» Sat May 28, 2011 1:53 am
I have posted somte of this in the past. However I have reworded it.
Note some of my ideas are based off this ◄►◄►AI◄►◄►
All NCPs will have A Awareness sphere(s) & Cone, with their Head(Living) or body(undead) being center of each.
1) Sight- this should be A cone effect that detects ever that pass in Head range.
This will have two Values Light/Shadow.
(Players Sneak/Spells will give negatives to this)
2) Hearing- this will be shpere. However this value will change based of NCP action. Sleeping/Awake.
This will have 3 or 4 Values. Farther out out is weaker.
(Players Sneak/Spells will give negatives to this)
3) Undead- this will be shpere. Undead can detect ALL living with in range of their shpere. (Maybe some magic can block this)
This will only have one Value, but is Maxed, Stronger Undead will have more range.
(Players Spells will give negatives to this, Sneak will not help at all)
Reactions. (I really Hate when you shoot someone with A arrow from the shadows they just turn and run at you. So.. )
All NCPs will react Diffrent based off Awarenss Alerts or Damage Taken.
FEAR/Shout/Teamwork/Surprised & FAMILY
Surprised= slow too react.
Fear=Runs Away
Shout=Calls for help
Teamwork= if alli(s) in area will help each other- Heal/protech/alert
Apon taking damage, A human/ would Yell for help[IF ABLE]. (Shout with value X, any of the NCP with Hearing Awarenss >= X will come too his Aid)
If damage is sneak(surprise)/critical NCP runaway in Fear
Apon Sight DOG, NCP would BARK (Bark with value X, any of the alli NCP with Hearing Awarenss >= X will come too his Aid)
Humanoid seeing A body would call for help (shout). Also add blood to this.
Teamwork. Point out spotted traps to allis, Heal Alli NCP and if Shield welder take point as protector.
Friends & Family. Humanoid NCP can be accounted for by its Alli. Apon Missing in Action/body or blood in expected area will start search pattern/shout for help.
levitation / Flying. Bring it back plz .. it really changes the game. However, in Morrowind it was A bit overpowered. Need Mobs too fly also. ..
or add some reaons to not fly ... like something Bigger then you flying around. Also if its A spell/ potion it is very weak or takes alot of concentration and you can not Fly and attack or attack is weakend
FIX Detect life. I love this spell/Enchant. However should only Detect the Living. Not Undead. Maybe add another for the undead. Also, make these type of spells high mana cost/very rare
enchants. Or difrent skill lvls of it vs Mobs willpower. Stronger Mobs wont show up or if you fail they detect you. This spell is really overpower, and removes fear from the player and really changes
How he or she will play. We should not always know whats around the corner!
Size. (Shrink or Enlarge spell/potions) Shrinking= will alow you to Hide better or even get to places you would not other wise (mouse holes)/Gate.
Enlarge= You can reach more suff tops of trees or climb other stuff faster .. move faster over all .. have bigger steps.
Portal(s)/Teleport spell. You can Open Small portal, that you can put loot threw .. maybe leads too A chest or closet.( bring mark/recal back also)
Traps. We should be able to set up traps, Bare/trip/door traps ... AND SPELL TRAPs .. cast spell X on door/floor next to touch it ... X happens.
◄►◄► AI AWARENESS Mobs Security skill could detect if > your Trap skill+shadow%. Intelligent Mobs would shout to friendlys. ◄►◄►
Companion(s) Be able to Hire help, Be it Mercenary/Friend/pet or even A slave to carry your stuff. Also Plz add A pack horse/mule.
Pet- Think out of the Box Here. maybe A Rat/ferrets/Monkey (can go where you cant and grab/press stuff (from the moive beastmaster)
With this Add spells that let you see what they see/control them, maybe before you release them U can use the VATS to target what they need to do.
BRUTE FORCE. As we all know. size matters, if you want to move heavy stuff moved you call big people.
Bash locks (the other lockpick) this will take in account your STR , Weapon Material & Weapon size.
Also, maybe add A kockdown. when I think of fighting with sword and shield.. might kick and push someone to the ground.or back them off you.
Shield bash/push. Yea I know their was A chace too bash with the shield skill in O .. However I would like too press A button for this.. however I think swinging A shield would be Very tiring.
also .. when you are big and strong .. you tend too move slow.This should show, Higher your Str is the Bigger your muscles.
Interactive FIRE. Mostly talking about tourches here, Would like them too be A dynamic light/shadow source. You can Light tourches(on walls) or turn them off as you see fit.
Mobility Vs Armor equipped, I know its how I built my guy, however I really fell he moves too fast for being in full plate. Their should be A cap of speed/Mobility (strafing) same for mobs.
Also on horse-back, If I am in Cloth/lightArmor I should be able to turn your head 100% around and see what is behind you. .. Not sure about plate doing this.
Horse mounted combat. Would Love to be able to fight/trampel with the horse. Archery also. However some mobs would need horses also, not just guards.
A) Archery--
Fletching(Arrow Making I think). Point is Always seem too run out of Arrows and have too Srounge for more.
Make diffrent tips, broadhead/Rounded/Barbed. They each have Diffrent effects. Armor piercing/normal/open wound(bleed damage). (Also have A service in town for coins)
Arrow Materials Vs Armor. Ex Glass Arrows will Shatter if they hits daedric Armor. However it will cut threw cloth/leather/fur
Bow types vs just Materials Longbow/shortbow/compact. Range/utility/dmg.
. Armor should have softs points and can be exploied by Useing A V.A.T.S. system you can pick your Points. Underarms, neck, Head/Face/Eyes.
Shot placement- Will have NCP react Diffrent. Neck=Lots of bleed dmg. Throat=Silence. Underarm=Cant swing/use. Ear/Head/eye=death/◄►◄►fear/panic/chaos◄►◄►
Spell/Poison on Arrows, would like too see A effect(visual) on the Arrow when you Draw it, however this would have disadvantages
(Fire Arrows, would make light sorce effecting your shadows/hidden status)
Quiver as part of the gear, not based of the arrow type you are useing. As gear they can add Magic effects, Haste for shoot arrows. or A quiver of endless Arrows X
B) Armorer-- Smithing, Build Weapons, but more important- deconstructing of Weapons/Armor for parts. (Also have A service in town for coins)
C) Security-- Spot Traps (maybe have them highlight) & Disarm complicated -- Also with this get rid of "lock Pick" and just Give us tools that add too are skills. KEEP A mini-game tho.
D) Athletics-- Climbing .. not just super jumping .. real wall/rock climbing. What you ware should REALLY impacted this. Plate= Not going too happen. Maybe some tools too Help you with this.
Have your encumbrance highly effect this.
Clothing. Diffrnet grades with hold more or less enchants. Cotton = low / Silk = high ... Back in Dagger Fall you could have all kind of clothes with armor on.
(Capes and Robes .. Robes to hide your armor)
More Ring slots or bracelets