TES V Ideas and Suggestions # 146

Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:05 am

I would rather have good gameplay than graphics, but graphics help an Elder Scrolls game. Seeing the world as if it was real is important in an Elder Scrolls game. Also, if Morrowind had Arena's graphics, it wouldn't have sold either. Good graphics are a part of TES series and video games have always been partially about graphics. Graphics are more important to TES series than you seem to realize. I don't want graphics to ever take away from gameplay, but they never have. Every Elder Scrolls game had amazing graphics for its time and graphics were always part of the reason they were sold. I would be fine with graphics equal to or only slightly better than Oblivion, but not graphics equal to Morrowind's and certainly not graphics equal to Arena's. I play those games, but I expect an Elder Scrolls game to at least look decent for its time. Graphics are a part of the series, and those Elder Scrolls fans who would ignore that fact and believe that graphics mean nothing in an Elder Scrolls game are just plain wrong. TES series needs graphics to sell, graphics help with immersion, and they are a major part of TES series. I prefer good gameplay, but remember that graphics have always been amazing in Elder Scrolls games and it is not graphics that take away from gameplay. Oblivion was simplified so Bethesda could have the game appeal to more people, not because of good graphics.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:18 am

I would rather have good gameplay than graphics, but graphics help an Elder Scrolls game. Seeing the world as if it was real is important in an Elder Scrolls game. Also, if Morrowind had Arena's graphics, it wouldn't have sold either. Good graphics are a part of TES series and video games have always been partially about graphics. Graphics are more important to TES series than you seem to realize. I don't want graphics to ever take away from gameplay, but they never have. Every Elder Scrolls game had amazing graphics for its time and graphics were always part of the reason they were sold. I would be fine with graphics equal to or only slightly better than Oblivion, but not graphics equal to Morrowind's and certainly not graphics equal to Arena's. I play those games, but I expect an Elder Scrolls game to at least look decent for its time. Graphics are a part of the series, and those Elder Scrolls fans who would ignore that fact and believe that graphics mean nothing in an Elder Scrolls game are just plain wrong. TES series needs graphics to sell, graphics help with immersion, and they are a major part of TES series. I prefer good gameplay, but remember that graphics have always been amazing in Elder Scrolls games and it is not graphics that take away from gameplay. Oblivion was simplified so Bethesda could have the game appeal to more people, not because of good graphics.

Yeah good graphics do help things along i and they do add immersion,and they are a good portion of TES but i hope they focus on gameplay opposed to putting all of their resouces into graphics.Now after the simplified Oblivion (dont get me wrong i love this game I play it to this day) we need a game a little more in depth.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:07 am

Yeah good graphics do help things along i and they do add immersion,and they are a good portion of TES but i hope they focus on gameplay opposed to putting all of their resouces into graphics.Now after the simplified Oblivion (dont get me wrong i love this game I play it to this day) we need a game a little more in depth.

I also love Oblivion, but I am disappointed by how simplified it is. It wasn't simplified due to graphics though. It was simplified to appeal to more casual gamers, and because Oblivion probably could have used more time to be worked on.
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:26 am

I also love Oblivion, but I am disappointed by how simplified it is. It wasn't simplified due to graphics though. It was simplified to appeal to more casual gamers, and because Oblivion probably could have used more time to be worked on.

Yes i agree, it really needed more time in development.No in an earlier post i should have said i hope the next game was not simplified in favor of graphics.I hope with Oblivion drawing in alot more people into TES we can experiance a world a little more diverse than the world of Oblivion.
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:28 am

Also, if Morrowind had Arena's graphics, it wouldn't have sold either. Good graphics are a part of TES series and video games have always been partially about graphics.

Though it is still ridiculous that one of ya main argument for uping graphic is because just to not to make it look like the Past TES. Not to mention ya assuming people would want graphic of the past back. Everyone pretty much know that is a given that the graphic is going to get a bit better.

Graphics are a part of the series, and those Elder Scrolls fans who would ignore that fact and believe that graphics mean nothing in an Elder Scrolls game are just plain wrong.

Ya assuming things again. People do not care for graphic as they do not want it see it as an important and want to see other thing Oblivion fail to deliver.

Graphics are more important to TES series than you seem to realize. Every Elder Scrolls game had amazing graphics for its time and graphics were always part of the reason they were sold. I would be fine with graphics equal to or only slightly better than Oblivion, but not graphics equal to Morrowind's and certainly not graphics equal to Arena's.


TES series needs graphics to sell, graphics help with immersion, and they are a major part of TES series. I prefer good gameplay, but remember that graphics have always been amazing in Elder Scrolls games and it is not graphics that take away from gameplay.

And a again, ya assuming things again, namely that people want graphic from Morrowind / Arena.

Also, Graphics does not mean anything if they continue to water down the game to state it is in now. Graphic is there, but I prefer uping other department to actually making the game a game and not some sightseeing scenery.

Oblivion was simplified so Bethesda could have the game appeal to more people, not because of good graphics.

It ain't just for appealing to more people, the game was also rushed. Many things that the Dev want to add was remove.
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:07 pm

Though it is still ridiculous that one of ya main argument for uping graphic is because just to not to make it look like the Past TES. Not to mention ya assuming people would want graphic of the past back. Everyone pretty much know that is a given that the graphic is going to get a bit better.

Ya assuming things again. People do not care for graphic as they do not want it see it as an important and want to see other thing the Oblivion fail to deliver.

And a again, ya assuming things again, namely that people want graphic from Morrowind / Arena.

Also, Graphics does not mean anything if they continue to water down the game to state it is in now. Graphic is there, but I prefer uping other department to actually making the game a game and not some sightseeing scenery.

It ain't just for appealing to more people, the game was also rushed. Many things that the Dev want to add was remove.

They should have taken more time with Oblivion than they did the game "was" rushed and therein lyed a problem with me even tho its great its not as great as it could have been.
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:57 am

It seems like a few are missing the point Nextmaster is trying to make, he's just saying that they could improve the graphics only a little amount and he would still buy the game.

Also graphics do play a role but its also how the developers use the systems hardware to help create effects like lighting that makes a game look better than it is or footprints that remain in snow long after you walked through it.
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:51 am

It seems like a few are missing the point Nextmaster is trying to make, he's just saying that they could improve the graphics only a little amount and he would still buy the game.

Also graphics do play a role but its also how the developers use the systems hardware to help create effects like lighting that makes a game look better than it is or footprints that remain in snow long after you walked through it.

Yes small things like that are fine i am not saying make a game look like one from 1985 or anything.I think thats what alot of us are saying...
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:24 pm

Yes small things like that are fine i am not saying make a game look like one from 1985 or anything.I think thats what alot of us are saying...

i personally think people are being too literal whenever they read someone saying they would mind if they used arena style graphics, that person is just saying big improvements in graphics aren't going to sell the game to them
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:09 am

i personally think people are being too literal whenever they read someone saying they would mind if they used arena style graphics, that person is just saying big improvements in graphics aren't going to sell the game to them

Well I see how u can say that, but it was a figure of speech.Graphics do matter to a certain extent but not as the main thing most people want.
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:00 am

Graphics are important, but not as important as gameplay. saying that, if a game has great gameplay, but terrible graphics, i wouldn't play it. gameplay is how the game works, but graphics are how it's presented. i would buy anything with Oblivion or better graphics, but no worse. i know that what many of you are saying is that they shouldn't need to make good graphics, not that they should have bad graphics, but the truth is that they realy do need good graphics for many people to fully enjoy a game.
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:10 am

My suggestions:

-Birds of course, that would drop meat depending on what bird it is

-More than just alchohol. I want fruit juices and water, etc

-TalkingMudcrab said something about denting armor. Yes, that'd be very cool :hubbahubba:

-More creatures. Morrowind had special crazy awesome creatures. Oblivion had basic creatures and pretty much basic creatures only. No new creatures, like some horrid tentacle creature

-Horesback fighting would be awesome

-Crossbows. Spears. Halberds. They are a must have!

-Seperate skills-Short Blade-Long Blade-Axes-Blunt Weapons. JUST like in Morrowind, although maybe add new weapons?

-Larger varietes of explorable places. Example: More than just Caves, Aylied Ruins, Forts, Camps, and Towns. Maybe add some more small towns.

-The footstep idea was mentioned. THAT was a good idea. :celebration:

-The Banking idea! You get interest for keeping money in your bank. You get contracts for loans and so on.

-If anyone has said this...I am not sure. But if no one did, shame on you! We MUST have the ability to write in scrolls, books, parchments, and maybe have the option to crumple them up. This would be perfect for roleplaying, or to keep down those very important alchemichal recipes.

-*IF* we have Aylied ruins in the next game add some Aylied-related armor or weapons. Or if not, maybe have some Aylied items in like the Castle or Main fortress, or even in *VERY* rich people's houses.

-This isn't that big, but....the NPC conversations. UGH! They are just terrible. They switch from talking about some person in the city to the dark brotherhood and how they recruit! I mean...what!? Their conversations need to be changed.

-Set monster locations. Just like in Morrowind! As the quests went farther and farther up into the stroyline or guild, the monsters became harder. They didn't depened on your level. But in Oblivion, you can beat the game at level 1. You pretty much can face the weakest units at the end of the game. This is a *MUST* fix. Do it like how you did Morrowind.

-Someone posted a thing about other NPCs who advance in guilds and kill other NPCs. That is a great idea!

-Someone also posted how items should be fixed! I agree with them. You find a silver fork in a mudcrab. Or a silver plate. Umm?

Thats about all I have for now. Anyways, Bethesda, I know The Elder Scrolls V will be the very epic, no matter what you have or don't have. You deserve some icecream for all your hard work! :icecream:
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:54 am

Graphics are important, but not as important as gameplay. saying that, if a game has great gameplay, but terrible graphics, i wouldn't play it. gameplay is how the game works, but graphics are how it's presented. i would buy anything with Oblivion or better graphics, but no worse. i know that what many of you are saying is that they shouldn't need to make good graphics, not that they should have bad graphics, but the truth is that they realy do need good graphics for many people to fully enjoy a game.

Its true and sad I am saying graphics are good to an extent I like nice scenery but it does not make a game,I dont know why you like other people wont buy a game based on the graphics.Is it a selling factor yes,but gameplay should be where the focus is.Then after that and the story is fleshed out worry more about the in game presentation.
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:45 am

-Someone posted a thing about other NPCs who advance in guilds and kill other NPCs. That is a great idea!

Thats about all I have for now. Anyways, Bethesda, I know The Elder Scrolls V will be the very epic, no matter what you have or don't have. You deserve some icecream for all your hard work! :icecream:

Are you talking about the idea that I stole from (I think it was) Heavy Metal Archmage? Where they have a goal and, based on there randomly generated morals and skill set they find a way to achieve it?
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:57 am

Are you talking about the idea that I stole from (I think it was) Heavy Metal Archmage? Where they have a goal and, based on there randomly generated morals and skill set they find a way to achieve it?

Yes I belive so.
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Post » Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:03 pm

Morrowind is ruined... the game wields a future nearly triumphant in its unique disparity. With the Hist being demolished via Argonian genocide and the Dunmer suffering an equal blow, we are left with few viable options for a future game. It is probable that the Infernal City will make landfall and replace Vvardenfell. Also, with regard to lore, we should see a return to traditional Elder Scrolls and witness political unrest that rivals Daggerfall. It is due.
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:58 am

i think TES could realy do with the A-Life used in Stalker. Each NPC has his own agenda and walks around and lives his life and does quests just like you do and it makes the world seem very alive, no longer are NPCs bound to cities. With A-Life NPCs get bored and go for a walk, and shoot things, and go out hunting, and rest when they need sleep and eat when theyre hungry. with the A-Life system you only need stripted events for the main quest, everything else is conditional so you dont need to script thier actions, the A-Life takes control.
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Post » Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:15 pm

Final wishlist for the graphics:

http://www.umbrasoftware.com/: So the game can run faster, cities can be open, and more detail in general.
http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=556187: Everything looks more detailed and realistic, yay!
http://developer.download.nvidia.com/whitepapers/2007/SDK10/SoftParticles_hi.pdf: So you can walk through the rain and have misty streets in the early morning.
http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=557289: The sky now provides light and shadows! Should make the outdoors look way cool. (check the deviantart link for a good video)
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/gdc-2008-epic-games/30825: 150+ characers (creatures/npc's) onscreen at once! Huge battles and properly crowded cities. (couldn't find a paper on it)
http://www.gamasutra.com/visualcomputing/blog/2008/05/engel_details_light_prepass_re.php: Every light source, from fireballs to candles to campfires, can now cast light!
http://www.speedtree.com/: Awesome looking trees (much better than Oblivions) and grass that doesn't disappear!
http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/login.jsp?url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fiel5%2F4036509%2F4036510%2F04037052.pdf%3Farnumber%3D4037052&authDecision=-203: Actual, 3d waves in the water. If the game is set in the Summerset Isle's you'd be able to go on a boat, and actually rock back on forth on the waves.

Tried to include a combination of things that are possible on the 360/PS3, look good, and some of which can even improve gameplay! Deffered shading could be great for stealth, as every light source in an interior could be changed and moved, turned off and on. Obviously 150+ characters at once could mean awesome large scale battles, etc.

I couldn't agree more. You wrote exactly my thoughts. I'd give you rep if it was possible :)

Oh and deferred lightning makes it impossible to use Antialising. You know that right? Only way to apply AA to the game that use Deferred Lightning is to use Edge Detect Antialising. And it wastes so much GPU power.

EDIT: Sorry for the youtube video which includes nudity. i watched it before but couldn't remember the guy was actually removes the clothes...duh..
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:07 am

Graphics are important, but not as important as gameplay. saying that, if a game has great gameplay, but terrible graphics, i wouldn't play it. gameplay is how the game works, but graphics are how it's presented. i would buy anything with Oblivion or better graphics, but no worse. i know that what many of you are saying is that they shouldn't need to make good graphics, not that they should have bad graphics, but the truth is that they realy do need good graphics for many people to fully enjoy a game.

This horse has been beaten to tiny, bloodied chunks throughout Ideas & Suggestions.
I think most of us can agree that top-end graphics are not a priority over game depth & size.
What are they going to do: create a crap game with Oblivion's graphics, put a busty girl on the cover and hope it sells? I hope not.
I'm not looking for the next Dragon Age, Fallout, or whatever linear title you want to add.
Anything that is using some amazing new graphics still has a lot of impressing to do.
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:10 am

Id like it to be talking creatures. I know it sound like a farie tale, but it makes feel like theres a lot of things going on outside the city walls. Imagin goblin cave, where the goblins would take you as prisoner, and you can use speechcraft to convince a goblin guard to free you.

Com on, wouldn't it be awesome to here goblins go:"Human is hurting us. Flee!!!"

Not all creatures should be able to talk, only humanoid creatures like goblins, Xivilai, Lich's and so on
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:55 am

Hi, all. First time here, so I don't know if I'm late or if this has been said before. But for TES V ideas, two words: Mixed-Bloods.
Imagine, being able to create a Breton High Elf, an Imperial Orc, or a Khajiit Wood Elf. You could basically choose two halves of the different races or be a pure-blood. Obviously you wouldn't get the full bonus skills of each race, but you would get at least half of each races' skill bonuses. (eg. +5 athletics rather than +10 for a half-Argonian)

This would open up so many possibilities and so many cool characters; I hope they add it.
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:58 am

Hi, all. First time here, so I don't know if I'm late or if this has been said before. But for TES V ideas, two words: Mixed-Bloods.
Imagine, being able to create a Breton High Elf, an Imperial Orc, or a Khajiit Wood Elf. You could basically choose two halves of the different races or be a pure-blood. Obviously you wouldn't get the full bonus skills of each race, but you would get at least half of each races' skill bonuses. (eg. +5 athletics rather than +10 for a half-Argonian)

This would open up so many possibilities and so many cool characters; I hope they add it.

first; this has already been discussed, back in the ancient times of auld lang syne
second; this would take away from...something...somehow...i know it will....
third; welcome. you are now a disciple of the prophecy of elder scrolls forums.... just stay away from that bear, he'll maw you to death:
.... now wheres that crazy bear?

Here I am. :wacko:

I hardly think that one of the many forum topics about TES V that can be found on every site that discusses TES is going to sway the company into suddenly jumping up and announcing the next game. They have already said that there will be another, just not for the immediate future.

Use one of the topics linked in post #3 to talk about this while I deal with someone who called me 'crazy'. :D

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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:32 am

You want the graphics of vanilla Morrowind? You know that those graphics were amazing for their time, right? If you don't care about graphics, perhaps TES V should have Arena's graphics, right? Graphics are important to TES series. All Elder Scrolls games had great graphics for their times, and I'm sure Morrowind sold copies because of its graphics as well. I like amazing graphics. I don't believe they should result in simplified gameplay, but graphics are a part of gameplay and they are important. Graphics are important and Bethesda has always tried to make their games with great graphics. Morrowind's graphics are far too outdated. Graphics matter in an Elder Scrolls game, and Oblivion didn't break any trends in TES series in terms of graphical improvement. Graphics are important, and they do help with immersion.

I would be happy with Arena graphics, or even a text based game as long as the gameplay was outstanding. Graphics are a perk IMHO.

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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:10 am

[quote name='Umbrage' date='Jan 2 2010, 01:04 PM' post='15487832']
first; this has already been discussed, back in the ancient times of auld lang syne
second; this would take away from...something...somehow...i know it will....
third; welcome. you are now a disciple of the prophecy of elder scrolls forums.... just stay away from that bear, he'll maw you to death:

-1: I figured some had to have brought up mixed-bloods at some point.
-2: I disagree. you really think all those races could co-exist for eons without some intermarrying between them? Come on. Plus it would add so much depth, strategy, and uniqueness to the character creation.
-3: Thanks, glad to be here.
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:47 am

Races do intermarry, the antagonist of oblivion was of mixed blood,however in TES universe they become the race of whatever there mother was.
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