I'd like it so that when the player waited for, say, 24 hours in-game, they didn't actually have to sit there doing nothing for 24 seconds. I know, it's a very short amount of time, but it feels unnecessary. Don't think I'm saying this because I want instant gratification or anything, because I'm not, and I don't, it's just that those 24 seconds of staring at the screen don't seem necessary and really take me out of the game. Does anyone actually like this feature, or am I alone here?
I like the feature as I can pass time for a quest without finding a bed, however, I have a solution to make waiting seem more real. Some simple idle animations could sove this easily.
You're standing in the street and you're going to wait for say, 1 hour for someone to exit a store (lets say that's part of a quest). Instead of the screen just freezing and you watching a timer, your character would lean up against a wall, sit down on a nearby bench or something else like that, before the screen fades to black and then fades back in with the character getting off the bench or whatever and gameplay resumes.
I don't have much experience working with scripting in TES modding, but I'm fairly sure this sould be possible. Wherever you are, the game would find the closest idle marker (And there could be a lot of them, I usually placed tons in my mod projects and I didn't notice any real strain, though I could be wrong) and then use that marker. Then the fade to black happens, time passes and you fade back into the game.
This would make the waiting system seem a lot more immersive and real, at least in my eyes and it wouldn't require much effort if I'm not way, way off in my knowledge of scripting and using idle markers.
I can see it now, my character leaning up against a wall and grabbing an apple from a nearby fruit stand (Probably not as doable, but it's my fantasy damnit

) and then waiting.