that breathes. Or doesn't... And stealing everything, all while feeling perfectly in character. I'd rather the game make interesting quests. Hell, some good fetch quests, townside. Work at a barbershop. Smuggle things into town. Go to prison, have fun with the new, in depth prison mechanics. Buy a house, renovate it, sell it back. Have fun with the new, in depth economics system.
Get framed, spiral into poverty. Go to an inn, drink yourself silly. Get approached by a rich man, out of place in the bottom of society. Talk to him, using the new in depth dialogue system (not voiced). He offers you 5000 Septims to murder his ex wife. Investigate and learn where she lives.
The following can be in the combination you wish.
1 - Knock on her door / Pick the lock => Only to realise the door won't budge / Kill the door with the object of your choice / Break her window / Jump through her chimney => Only to realise there's a fire burning. Use your acrobatic skills to spread your legs, to avoid burning. => Climb back out
2 - Murder the woman on the spot / Pretend to be "X" and talk to her for a while => (OPTIONAL) Tell her you were sent by her husband / Tell her you were sent by her husband, then murder her. / Tackle her to the ground => (OPTIONAL) Feel bad and let her go
* Obviously, murder must be swift. BOOM! HEADSHOT!
3 - The guards are coming! A neighbor must've heard the ruckus! You must escape! Through the window? The Chimney? Trap Door? Threaten the woman, who may still be alive, to pretend all is fine. If you're persuasive enough, bribe the guards out of seeing the corpse. Or just tell them you're the house's owner. Or tell them you were attacked. Then run while they're investigating.
Continue on a series of murders to gain some money. Then, considering you're a hunted man, make a deal with the one that sends Bounty Hunters, using the new in depth dialogue system. Say things like "While you
could continue sending legions of armed forces towards my room, the wonders of life allow you to stop". Or "
Your mercenaries are pathetic. And seeing how you're converging all your resources towards me, I suppose you aren't having much luck with the rest of the list. And, seeing how efficient they are, I don't suppose they'd have much luck with that
EITHER. Hire me?" -- "5000" -- "10000" -- "6000" -- "15000" -- "10000" -- "Deal."

Hunt magic users and become one yourself, living a double life.
Much more interesting than dungeons, right?
EDIT: I'd like to see descriptions of what NPCs' mannerisms are during conversations. Not advanced roleplaying forum section where people will write 5 lines describing how a person is blinking, but, you know, *blinking, as if to avoid you* (the last part depending on a skill check)