Hmm... I dunno, I like that TES allow me to do quest when I want to, and I don't have to think about the time.
I disagree. I noticed it more clearly in DA:O. You just pick every quest you find, cluttering your journal entirelly. None of them seem very urgent to you, and you complete most of them by just stumbling over the people and items. Many times you kill some one, don't even remember who it was and then reading the Quest Done text you know who were you even killing that guy for. They feel completely out of place and unrewarding. Many side quests aren't complete until you've ventured into every one of the important areas, and they really annoy me by cluttering my journal. No matter how urgent the job sounds like, I got all the time in the world. "Darkspawn killing some peasants this very moment you say? I take care of it. Next week."
The problem isn't that bad in TES3-4, but still it makes no sense to me that whatever you're told to do, it can always wait. For as long as you need. Mostly this is because the quest are unfailable these days: the quest clutters your journal until you've done it, and there's no way of doing it wrong. Even if you're hired to escort someone through a huge cave full of vampires, you can't fail it even by leaving the poor sod to his faith. Return after a year to find out he's still there. Well actually he's immortal, so he can pretty much kill he vamps with his fists if given enough time. But wait? Why does some one like that need protection in the 1st place???
TES2 style: find a quest you're willing to complete. Focus on that particular quest. It usually takes several days, and you have to be actually careful not to waste time. Hint: Teleporting back to quest giver saves many days of travel. Manage to do it before it's too late? Good. Screw it up? Bad. But at least you got experience and loot while
trying to do it, and after all, everyone fails occasionally.
Of course this needs tiny improving, but what doesn't.
Some ideas: you would never be sent too far away for minor business. The local guild takes care of local stuff, adn there has to be others doing these kind of jobs, right? So if you're sent to kill rats in a local cellar, you're expected to finish it within hours. The guy has to pay for the service, and the guild can't just leave him hanging can it?
If you're sent to a far away, dangerous location for example to kill some mummy, they might send other people after you if you're unsucceesful within the time limit. So maybe the pay is split? Or if you finish the job, but take more time, it's still done, the beast is dead. You must be rewarded, but maybe the guild master comments you of slacking on the job.
Fetching ingredients and items should be different. Be late, and the quest giver says he got some one else to do it and got what he wanted. Thanks anyway, you can keep the stuff yourself.
But if there's going to be a assassination attemp on some one next night and you're the hired guard, you just GOTTA be there. No argument about that. Failing to show up entirely is traitorous.
In TES4 the very idea of going into a house and kill everyone makes no sense if the people are willing to wait there eternally, if you don't feel like showing up. Well, pretty much the same thing as Kvatch being attacked yesterday. Always yesterday. Great examples how the world rotates around the player, instead of player being a minor part of a funcioning world.
Here's an idea: remove the skill "block." replace it with "shield." Shield blocking is then distinguished from weapon blocking, which would be part of the weapon skill. Does that idea sound good or am I being stupid?
Yes that's a wonderful idea. You found it in my signature?