» Fri May 27, 2011 8:18 pm
I'm going to admit I haven't read through all the posts, so apologies if I'm duplicating someone's idea. Anyway I digress...
What I would like to see for TES V is some changes to vampires and vampirism. My thoughts are as follows:
- I think it would enhance the vampire experience if vampires couldn't use restoration spells, after all they are 'dead' so how can you restore their health? Or their magic etc. Of course Absorbing spells would be fine.
- in terms of healing, I would think that feeding on NPCs should provide you health, maybe even magic, a smaller percentage if any.
- I liked the stages of vampirism in OB, but I think if you made feeding a source of health (as mentioned above) then maybe it shouldn't instantly reset your stage. I would amend it so if your character has less then 100% health the feeding would just raise health, and then if your character had 100% health it would reduce your stage by 1. I didn't care for your character going from stage 4 vampire to stage 1 in one feeding.
- another interesting thought I had was, have your character 'die' before they turn. eg: your character is infected in a tomb. You end up in a town 2 days later, to trade and re-supply. So the 3rd night you take a room at the inn, and 'die' in your sleep. Your body would be discovered in the late morning or early afternoon by the inn keeper. The local priest could come, rites for the body, and assuming you were new in town and your renown was low, you would be unceramoniously dumped into an un-marked grave behind the temple. Then at midnight that evening, you character would awake, climb out of the earth and be born as a vampire. I think that makes for a cool cut scene and transformation process. And if your character dies in wilds, you could see a time lapse of the day passing and your body laying there, maybe a wolf approaches your 'corpse' but a evil scent prevents it from eating you.
- a further thought on the above, perhaps instead of you character 'dying' or just transforming. Instead of the game waiting until you rest to transform you, I think a timer would be interesting. You have 72 hours from the moment of infection. So if you don't cure yourself in time, no more "I just won't rest until I get cured." Or you character could be in a shop, and then just drops dead. Just a thought, not a make or break point.
- another method of healing, since vampires don't regain health while sleeping. This would require a more developed vampiric society. But if you could obtain a coffin bed, similar to the one from the Vile Liar dlc in OB, then in that bed you could properly rest and recover health.
- further development of the above point: if the TES V had the 'death' transformation I earlier described it would open the door to a quest to give that coffin bed it's restorative powers. If you required it to bed a "coffin of earth" (read Bram's Dracula or see Nosferatu (1922) it mentions coffins filled with earth), you would have to fill you coffin with earth. But not just any lump of earth, it has to be the cursed earth where you 'died' and lay. So this would require you to go to the spot where you body lay, either the grave where you were buried, or the spot in the wild where you fell. And you'd have to gather some earth, click A, or something. Not an huge quest, but an interesting twist. I would also make it unmarked, which could make finding your final resting place tricky if you died in the wilds
- I would also like to see more vampiric quests and guilds, I'm sure this has been mentioned before. So I'll be brief, something like Great Houses, or unknown presence in the nobility. Services and such.
- I would also like to see something for vampire hunters, like the Virituous Blood, but more developed. Allowing ranks and such, like a full guild, but a minor guild.
- along with that, if you are a vampire, and especially if you are a vampire that feeds a lot or attacks NPCs you would draw the ire of above vampire hunters. I believe it would add a lot to the depth of vamprisim to have NPCs try and hunt you down.
I believe that is all I have to say about. Comments are much appreciated.