Having some sort of specific scripted events to change your body muscles just doesn't seem right...
I prefer muscle to just change naturally- build up as you increase your strength attribute like the old Body Shapes mod for Oblivion that was never released. BUT, if you people really complain about that, I don't really care if doesn't get in. We can mod.
I'm just trying to play "middleman" for everyone here. I have no vested interest in most of the character look arguments.
The way I see it, though, you have people who spend hours in the facegen to get a specific character look, and *they'd like to keep it*. That means we probably shouldn't do "stat-dependant bodies for all". But then, we have people who want exactly that... How do you make this workable?
The best answer we have is mods. I think we can all agree that if a game included the mechanics that are significantly different and incompatible as options, we'd make the game impossible to get into for new players: fourteen pages of gameplay options? Just in character generation? I'd quit in disgust

Now, it could be argued that some options aren't bad, and you'd be right. But that does put Bethesda in the position of saying "Your idea is more worthy of official status than yours". They probably shouldn't have to do that. One official system is all they really should have to support directly.
Against that backdrop, how do we proceed? Well, the best way is to use scripted events in the Vanilla game. Scripts that show up in the CS. This ensures that mods that generally cater to specific niches on a given issue appear "quickly" and "in quality". If they can do the CS in a TESIII/IV timetable, anyway, you could see your near-perfect mod in 48 to 72 hours.
The desirable solution would be to get the entire fanbase on one page, but with TES, that will not happen. Next best? A supermajority opinion. Not seeing it here. So? "workable" it is.
Also, there is the fact that the result of any "appearance by the numbers" will inevitably be a perception thing. Your "looks appropriately muscled" might be my "why doesn't he just carry the damn horse? It'd be faster than riding it!" Trying to reverse stats into an appearance will inevitably demand mods ANYWAY, along with a mod to strip the behavior out...
So I figured scripted events are the "best option", in that it allows everyone to start with SOME of their pie.