» Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:21 am
What i want is more things to do instead of combat all the time.
One thing i think would been very cool is to be able to form ur own small village or town. Like, you can choose between X amount of places in the wilderness, and you can choose what kind of buildings that will be built there, and you have to pay for the buildings, can see the town change by each week etc.
To make it even cooler one could get the choice to build ur own castle there and become lord over the town, and there could be various random events etc. (random settlers, murderers, intruders, bandits, travelers and visitors to the village..).
And also being able to choose furniture in ur house, a sort of small 'sim' thing, being able to decorate ur house more directly. And there should be more things to do there so the houses are not just space where you put ur stuff, you could have people interacting with you there, visitors, intruders, guards, meetings, quest-related things, a wife and so on.
Other things i want to see is first of all beards! and not just stubble, big beards. At least for the nords. And more hairstyle choices.
Also i would like to see more types of armor and weapons, not just a few things that are 'best', there should be more variety and armor choices.
And also there should be some more bonuses for not using armor at all, for spellcasters and assassins that dont want to use armor.
I would also like to see pets, changing weather(snowing which actually adds snow to the ground), and being able to have a own stable and actually place ur horse there.
And some more "sim"-aspects, as in fable, being able to marry perhaps and make certain npc's get a more personal bond to you instead of having everyone behave equally to you almost.
I would also like to see more factions and guilds then in Oblivion, more choices. Perhaps a raider-warrior guild (evil version of fighters guild), a merchant guild, guard/military guild, a evil mage guild, 2 guilds that are rivals so you have to choose one or the other etc.
I would also like to see the magic-system being changed a bit. In oblivion and morrowind it has always felt rather "stiff". Perhaps faster caster animations and more fancy graphic on the spells, and more types of spells.
Oh and more random events, one thing that would be cool was to see criminals actually being brought into jail, instead of the prisons being empty all the time.
There could be some random characters that would try to murder other random character or steal in towns from time to time and ended up being arrested so you could actually go and talk to them in jail, perhaps even break them out. That could be combined with a guild where you could work as a guard and actually capture these people and put them in jail.
The towns and world should be even more "alive". In Oblivion it was good but towns etc. often felt a bit static since it was the same people almost all the time, same things they said("mudcrabs...fierce creatures..blalbla" etc.), so more dialogues, more interacting between npc's, certain npcs should have relationships and say and do just certain things together with certain other npcs they meet or have a bond with, not behave similar to all. More unique characters and more unique personalities.