TES V Ideas and Suggestions #153

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:46 am

Welcome to TES V Ideas and Suggestions # 153

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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:11 pm

NPC behaviors and disposition:
A big problem in TES is how NPCs interact with you and react to their surrounding. The actual problem is that there are simply to few factors this is based on, so far it only depends on how much they like you and how high the "attack" value is.

Instead of having only one value, how much NPCs like you, there should be more which can vary the behavior NPCs display towards you.

Hate --- Like
Fear --- Trust
Despite --- Respect

Hate and Like:
The more a NPC likes you the more he's willing to lean your way, like a shop owner giving you a discount on items or how willing somebody is to talk or being around you.

Fear and Trust:
When somebody fears you it's easier to threaten them to give you informations or to do things. However this can only go so far, if you threaten somebody with a sword to the back and tell them to jump off a cliff it's likely they'll fight you since that gives them more of a chance to survive than jumping to a certain death. Also people fearing you will do more to avoid you.
People trusting you are also more willing to tell you things or take risks like letting you into their private rooms. If they really trust you they also believe you more giving you potential space to lie to them.

Despite and Respect:
People respecting you gives you more the ability to tell them what to do even when it puts them in potentially harmful situations. Also they will of course "respect" you more, at low respect they may get mad if you run into someone, at high respect they will more likely even say sorry if you did it intentionally.

Those 3 factors can make it differ more largely how NPCs behave towards you. A shop owner might like you and give you discounts but that doesn't mean he'll trust or respect you, if you disappear in a hard to see corner of the store they might peek after you or walk around to keep an eye on you.
Somebody trapped in a burning house might hate your guts or always treated you like a doormat but if you offer to lead him out of there it's likely he'll trust you enough to do that.
Soldiers may hate their leader and possibly fear him more than trust him but can have so much respect they'd go through hell and back for him.

A little thought on how they are displayed, I really don't like giving out a direct number value like "this person likes me 75%". Instead it could just say "likes me", "dislikes me", "hates me a lot" and so on. 7 "units":
"extreme negative" - "negative" - "slightly negative" - "indifferent" - "slightly positive" - "positive" - "extreme positive".

Viral disposition spread:
Just having a disposition "score" has a big problem, it increase or decreases your disposition universally meaning even a hermit who had no contact with anyone for 50 years suddenly knows about you.
Keeping it to single NPCs or only those that saw what you did poses another problem, if you did something great and it's far more likely that news would spread you'd stay a nobody in some places even if logically you should be more known by now.

A solution is by having a "viral" spread, for one on small scale between actually interacting NPCs and on larger scale with a simulated interaction range.

On small scale this means whenever two NPCs interact (talk to or are in a certain proximity to each other) and one already has altered disposition values about you he will influence the other NPC. On large scale it takes the average of how people think about you in an area and simulates how people between two areas interact.
Places that have much interaction like a marketplace will spread your disposition relatively fast and stronger, those with little interaction, for example between a slum and a noble quarter, will only leak little information between each other meaning your disposition will spread slower and with less impact.

Like this news about you can actually travel instead of just spreading universally. You might be a small scale legend in one corner of the world but still relatively unknown in another part, however due to direct interaction somebody in a remote corner might already know more about you since he talked to somebody in the area where you're a hero.

The strength of how your disposition is altered between two NPCs depends on how much their disposition is towards each other too of course, if they get along they're more likely to share the same view about you, if they hate each other it's even likely that they don't believe the other about you and can even turn it into the opposite.

NPC personalities:
The NPCs having actual personalities is very important in this field too as they have to actually react differently to situations around them. And this can of course vary how they react to things you do and how you behave.

Personality sheets:
A way this could be fixed is by giving them a "personality sheet" that, depending on the strength of it's "stats" puts together a behavior pattern. Each of those stats would more or less represent two sides of a extreme, sometimes one side is better than the other but most of the time a balance in the middle is ideal. Some, among others, of those stats could be:

Low end; Sad (Depressed) ? High end; Happy (Euphoric)

Low end; Hardly scared by anything (Fearless) ? High end; Easily frightened (Cowardly)

Low end; Selfish (stingy) ? High end; Generous (giving)

Low end; Calm (tranquil) ? High end; Angry (Aggressive)

Emotional stability:
Low end; Personality traits can change drastically (unstable) ? High end; Personality traits change barely (stable)

sixual Orientation:
Low end; Heterosixual ? High end; Homosixual (middle is Bisixual)

(This is far from being the full list, there should be a lot more factors that control NPCs behavior. Those are just to give a small example of possible personality traits.)

The combination can determine if a NPC is a grumpy and mean character or cheerful and friendly, or any odd combination between them (and more).

Each personality trait is mostly static and can have a modifier to change the NPC behavior based on the situation. A generally happy NPC can be sad in times of tragedy, but will become happy again.

Personality traits can change slowly if the personality modifiers are strong enough over a long time. A happy NPC living a depressing live will become bitter over the years.

Traumatic or shocking experiences, like the death of a loved one, can change a personality drastically.

The modifiers have something like a maximum stress point, The stronger the modifier is the more it pulls a emotional value in one direction. If it steps over a certain strength it just snaps which can make the NPC go into a state of shock or trauma, this can even make them go insane.
Also when reaching a snap point the emotional stability lowers significantly.

The sixual orientation plays a big role in things like flirting or relationships, the likes and dislikes (explained below) heavily influence who exactly people find attractive but the orientation dictates the gender they like. A woman might feel comfortable hanging around with other women but her sixual orientation is still heterosixual.

Likes and dislikes / Desires and Phobias:
Something that works similarly like the personality sheets are Likes, Dislikes, Desires and Phobias. Those work independently of the personality sheet however though they are somewhat interlinked, a low "fear" value for example can mean they have a better time countering phobias while encountering something that causes a phobia can raise fear. However even when the Fear value is low a phobia will cause a fear reaction.

They can all be different steps in each field going like this:
Phobia --- Dislike --- Indifference --- Like --- Desire

Being fully into the Phobia side can mean this field is a crippling fear, encountering such a phobia or even having mentioned can cause strong panic reactions.
Fully into the Desire can mean it's almost a perverted desire which, under the "right" circumstances, can even make a NPC forcefully attempt to fulfill them, like a drug addiction.
A strong willed character is not as likely to succumb to his fears or desires.

Tending towards a side has influence on your characters personality (the emotional one) but is also influenced by it (the base personality). By standard all values are in the middle, so Indifferent. But even then they are not fixed, they can slowly tend towards one end or the other as well, Phobias can be reduced over time, Desires can lose their effect.

Choosing them could simply be in the form of expendable dropdown lists that get more detailed the further you click them, you can either just check a whole set or individual entries and then change their orientation. Some of the possible likes and dislikes can be:
-Race (individual races)
-Animals (Individual and sub types like insects, arachnids, reptiles, large animals...)
-Daedra (individual Daedra and creatures, certain branches or universally against all of them)
Just to name a few, the actual list can be far longer and more detailed.

Picking a option does give it a definition, not picking one leaves it on "indifferent" by standard. However you can also choose to randomize them when making a NPC or when they're randomly generated.

Needs and reliefs:
Aside likes and dislikes there are also basic needs a NPC has to fulfill, basics like eating, sleeping, sixual urges, defecating, calming pain and the like.
If a unpleasant situation arises for a NPC he will seek to relief it, they will have a borderline of how far they are willing to go and how willing they are to ignore a need. This barrier prevents a NPC from going into a knife fight for a piece of bread just because they couldn't afford one for a day but the same time will make them fight for their life if nearly starved.

NPCs differ at where their "snap points" for those values are, one might go insane after just one day without food, others can go several days and just feel mildly annoyed. If a character hits a snap point he will attempt to fulfill a need more recklessly, the further it goes the more recklessly he will becomes even going towards being destructive or self-destructive.
The values of course also interact with the likes and dislikes as well as the NPCs personality. Some factors might soften a need, some will increase it. They also influence what direction a need can take, a NPC with a high like for meat who is hungry will attempt to get meat. However when nearly starved he'll generally settle more towards any food, maybe even food he hates.
Those together can also differ HOW a NPC reacts when reaching a certain point. If some have went hungry for too long they will try to steal or fight for their food, others will beg, others will stay proud even if it means their demise. And it can change depending on the situation too, chained up in a dungeon, might go more towards begging, luckless on the street, more towards stealing and fighting for it.

Having those extra values can not only add to NPC interactions but also to the AI and behavior. After all it can determine if a NPC feels hungry, sad, heroic, greedy... in fact it could even change if a NPC becomes a thief, a lawful citizen, a greedy bastard or a likable, jolly person. They wouldn't remain static forever but actually change realistically to the world around them.

Like this the behavior of NPCs can vary much more, it can change how they act and interact, what they like and dislike and how well they get along with you and each other.
Also it wouldn't require a "good and evil" meter this way as if a NPC sees you as good or evil completely depends on what they actually THINK and know about you.

As a little side note this also REQUIRES that psychic guards go away but I think everyone want to see those gone. Also if you do kill someone, even if it was in complete cold blood, if nobody observed it there's NO judgment over you. Only what is really revealed over you should actually spread.
However law and morality is another topic I may get into at another point in time, this is just a little side note on my main topic.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:27 am


If Bethesda took to heart all of your ideas we would have one brilliant game.
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emma sweeney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:28 pm

sixual Orientation:
Low end; Heterosixual ? High end; Homosixual (middle is Bisixual)

sixual Orientation? Really? :meh:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:07 am


I especially liked the part about sixual urges. :hubbahubba:

I think that NPC behavior should be grouped into classes based off how they get food. For example;
Every day an NPC spends having not eaten, their health and fatigue go down a bit. the classes would be,

Food Farmer: Produces and harvests his own plants, such as wheat, corn, etc.; as well as cattle pigs etc. iff there is extra food, they sell it. And if they can afford it, they will buy a luxury.

Cash Crops: Harvests and produces cash-crops, like wine or tabaco. a traveling merchant would regularly trade him his crop for money and food. And if they can afford it, they will buy a luxury.

Hunter: most NPC's hunt, and is is the default if something messes up their original script. This would involve tracking down an animal they can easily kill, and killing them. the amount of meat
produced is 3x what it would be for the player. If there is extra food, they sell it. And if they can afford it, they will buy a luxury.

Merchant: has the amount if money they are willing to trade, as well as savings in the back. other NPC's go to traders regularly when they have spare cash and need something, so their cash fluctuates. at the end of every day; if the trader has made money then they put the extra in their savings. if they lost money, they replenish their supply.

Traveling merchants: Tie in the the farmers. they have no savings, as they buy in massive amounts. They go from farm stead to farmstead buying and selling food and cash-crops, as well as some luxuries. Their loop starts and ends in a major city, so that they can sell all but food with the merchants their, as well as re-stock.

Rich people: They have massive amounts of money, like millions and millions, hidden in a cell that the player cannot enter. They draw upon that cash through scripts when they go shopping, and they buy not only food, but many luxuries.

Working man: They do their job at a loss of fatigue, or (in the case of the fighter's guild) health. However, they get payed in cash depending on what job(s) they have, and will go buy food from a merchant, and if they can afford it, luxuries.

Beggars: They will sell information to thieves guild members, and if other NPC's have more than 5x what they are asking for, they will get charity. Every $1,000 the player gives to charity is worth 1 fame point, as an incentive to do so. They mostly have low responsibility, and if they see something lying in the street will most likely take it. They only buy food, and store all their money.

Vampires: Don't eat food. however, they will break into houses and feed on other NPC's. Before feeding, they will cast a Paralyze spell on their target, to assure that they don't awake with fangs in their neck.

Inn Keeper: a specialized merchant. most will only sell beer, wine, and bread and will only buy from Traveling Merchants. Every Inn NPC pays 5 gold to them every night for sleep, even if there are more customers than beds.

Things common to all classes:
Scavenge; If somebody sees something lying around, they will most likely pick it up. If the item is owned (by the player or another NPC) then they might, depending on the object's value and their responsibility. High responsibility NPC's will pick up Player-owned objects and return them for a monetary reward.

Hunt; If they see a wild animal that they know they can easily best, they will kill it. if they see a non-fighting wild plant, they will harvest it.

Friendship; If a poor NPC has a disposition of 90+ with a Rich NPC, they will most likely get a loan. The loan will be payed of in ten months with no interest, unless the Rich NPC falls on hard times or gets a 70- Disposition towards the other one. In those cases, there will be 5% interest.

Improvement: If an Innkeeper, Food Farmer, or Traveling merchant save up 1000+ gold, they will move into the closest abandoned farmstead, and become a cash-crop Farmer. If a Cash crop farmer or Merchant saves up 10000+ gold, they will instantly get 1 million in 'savings' and become a rich person. A Begger or hunter who has saved up 500 gold will become a Food Farmer or Innkeep depending on which institution is closer (an abandoned Inn or an abandoned house)

Deprovment: If a npc don't have enough food to survive two more days, they will either join the thieves guild or church depending on their responsibility.

This would ensure that NPC's tried to eat and, most importantly, create an economy that the player could chose to completely destroy :flamethrower::banghead:. If you kill 15 traveling merchants, a couple cash crop farmers won't be able to sell their food.
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Kari Depp
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:59 pm

I'm taking cues from Daggerfall here again, but if characters reacted to you based on how you dress (I believe they do this to some degree in previous games, though people didn't seem to care if I was stark naked in Oblivion.), as well as how you ask things (Blunt, Normal, Polite.), it could really add a layer of strategy when speaking to people. Of course, this concept wouldn't exactly be plausible if ALL dialog was voiced, so my previous suggestion of partially voiced dialog would naturally need to be applied in this case.

Also, different greetings depending on whether a character has never heard of you, knows about you but has never met you, or has met you before would be nice. In fact, people come and go in Tamriel all the time. It doesn't really make sense for EVERYONE to stop, face you, and say "Greetings Dunmer." or whatever. Unless you initiate conversation, or the character knows you, characters should largely ignore you. Shopkeepers will naturally greet you, of course, and a friend will say hello, but ordinary townspeople have no reason to say anything to you unless they have business with you.

An upgrade to the barter system I believe is in order. Bartering should be performed naturally as it is at your local flea market or pawn shop. The asking price is posted, you offer a lower price. The merchant then either accepts it (Depending on your skill.), or offers a counter price. This goes back and forth until either an agreement is made, you cancel, or the merchant pulls out of the deal, probably lowering disposition in the process.

In addition to an overhauled barter system, an "appraise" skill could be added, or possibly just merged with the mercantile skill. You can more accurately guess the value of an item, bringing potential prices down, and sell prices for yourself up.

Shopping can be done in the role playing environment, rather than in a separate menu. All for-sale items are displayed, (Some locked away in cases for security.) Activating an item focuses view on it, maybe allowing you to examine it closer and move it around. (Ala Shenmue?) The merchant gives you a little background on the item, and gives the asking price. Something along the lines of:

Merchant - "Ah, I see you have a good eye for fine weapons. What you hold in your hands in a flawless example of a silver longsword created by the most talented swordsmiths in Tamriel. Perfectly balanced, with a keen edge, excellent for any foe, both alive, and undead. You can take it off my hands for 250 septims."

You - "I'll give you 150 septims."

Merchant - "You wound me with such a low offer Breton. I don't feel comfortable with doing this, but I suppose I can let it go for a mere 225 septims."

You - "200 septims."

Merchant - "You bargain hard Breton. Fine. 200 septims it is."

More obvious sickness symptoms should be present. You should audibly cough, vision can blur, you can drop to your knees with weakness. Characters should react more strongly to your symptoms the worse they get, trying to keep their distance. Inn keepers might deny you a room if you are particularly sick, for fear of infecting the other patrons. Picture Far Cry 2 when you get Malaria, and you'll have a good idea of what I mean.
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:16 pm

sixual Orientation? Really? :meh:

Yes, really.

Having the sixual orientation is important because it can make NPCs that DO have other preferences which I see as something good as it can give them more depth but also because there can be a "preference of company" that NEEDS to be separate from sixual orientation. A guy might prefer to hang out with other men but doesn't mean he'll have a sixual attraction to them.

Having sixual orientation and a actual attraction can mean that NPCs between each other can actually build relationships instead of just being "two people who live in the same house".

Though I don't wanna argue about this too much, I know anything having to do with sixuality, even if it's JUST relationships or emotions going further than stare blankly at each other, is a very unwelcome topic around these forums. But I really don't see why personally, after all you want a game where the NPCs are more than just walking info boxes with a bullseye painted on them and sixuality just IS a part of that.

Did you EVER see NPCs in TES hug, share a kiss, hold hands or just show ANY affection towards each other? I sure haven't and that's just sad. And even games like GTA manged to do those little signs of affection, you actually do see NPCs holding hands even though those are even more blank than the ones in TES.
And yes, all those things DO count in a big sense as "sixuality", it's NOT just two people HAVING six, it's FAR more into the pure emotional sense too, and that is just missing.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:12 am

sixual Orientation? Really?

Yes, really.

You just forgot asixuals? No biggy though, but I'd like to have them all four in.
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Jessica White
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:22 am

Yes, really.

Having the sixual orientation is important because it can make NPCs that DO have other preferences which I see as something good as it can give them more depth but also because there can be a "preference of company" that NEEDS to be separate from sixual orientation. A guy might prefer to hang out with other men but doesn't mean he'll have a sixual attraction to them.

Having sixual orientation and a actual attraction can mean that NPCs between each other can actually build relationships instead of just being "two people who live in the same house".

Though I don't wanna argue about this too much, I know anything having to do with sixuality, even if it's JUST relationships or emotions going further than stare blankly at each other, is a very unwelcome topic around these forums. But I really don't see why personally, after all you want a game where the NPCs are more than just walking info boxes with a bullseye painted on them and sixuality just IS a part of that.

Did you EVER see NPCs in TES hug, share a kiss, hold hands or just show ANY affection towards each other? I sure haven't and that's just sad. And even games like GTA manged to do those little signs of affection, you actually do see NPCs holding hands even though those are even more blank than the ones in TES.
And yes, all those things DO count in a big sense as "sixuality", it's NOT just two people HAVING six, it's FAR more into the pure emotional sense too, and that is just missing.

I don't understand you, first you say that there should be no wife/husband thing, and now you say you want to have different sixual orientation in the game?
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:20 pm

I don't understand you, first you say that there should be no wife/husband thing, and now you say you want to have different sixual orientation in the game?

Uhm I NEVER said I don't want wife/husband things, maybe you confuse me with somebody else or misread something. To me having a marriage between the PLAYER and NPCs is relatively uninteresting or unimportant but between NPCs it's much more of a factor.

You just forgot asixuals? No biggy though, but I'd like to have them all four in.

Those can be an option too, this however can be more in the line of sixual activity.

Though i wanna throw in one thing, about my whole suggestion sixuality was only a SMALL point so please don't get so worked up about that one thing.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:58 pm

I wonder if the game will be using Project Natal?

Just wondering because I doubt it will be out before Nov 2010 (Project Natal Release Date)

It would be an interesting experience but I doubt whether I could play it hours on end as I did Oblivion :P

I would say just dont change things completely, I'm a huge fan of TES IV. I want MORE!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:30 am

and as for the whole sixual thing, maybe just a brothel or two ;)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:51 am

ooh yeah and I'd love to see the ability to climb buildings - Assassins Creed FTW
running round the rooftops of Cruicible was good
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:14 pm

I'd like to see children in the game, but of course they shouldn't be killable; you could make a huge circle around all chuches in which the 9 divines will kill you if you try to hit someone, and children will never leave this “safe zone”.
But when you do an evil quest, you'll get a message like “[Some evil god] profited from your actions and blessed you, you can now kill anyone older than 18 years.”

and as for the whole sixual thing, maybe just a brothel or two ;)

Yeah and make their “employees” a joinable guild :shakehead: .

And for TES 5 I'd rather wait a few months more than having wrong translated repair hammers and completely English quests. ;)
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JR Cash
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:33 am

Decent combat. The combat in all the ES games I've played (started with daggerfall) has ranged from atrocious to mediocre. Morrowind had a good mage system thanks to enchanted items (well, not good actually, enchanting was so good and natural spellcasting so bad that there was no point in using the latter when I can have a "rocket launcher" ring that will kill everything in a 50' radius 10 times before it hits the ground), and oblivion had a good spellcasting system in general. daggerfall had more spell options but I never felt the need to cast any spells (except teleportation ones) and its base spellcasting svcked as badly as morrowind's.

Anyway, for melee combat:

I want the designers to play some games with decent melee combat and draw some inspiration from it. Morrowind's melee reminds me of this video:


The same applies to unarmed combat (which is particularly awful). I know it's a RPG and not an action game per se but the thing about RPGs is that they are inevitably entwined with other genres and just because it's an RPG doesn't mean those aspects should be ignored. If there's only two games you look at, I recommend Jedi Outcast for melee and Jade Empire for hand to hand combat. And while on this topic, attacks that can hit more than one enemy would be nice.

Rogue characters:
No, a backstab isn't enough. If I want to play a rogue in oblivion, and have it be just me and my dagger, I can't. Daggers svck (and there's no ridiculously overpowered black hands dagger to make up for it) unless you enchant them (something you should not be forced to do just to stay remotely competitive). Which is a pity because the overall stealth system in oblivion was incredible and one of the most well done features in the game.

some suggestions:
* Instant kill moves. Sneaking up on fodder enemy and snapping their neck or driving a dagger between their ribs right into their heart. Anything like that would make killing them feel just as easy to a stealth based character as it does to a mage.
* crippling moves. and I don't mean the random chance special moves oblivion had. have actual activated abilities, like a leg attack that damages speed or an arm attack that damages strength or a vital organ attack that damages endurance. this would allow stealth characters to keep a decent killing speed without breaking out of character and feel like you're playing a warrior with a giant axe. making these moves more effective the lighter your armor is should help prevent them from being used at full effect by an armored knight or the like.

mage combat:
I'm fairly satisfied with oblivion mage combat. IMO it's easily the strongest of them all. I would like to see the return of blind and sanctuary though. I understand why you removed the random to hit chance, but that doesn't mean dodging should be non-existent. It's still an RPG and I would like to see it back in some form.

the bow combat in oblivion was atrocious. I loved archery in morrowind and was extremely disappointed to see how low it fell in oblivion. I care a lot less about realistic arrow physics than I do about it actually being playable. Some things that would help make it a viable alternative:

1. increase damage. shooting a bow at full strength should take much longer than a power attack with a melee weapon. It should also do tremendous damage. Right now it takes a long time to draw your bow but deals pitiful damage when it hits. If you want to balance it with melee, make getting hit in melee while drawing your bow force you to release the string. this would make shooting in melee nearly impossible and maintain realism.
2. location damage. head shots, leg shots, arm shots, and maybe random effect when it hits torso to simulate hitting a vital organ. For example:

Leg shots: half damage, damage speed, chance to knock down
Arm shots: half damage, damage strength, chance to make enemy drop weapon, disrupt spellcasting
head shot: automatic massive damage (reduce or deny altogether depending on the headgear the target is wearing), damage willpower/intelligence
Torso: random attribute damage

Either way, I love this series but I do wish combat was a bit more balanced so that it's not 70% wizard, 30% meathead warrior like it was in oblivion or 99% enchanter, 1% everything else like it was in morrowind. if you choose to improve anything, make daggers/bows worth using.
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Imy Davies
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:42 pm

Yeah I'd like to throw in another vote for children.

I'm guess this is sure bet as many have commented on it and a few have attempted to mod them in. Essential (or whatever system you come up with by then) is fine.

My thing though - is not just lone kids like in fallout 3, but at least a semblance of family. A farmer with kids, IC apartments and no kids?

Opens up a whole avenue for plots ... lost kids, kids that need protecting, etc. Makes a village feel like a village.

I'd say worry not about the few freaks who want to add mods to kill them. As frightening as those types are they are few and far between.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:34 am

I agree with Darth Executor - make the combat more interesting. Oblivion was too straightforward, there wasnt much skill or variation in battle.
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:43 pm

I for once want a better speechcraft. You know, instead of speechcraft being a waste of a skill, I want to actually have an advantage when picking it. Maybe increase the bribing gold at every level or something else.

Maybe some of you got an idea on this?
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:23 am

I for once want a better speechcraft. You know, instead of speechcraft being a waste of a skill, I want to actually have an advantage when picking it. Maybe increase the bribing gold at every level or something else.

Maybe some of you got an idea on this?

Requesting people to follow.

Requesting people to leave you alone.

Picking fights.

Asking for help (healing, money, training)

Distracting people, or telling them to go away.


Sounds great though, I'm just throwing out ideas.

Bribing guards, unlocking unique conversation topics, making people scared.
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matt white
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:07 am

I for once want a better speechcraft. You know, instead of speechcraft being a waste of a skill, I want to actually have an advantage when picking it. Maybe increase the bribing gold at every level or something else.

Maybe some of you got an idea on this?

Requesting people to follow.

Requesting people to leave you alone.

Picking fights.

Asking for help (healing, money, training)

Distracting people, or telling them to go away.


Sounds great though, I'm just throwing out ideas.

Bribing guards, unlocking unique conversation topics, making people scared.

That would be great, unlocking new topics!
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:10 am

I agree with Darth Executor - make the combat more interesting. Oblivion was too straightforward, there wasnt much skill or variation in battle.

Or at the very least balance it so you're not stuck being either a swordsman or a mage (without mods anyway).
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:45 am

A few posts have gone away. Any discussion of killing children in the game is a restricted subject, so don't bring it up, and there is a thread for MMO discussion elsewhere on the forum.
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TOYA toys
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:26 am

An idea i would like to see implemented in the next TES game is the ability to have jobs as a way to earn money for example you could become a blacksmith and sell the weapons you make. This would give a better representation of more medievil times of which certain concepts of the game are based upon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:26 pm

An idea i would like to see implemented in the next TES game is the ability to have jobs as a way to earn money for example you could become a blacksmith and sell the weapons you make. This would give a better representation of more medievil times of which certain concepts of the game are based upon

This, maybe you could make this as a mini-game and gain xp from it, Mercantile, Armorer, Alchemy and so on.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:00 am

I have an idea thats inspired by a FPS game "Starwars Republic Commandos", a party system, where up to 4 NPC can be your companion, when an NPC accompany a player as a companion, the player would be able to keep track of his/her stats and conditions like health, magicka, fatigue and magic/disease. NPCs with restoration spells will automatically heal anyone in the group that is not at full health and also dispel any nasty effects, outside of combat.

The player would also be given 4 commands which would be bind to buttons, 3 of which will be general commands for the whole group like, advance/attack, hold position and regroup, the forth command would be a specific command, where your companions respond to where ever the player's cross-hair is pointing.

For example, if there is a particularly tough enemy you are trying to defeat, however it seems your attacks alone aren't doing much to it, and your companions are preoccupied with their own fights, with this command you can make all of your companions drop whatever they are doing and assist you in bringing the enemy down, so long as your cross-hair is on the creature when you issue the command.

This command could also be used to interact with the environment, like if there is a rock or falling pillar or even a tree, you can aim for the for said landmarks, and use the command, and one of your NPC companion would take cover behind it to protect them selves from missile fire, and if they use magic or armed with a bow, they can fire back, however they will not move from their position unless told otherwise. The player can also use this command to make NPC companions open locks (if they lock picks and are more or less competent at this skill) and doors, and even take items.

These are only some examples of the forth command, what it is capable of doing is potentially limitless.

A scenarios where this would work very well would be, in the Imperial Legion, if TES V allow players to join the legion. considering the legion would hold team work and tactics in high regards.

The reason I would like to see this feature implemented is because, most people like NPC allies to fight beside them, judging from the popularity of companion mods that are available for both Morrowind and Oblivion, however in both games the players companion is no less than pants on head retarded, (blindly charging in to fights etc... ), and by having this party system, players can gain better control of their allies, so they can make better use of their companions for both fighting and other tasks.
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