TES V Ideas and Suggestions #151

Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:56 am

You want to be master? Fine, just make sure you're practically a master with a skill requirement, and pretty damn good with another 2 or 3.


Also, how about a fasttravel system that, in a way, combines the Morrowind and Oblivion systems.

- Silt striders between settlements at a cost.
- Mages guild teleportation there-and-back at locations you've already discovered in the map and mages guilds. Costs a lot more than silt striders, but ranking up in mages guild would lower the cost until you're high enough (combined with the skillrequirements for ranking up) and then it'd be free.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 12:14 am

There are holes. They're another example of Oblivion's detail.

Not to be "that guy" but light placement in oblivion is really just an invisible ball that shines light in all directions with varying colours and intensity. It's just like placing an apple or a chair, only it's a light.

Although, I did notice a lot of improvements in Fallout 3, people leaning on walls, warming up next to fires, actually leaning forward in stools onto the bar, etc. And if you were looking at something locked or an item of theirs they'd notice you eyeing it and comment.

So maybe I'm suggesting this for nothing since people tend to work forward, not backward.

Yeah Fallout really was a huge step in the right direction. I hope to see even more different idle markers (Objects you place to indicate that an NPC can lean on a wall at that location or whatever, for those not familiar with modding the game) in addition to the ones we've seen so far.

I definately agree that the AI could be a lot better in terms of NPC's just living their lives. But as I said, Fallout 3 was a step in the right direction, and I know Bethesda has the ability to do even better. Let's just hope they utilize their full potential with this game :)
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:20 am

I definately agree that the AI could be a lot better in terms of NPC's just living their lives.

like bandits coming back to mommy's after a week of highway robbery and [censored].

I would like to see enemies be nomadic, in that they spawn at a location, but move on every week or few days. Bandits would turn an easily fortified location into a camp, leave some guards there, then pillage neighboring settlements. If you pass within the cell of their camp, they send someone to trail you. If you come closer, they'll warn or kill you. I'd also like to use my character's wily charms to get on the goodside of the bandits, so I can pass through the area safely or do business with them. I'm thinking something similar to "Paradise Falls", only mobile.

Unless you've earned the good grace of the local lord or guild boss, taking quests away from the law enforcement or guild should earn you serious demerits, in their eyes. A good way to get your ass kicked by goons.
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:46 am

-No internet required to play
-No achievements, at least in PC version.
-No 'community' other than these forums
-No cheap and completely useless DLCs, but...

-Yes bigger add-ons worth the money!
-Yes bug fixes and patches if they are needed
-Yes developer made mods if they're free DLs like with TES3
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:07 am

I don't know if it has been suggested before, but not all enemies should act the same way, I mean, in Oblivion and Morrowind (pretty sure it was the same in TES 2 and 1) when an enemy sees you it pretty much always attacks. I want enemies to act differently depending on what they are, if a lone wolf sees me, it shouldn't attack, wolves don't do that usually, it should call for help, ignore you or just flee. I also want to see some teamwork between NPCs, we can cast buffing spells on others, why can't we add NPCs whose primary purpose is helping their fellow comrades? I want enemy mages with healing magic to not only heal themselves but heal others too, would make combat much more interesting. I also want to be the target of sneak attacks, why was the only one able to do them? It just doesn't make sense.

I agree with the way the combat system is programed in both Morrowind and Oblivion it tends to favor the warriors vs mage or thieves/assassins. Like a thief/assassin character is at an auto disadvantage in close combat or against multiple npc's/creatures. I really liked the perks they had for Fallout 3 that gave you additional special abilities depending on where your character was going. That would be cool for TES series if they could incorporate a system like that to where if you're a thief for example, you would get a perk on line down the road that would grant you +20 to agility once an "evil" npc spots you, and then once the battle is over you no longer have +20 to agility just when you are in combat so you can dodge their attacks more often. Or w/e i'm just coming up with a random example. And not just for the character you are role playing but the npc's can also have these perks. I think it would really change the effect of gameplay and make it more interesting. It would actually be cool AND beneficial to be a thief or assassin b/c you get extra perks that balanced the classes out. I'm not like a pro thief or pro mage or pro assassin type role playing person either. If anything i mainly enjoy playing as a warrior type character only b/c i find that it's the easiest. Meaning that certain class has an advantage. See where i'm coming from?

Example: In Morrowind being a mage is completely pointless. You can create a warrior role playing character and enchant items like crazy. No point in having to cast spells to draw mana when you have enchantments that have a 100% chance of effect. In Oblivion they fixed that buy not making enchantments as powerful and attempted to equalize the mage and warrior type classes. But the main draw back i noticed and never really did notice this until i saw somebody on youtube role play as a mage he complained that when you eqiup a robe that u can't equip anything else. Saying that it wasn't really mage friendly. At Least in morrowind you can equip a robe, skirt, shirt, pants, left and right gloves all at the same time! So in oblivion robes are kind of pointless. A mage is forced to actually equip armor..which is stupid. A mage doesn't wear armor. That's not a mage. That would be more like a spellsword or something.
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2009 6:36 pm

But the main draw back i noticed and never really did notice this until i saw somebody on youtube role play as a mage he complained that when you eqiup a robe that u can't equip anything else. Saying that it wasn't really mage friendly. At Least in morrowind you can equip a robe, skirt, shirt, pants, left and right gloves all at the same time! So in oblivion robes are kind of pointless. A mage is forced to actually equip armor..which is stupid. A mage doesn't wear armor. That's not a mage. That would be more like a spellsword or something.

Unarmored really needs to make a comeback in TES V, it was one of my favourite armor style (if you can call it that way) in Morrowind and seeing it wasn't in Oblivion really annoyed me, especially because you can't wear armors under a robe, mages had to cast shield spell or wear some constant shield enchantement trinket to make up for it and it svcked really. I know mages are supposed to be squishy, but Morrowind did it right by making unarmored a viable way to get armor without being good compared to the other style (think the max you could get via unarmored was 60 or something while 90+ was the norm with other style). Oh and, I want to be able to wear clothes under my armor, it doesn't make sense if I can't.. wearing steel armor on bare skin? Gotta hurt.
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Ian White
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:07 pm


Also, how about a fasttravel system that, in a way, combines the Morrowind and Oblivion systems.

- Silt striders between settlements at a cost.
- Mages guild teleportation there-and-back at locations you've already discovered in the map and mages guilds. Costs a lot more than silt striders, but ranking up in mages guild would lower the cost until you're high enough (combined with the skillrequirements for ranking up) and then it'd be free.

Silt striders were in Morrowind, in Skyrim there is different fauna, plus morrowind is destroyed so, i can safely say that they don't exist anymore
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:34 pm

Your vision should blur when you get hit by something.
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:50 am

Silt striders were in Morrowind, in Skyrim there is different fauna, plus morrowind is destroyed so, i can safely say that they don't exist anymore

A different "mule" then.
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:50 pm

Your vision should blur when you get hit by something.

And ears ring when someone slaps you around with a large mace. Then, when weapon connects with armour, there should be *klang* instead of *thumb*.
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:26 pm

combat on horseback hated getting off to kill 1 wolf
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:54 am

And ears ring when someone slaps you around with a large mace. Then, when weapon connects with armour, there should be *klang* instead of *thumb*.

Haha funny!
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 5:06 am

People play for the felling of POWER they get and it sounds to me that you want an MMO TES for that kind of feeling*

I saw this in the MMO thread, and thought it could be relevant.

One thing that has always been lacking is that when you get a powerful and wealth character, political, economic and military power cannot be really acquired. In Oblivion, you could never be the new count of Kvatch (except through mods), you never got a super uber castle, and you only got a small amount of followers and respect. I mean, the Elder Council should have given you like at least a feifdom for helping save Tamriel, not just some special armor. Morrowind, you didn't get that much either, even though you were a super powerful prophet.

So, my suggestion is that Bethesda take power into account for TESV, and really give the character the ability to acquire all sorts of power, if they are able. Physical things like soldiers, taxes, land, castles, boats, a family, ect. But also the ability to dramatically change the political landscape if they are powerful enough. Like add a little strategy element in there, but not too much.
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:17 pm

I saw this in the MMO thread, and thought it could be relevant.

One thing that has always been lacking is that when you get a powerful and wealth character, political, economic and military power cannot be really acquired. In Oblivion, you could never be the new count of Kvatch (except through mods), you never got a super uber castle, and you only got a small amount of followers and respect. I mean, the Elder Council should have given you like at least a feifdom for helping save Tamriel, not just some special armor. Morrowind, you didn't get that much either, even though you were a super powerful prophet.

So, my suggestion is that Bethesda take power into account for TESV, and really give the character the ability to acquire all sorts of power, if they are able. Physical things like soldiers, taxes, land, castles, boats, a family, ect. But also the ability to dramatically change the political landscape if they are powerful enough. Like add a little strategy element in there, but not too much.

In the Multiplayer Thread i was saying that people play MMOs for the felling of POWER they get over the weaker ones (low lvl characters), and that's way they spend hours and hours improving their character only for the mere purpose of getting more POWERFUL and have that felling of superiority. That's one of the reasons why i hate MMOs...

Regarding your POWER idea, i think that all of the TES heroes are pretty much unknown and remain that way no matter how important they where in the past.. So i don't think that Bethesda should give the next TES hero the chance to acquire political, economic and military power like you said, because it would destroy the tradition of the previous TES games. And someone suggested before the idea that TES V shouldn't begging with an unknown prisoner.. That's one of the things that i love about TES and i really hope they don't change that.
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:59 am

Agreed with Cbek. I don't wish to become a demigod, especially if the main quest takes a week or so gametime. Makes no sense at all. I liked the slow approach of TES2: you could waste several years on your quest, and advance extremely slow if you chose to. That was more realistic and your character felt like a real human being. True, the only measure of 'power' in TES series, is having all stats at 100, which is pretty pathetic. There should be more, but not too much. Mount&Blade is a good example of a game that makes you feel powerful: you can have great personality and leadership skills, and those actually mean something. You can own villages and castles, and accommodate masses and masses of troops. But TES is about one person, not a team, not a whole war band. Give the player choice if to work behind the scenes, or to grab all the power possible.
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 12:48 am

i don't have anything against MMOs but i denfinitely think that TES should not become one. it just wouldn't be the same...this is just the humble opinion of a newcomer to this forum but i think most of you will agree with me.

it's true that you don't get much recognition as champion of Cyrodiil, in fact you are more often recognized as the hero of Kvatch by some NPCs. perhaps the Chancellor should have offered you like an honorary seat on the council or something, but that would have meant that the main storyline wouldn't have ended when it did so it makes sense in a way. i know it's been sais before but i reckon a more interesting storyline would be a good start for TESV, Oblivion's main quest was ok but having to shut so many Oblivion Gates got really tedious...

other than that i've read some really brilliant ideas on this forum, nice work
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 8:57 am

I agree with the way the combat system is programed in both Morrowind and Oblivion it tends to favor the warriors vs mage or thieves/assassins. Like a thief/assassin character is at an auto disadvantage in close combat or against multiple npc's/creatures. I really liked the perks they had for Fallout 3 that gave you additional special abilities depending on where your character was going. That would be cool for TES series if they could incorporate a system like that to where if you're a thief for example, you would get a perk on line down the road that would grant you +20 to agility once an "evil" npc spots you, and then once the battle is over you no longer have +20 to agility just when you are in combat so you can dodge their attacks more often. Or w/e i'm just coming up with a random example. And not just for the character you are role playing but the npc's can also have these perks. I think it would really change the effect of gameplay and make it more interesting. It would actually be cool AND beneficial to be a thief or assassin b/c you get extra perks that balanced the classes out. I'm not like a pro thief or pro mage or pro assassin type role playing person either. If anything i mainly enjoy playing as a warrior type character only b/c i find that it's the easiest. Meaning that certain class has an advantage. See where i'm coming from?

Example: In Morrowind being a mage is completely pointless. You can create a warrior role playing character and enchant items like crazy. No point in having to cast spells to draw mana when you have enchantments that have a 100% chance of effect. In Oblivion they fixed that buy not making enchantments as powerful and attempted to equalize the mage and warrior type classes. But the main draw back i noticed and never really did notice this until i saw somebody on youtube role play as a mage he complained that when you eqiup a robe that u can't equip anything else. Saying that it wasn't really mage friendly. At Least in morrowind you can equip a robe, skirt, shirt, pants, left and right gloves all at the same time! So in oblivion robes are kind of pointless. A mage is forced to actually equip armor..which is stupid. A mage doesn't wear armor. That's not a mage. That would be more like a spellsword or something.

That doesn't make much sense to me, realistically why should mages be squishy? Just because you know magic, you can't wear armor, or know how to? That's what imperial battlemages are, they are iron clad soldiers that use magic and armor. If I were a mage, I'd still wear things to protect myself, just because armor is heavy doesn't mean your concentration is broke. In real life people take up more than just one profession or skill in order to adapt to situations. That's the annoying class-based systems most restricted rpgs and mmorpgs use, which isn't what Elder Scrolls games are about.
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:38 am

In the Multiplayer Thread i was saying that people play MMOs for the felling of POWER they get over the weaker ones (low lvl characters), and that's way they spend hours and hours improving their character only for the mere purpose of getting more POWERFUL and have that felling of superiority. That's one of the reasons why i hate MMOs...

Oh, okay, now I get it. Thats also one of the reasons why I hate MMOs.

Regarding your POWER idea, i think that all of the TES heroes are pretty much unknown and remain that way no matter how important they where in the past.. So i don't think that Bethesda should give the next TES hero the chance to acquire political, economic and military power like you said, because it would destroy the tradition of the previous TES games. And someone suggested before the idea that TES V shouldn't begging with an unknown prisoner.. That's one of the things that i love about TES and i really hope they don't change that.

Idk. Maybe not change too much, or have some sort of dues ex machina that makes anything the player messed up not matter as much, like at the end of Daggerfall. Or, even better, do it Mass Effect style, and carry over people's saved games! That way they can see what kind of an effect they had. Either way, the story shouldn't have completely opposite endings that would mess up with continuity.

As to the prisoner thing, I would still like to start out as a prisoner, but I don't want to remain a pauper my whole game. I want people to know me (and fear me if need be)! I want to be uber powerful by the end, if I choose to be. Or if I want to be the unknown hero, I want that option too. I don't want to be forced into being the emperor's errand boy (like in Oblivion)!

Also, another suggestion. TESV should be lego-themed. Seriously.
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:27 am

Mount&Blade is a good example of a game that makes you feel powerful: you can have great personality and leadership skills, and those actually mean something. You can own villages and castles, and accommodate masses and masses of troops. But TES is about one person, not a team, not a whole war band. Give the player choice if to work behind the scenes, or to grab all the power possible.

Mount&Blade is also a good example that games can be wonderful and don't have top notch graphics and physics.. It's all about the Gameplay and to know what the players want in a game.. M&B forums is full of people testing the game, the to-be release WarBand expansion and making suggestions about the different aspects of the game since the first version. Suggestions that the Developers read and add to the game for the testers to try.. That's why the game is so fun and addicting.. I wonder if Bethesda developers read the suggestions being made in these forums..
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Ice Fire
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 12:36 am

Mount&Blade is a good example of a game that makes you feel powerful: you can have great personality and leadership skills, and those actually mean something. You can own villages and castles, and accommodate masses and masses of troops. But TES is about one person, not a team, not a whole war band. Give the player choice if to work behind the scenes, or to grab all the power possible.

YES! I was trying to think of the name of that game, but I kept thinking it was Two Worlds. THAT is what I'm talking about!
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:41 pm

Idk. Maybe not change too much, or have some sort of dues ex machina that makes anything the player messed up not matter as much, like at the end of Daggerfall. Or, even better, do it Mass Effect style, and carry over people's saved games! That way they can see what kind of an effect they had. Either way, the story shouldn't have completely opposite endings that would mess up with continuity.

As to the prisoner thing, I would still like to start out as a prisoner, but I don't want to remain a pauper my whole game. I want people to know me (and fear me if need be)! I want to be uber powerful by the end, if I choose to be. Or if I want to be the unknown hero, I want that option too. I don't want to be forced into being the emperor's errand boy (like in Oblivion)!

That's and interesting idea to be honest, but i think that one of the attractive aspects of the TES games is that you get to be somebody new in every game.. An unknown character with only some raggedy clothes on, but who manages to become a powerful and known character by the end of the game.. Though it's true that your character never gets the respect or fear it deserves. That's one of the Gameplay aspects that should be improved.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:13 am

That's and interesting idea to be honest, but i think that one of the attractive aspects of the TES games is that you get to be somebody new in every game..

Its funny you say that, considering I always create the same character in every rpg I play. :P

Its Feyd-Rautha (i.e. only cool scifi/fantasy name in the world, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feyd-Rautha). My rendition is a red-headed middle-eastern jewish looking intelligent anti-hero. His class is usually combat/stealth hybrid with some magic elements maybe.

So, considering that, its painful that I have to reconstruct the same character in every game (Morrowind, Oblivion, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, KOTOR 1 & 2, ect.) and have none of his exploits matter!

But thats just me... :nuts:

Its just every other character I make I end up hating. :brokencomputer:
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:48 pm

Its funny you say that, considering I always create the same character in every rpg I play. :P

Its Feyd-Rautha (i.e. only cool scifi/fantasy name in the world, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feyd-Rautha). My rendition is a red-headed middle-eastern jewish looking intelligent anti-hero. His class is usually combat/stealth hybrid with some magic elements maybe.

So, considering that, its painful that I have to reconstruct the same character in every game (Morrowind, Oblivion, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, KOTOR 1 & 2, ect.) and have none of his exploits matter!

But thats just me... :nuts:

Its just every other character I make I end up hating. :brokencomputer:

My only "recurring" character is Sheds-His-Tail. . . a cowardly Argonian.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:18 am

My only "recurring" character is Sheds-His-Tail. . . a cowardly Argonian.

See, aren't anti-heros more fun?

Its not easy being an anti-hero in Tamriel...

People on the street be like, "Hey, pick a side!" "Go save the world! Gosh!" "Be a prophet! Save us!"

That should change in TESV!
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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:38 am

anti heroes are fun, but the psychic guards make it a bit awkward to do anything evil...that needs looking into and sorting out, and there needs to be more evil options integrated into the quests like in bioware games (dragon age, mass effect and kotor which have all been mentioned already)
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