Let me put it in very clear terms:
Morrowind's run speed is so patheticly slow that it makes me feel like I could out do it, and I'm out of shape, my right foot is pretty much perpetually swollen, and my right hip hasn't fully healed from a snowmobile crash 4 years ago. So I can't run for crap, and Morrowind is still slow.
I like how when I state that I don't like an aspect of Oblivion, I'm a ranting Morrowind fan boy, yet this kind of blatant instults of Morrowind are fine. :rolleyes:
Instead of making running slower, make horses faster. Problem solved, and we don't get Mr. Slow Motion Fake Run back from Morrowind. Maybe even make low Speed running faster, and make each point of speed mean less.
Ok, read this carefully: If horses are any faster than in Oblivion, there would be pure visual idiocity. Either horses would have stupidly fast animations to keep up with the speed, or there would be slower aniamtions that don't match up with the horse. This was already in Oblivion, I don't want it to be even worse.
And there's nothing wrong with Morrowind's running speed. Check http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I98VIkkf7M&feature=related random video from youtube. This is the standard jogging speed of a human being, if not faster. This is just a level 1, fresh from the boat, aswell. (Also check how he desn't miss every swing, even with his crappy iron dagger at level 1, for those of you who want instant gratification)
Oh, and by the way, if you feel that you aren't going fast enough in TES,
THAT'S WHAT HORSES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THERE FOR. Seriously, is it not obvious enough? Do people lack common sense? Getting on a horse = you go faster. I think http://www.courtneyhoskins.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/DoubleFacePalm.jpg can help me show my reaction to people who don't realise this.
And you want to make another skill useless? Was it not enough for lockpicking and speechcraft to be utterly useless? What's the point of getting my speed skills up, if I'm already fast, and I hardly get faster, anyway?
But can we PLEASE not go back to the cheesy slow motion run of Morrowind? I've seen it 10000 times in movies*, and I don't need it put back into TES to satisfy people who believe Morrowind was perfect.
Oh, there we go again. A nice rant at Morrowind, that's fine n dandy, yet no one is allowed to dislike Oblivion.