» Sat May 28, 2011 4:30 am
-Stop using passive wildlife as enemies (wolves, bears, rats, etc) do not hunt people. Yes the occasional bear will maul a human but it is still ridiculously rare. It's the equivalent to seeing someone receive a present on their birthday and thinking they are a king.
-Incorporate greater range of jobs. It is sooo boring to run around going through cave after cave for loot. Why not have people (at least early on) be able to chop wood, blacksmith, join the army/town guard, bowyer, sailor, miner, hunter. These would offer new players a better starting point by understanding what role they come from. They arnt just thrown out into the world, they have a basis for how they play. These professions would give them some bonuses with certain playing styles (ex: the blacksmith is a good profession for a hammer wielding warrior)
-Allow players to start off at a certain location based on the history they want to have. In oblivion we all crept out of the same sewer.. maybe if I play as an Crc I could start in an Orc war camp.
-Dynamic faction based events. By that I mean random events could be generated to make the game appear more dynamic. Like if two cities went to war with each other, or the fighter's guild has been called upon to defeat a war lord out in the wilderness. This would also give the player more opportunities to make some money or change the fate of the game. (Similar to "The Megaton Incident" in Fallout) the entire layout of the game could be altered.
-Dynamic economy. Buy low sell high etc.
-If you do have horses, make them worthwhile and easier to use and keep.
-Usable ships. Can be dockable, can load goods into them (to trade and make money). They can attack one another as well (for all the pirates)
-Include Ethneogenic plants in the game. Plants have many properties and effects, they can keep you healthy or poison you. It would be awesome to see some of the more spiritualistic side of plants represented (maybe a new Shaman class) these plants when used could induce visions, poison others, heal, give special bonuses, or penalties. This also goes with the dynamic economy, if a certain culture requires a plant they may pay more for it.
-More diverse cultures. In Oblivion everyone was assimilated into imperial culture. I would like to see tribal level societies not fully integrated, and varied levels of civilization. (These groups would be playable races, which would affect starting position). These cultures need to be VERY diverse, I don't just mean 3 or 4 kinds of elves, I mean nomadic, warlike, peaceful, magic focused, tribal, civilized, port, religious, etc. The city/village architecture should reflect their way of life.
-Mixed feelings on exotic mounts... They can be really bulky and a pain, but if they could come up with a system to incorporate them then that would be alright. Mounts should be extremely rare and valuable. Nearly everyone but the most accomplished adventurer's should be forced to walk (or use a horse, carriage, or ship).
-Magic weapons... Magic weapons should be very rare items. Oblivion svcked because if you leveled up enough everyone had them, you soon collected so many that the economic system became worthless. Only high level bosses should have magic weapons, and the vast majority of people would have non magical weapons. This makes for numerous improvements. 1. Gold is much more valuable because you won't be able to flood every merchant with magical weapons. 2. This makes skillful fighting much more important. Now your skill in a fight will determine the outcome and not how many times you can whack someone. 3. The focus is on weapons made out of bronze, iron, steel, etc. 4. When you are powerful enough and actually have the ability to aquire a magic weapon of your own (or make one if you are a mage) then everyone will know how tough you are and tales will be told of your deeds with your weapon.
-More ranged weapons (follows the culture) throwing knives, bows, throwing axe, throwing stars, spears.
-More unique and diverse environments, lakes, oceans, seas, coastal areas, tropical, snow capped mountains, sweltering swamps, deserts, dark and thick forests, rivers, fields, and hopefully even underground cities!
-Factions should truly be alive. Making gains, losing members, actively growing and recruiting etc.
-More economic opportunities like in Fable 2, I liked how you could buy up property and then sell it or rent it out.
-Possibly large scale battles (well large enough so at least 20 npc's could fight) in order to make wars and that sort of thing more believable.