» Sat May 28, 2011 4:43 am
@goddreaming - That is a silly idea tbh, Postal service? erm no thank you.
Anyway i personally have ALOT of things i would like to see, taking inspiration from the past TES games as well as other RPG titles i have played over the years.
Bring Back Dwarves - now we know that they DO exist in TES lore, so making them a character choice would be a great addition, and give them scottish accents, it just fits the dwarf perfectly.. Id love to interact with, and play as a dwarf character and im sure im not alone, and as dwarves are known to be miners of sorts, have an entire city built into a mountain range, rather than the generic castle, housing and outer wall set up.
Sneaking/detection revamp - Although i didnt mind "the eye" method in Oblivion, i think it would be easier to also add a bar at the bottom of the screen along with health, fatigue ect.. much like in THIEF series, a small light bar which darkens the more concealed you are. Light = not concealed at all, Black = 100% concealed.. and use the eye simply as originally used in oblivion, to determine whether you have been seen or can be seen ect.. IN ADDITION to this id also like to see the detection methods revamped, for example, if i am seen by a guard committing a crime and i run out of a house and into another or whatever then hide, that they CANNOT follow me if they didnt see me go that way, one example is the brotherhood quest where you have to kill the dark elf in the cell from the start, when in the imperial sewer if your caught it doesnt matter how many doors you run through and corners you hide in, they seem to know EXACTLY where you are =/ That needs to be changed so that if im chased but i can hide before the guard gets into the same room then he stops pursuit and has a look around rather than instantly running at you swinging.
Larger Variety of Weapons - I know its hard to add more weapons but i mean types, you have your steel, iron, glass, ect.. but they are all same types, claymore, dagger ect.. what about having more UNIQUE shaped items that are much rarer to find, like sufferthorn ect.. maybe lower level goblins using bone shards as wepons, actually allowing the scythe to be used as a weapon, shovels ect.. jsut any object that in reality could be used to hurt somebody, in game too
More settlements - There were a TON of dungeons and only a handfull of settlements outside the city's, id love to see more of the independent governed settlements with more interesting, quirky, wierd NPCs..
Trade Route - Allow a trade route, that goes from city to city, restocking and resupplying shops whenever they arrive and moving on between them, either at random or set course, have them stop to sell (like markets) during the day between citys at smaller settlements and have the carvan heavily guarded by troops (quest anyone) so that bandit raids are taken care of or not) and allow more quest ideas (carvan guard or bandit quests) defend or attack and loot caravans.
Better NPC interaction - i loved how the NPC in oblivion went around each day different days doign certain things, be it working, walking, eating sleeping ect, but a bit more depth to the NPC day to day chores would be great little addition jsut to add to realism, for example, if their home is broken into and items taken then they would maybe go drown their sorrows in local bar and if you follow you would hear them talk about how valuable, or precious items were stolen and nobody is caught, add mroe emotion too, like crying and anger, if an NPC disposition is really low, have barely any topic subjects AND have them threaten you ect, or if they like you, have them being really nice.. Id also (though not needed) like to see a relationship idea added, much like in FABLE series, you can get into a relationship and have a spouse (i know the kids thing is a no go and i accept that) but just to have that option would be fun, and could be interesting when asking your spouse to follow you and moving them into a new home and maybe being caught with another woman/man ect.. jsut the little things and extra realism which makes it more fun and adds a new element to the game.
More Factions - Allow mroe factions, keep the likes of mages guilds, thieves guilds ect, but include others, like ALLOW people to join smaller independant guilds and build them up (vampire hunter guild ect) allow the ability to freely join and be a member of necromancers or bandit groups, ect
Real Estate - Again taking the idea from FABLE, allow users to not only buy just ONE house from each city, but ANY house from each city (assuming they can afford it) then when activating the main door after purchase, allow the option to increase, decrease rent ect.. Move tenants to another property so you can own THAT house or leave it be.. The more you own the more money you make, the higher the rent the more the occupier hates you and wont barely speak to you, again tie it into emotion, have them seem depressed or upset as rent increases to show they arent happy and cant afford it, or if decreased show them happy, much higher disposition and watch them fill their homes with more expensive items over time. Do the same with shops, keep it the same as it was oblivion, and have it so that your mercantile skill has to be at a certain level before entering real estate or shop investments.
Ageing, ect - Over time as years pass in game ageing takes holdm you begin to look old, hair starts to whiten and if youve absorbed ALOT of damage and been in ALOT of melee combat over the years, have scarring on the face, all of which can effect disposition, heavy scarring can mean some people may like it or people hate it and fear you ect
Disposition - More depth please, it was ok i guess but having it displayed simply by a number 1-100 was a bit meh, why not have FACTORS like Fear, Respect, Notoriety, Fondness and then assign each factor a number between 1-100, so an NPC can FEAR you and RESPECT you but HATE you ect, so lower/higher disposition on each factor determines available speech, information and stuff.. like this :
Fear *Disposition bar* Bravery - (will determine wether they cower before you or stand up to you)
Disrespect *disp. Bar* Respect - (wil ldetermine the tone in which you are spoken to and if they will lie or whatever)
Dislike *Disposition Bar* Like - (would dtermine how well you are liked ect)
you see where im going?