Just about everyone knows that you cannot get any unofficial mods on your 360 or PS3. From what I have hear from friends and people online, mods add massive replay value to the games of the Elder Scrolls series.
Do you think that with some kind of weekly or monthly election process, some user-made mods could be rated on the Bethesda website, and the best ones submitted would be chosen for console gamers?
EDIT: They would be put on by Bethesda, as to get rid of a 3rd party and reduce any nervousness on Microsofts part.
Few issues:
1)Those mods still have to be tested, converted and tested again before being packaged so they can function on consoles. Bethesda isn't going to be able to do that for free since it takes man hours and resources to do, which means Beth may have to charge for them to cover costs.
Modders may not like the idea that their work is being sold and they aren't getting a penny.
A lot of console owners may not like the the idea that they are having to pay for something PC owners get for free.
2) Who's going to spend the time it would take to sort through all those mods and all those votes? Will the mods be pre-sorted and only a small number allowed for voting, in which case, what criterea would be used?
3)A lot of mods use third party tools (Script extenders, LOD editors) which won't work on consoles due to lack of the neccesary libraries and third party assets (Models, textures, sounds, etc), many of them made by modders.
4)With games like Oblivion and Fallout 3, It's very easy to misinstall a mod and upset the game. On the PC this is easy to rectify, on a console which is a closed system, It would be next to impossible. (Meaning Bethesda would have to make an additional installation system for the consoles, which ties to 1)