Jobs:Give us the opportunity to undertake more than just 'go there, kill that' long-term jobs. What I'm talking about is being under the employment of perhaps a shop; a merchant caravan; an upper-class citizen or something along those lines. While this might take a long time to put in, if you're going for a lot of them, it'd add a nice extra depth and re-playability.
Shop: (Sample)Go to the market in (insert location) collect goods, event might happen, such as:
- - Thieves take the goods you've collected.
- - You're ambushed on your way back.
- - The weather conditions are immensely difficult. You loose your map and you have to use your wits to find your way to your destination, in face of danger and perhaps some sort of timer.
Eventually, you might come to own the shop. There'd be opportunity here for:
- - Rivalries with other shops.
- - Meaningful interaction with employees.
- - Crisis, problems and book-balancing.
'Epic' Random Events:A wide list of 'epic' random events that are very uncommon and happen largely by chance, but when they do happen, they have a wide-spread impact on the game world.
- - Extremes of weather.
- - Invasion of 'x' (trolls, etc.)
- - Plague/Illness.
- - Serial killer.
- - Fire.
- - Terrorism by insurgents.
With each occurrence you'd have a chance to help with each situation, opening up a small line of sub-quests and then, generally, a larger questline to resolve the situation and perhaps some game-changing 'reward'. The weather might have destroyed a section of some town and now you have the ability to take it over and build as you like from a set list; or the invasion of 'x' spurs a war with several battles you might join in with or something along those lines. A long shot.
"Vehicles":The use of:
- Horse and cart.
- Boats, including larger ships if at all possible. (Opening up potentially a whole new gaming experience with navy-esque missions and a viking/pirate-like lifestyle.
Arena:More and more varied arenas. The environment of the arena could play a larger part of the battle, with more exotic and more tactical-based monsters and 'bosses' taking the stage in some instances. Hack-and-slash would be available in one arena, whereas another arena might offer this newer style where you need to think about the fights and prepare yourself - knowing how to use your environment and certain attacks and defences would be more vital than before.
More Interactive and Lively House:
Houses so far have been lacklustre, they look great and have a lot of potential, but being in them isn't particularly enjoyable or interactive at all.
- - Interaction with neighbours and the general community.
- - Random uncommon events including your house: fire, break-ins, special guests.
- - Additions can be made to the house, not through money but through your own work - collecting certain items; helping out neighbours.
- - You become part of a community. With markets, meetings, murders, scares, romance, calls to arms, mobs, clubs, political organisations and elections.
Mining, Farming (as earlier suggested), Wood-CuttingA mine is a good environment. There's the potential, if you have a job there as earlier mentioned, for it to collapse; for it to flood; for zombies to raise up from within for some peculiar reason; for the miners to be oppressed; for the miners to be slaves and end up needing to break free - and so and so forth. Mining would bring in a wage; you'd have friends in the mine; you'd be able to achieve promotions; you might be able to use the ore for useful things.
Wood-cutting is simply another way of making use of the environment, and there's opportunity to use the resource for building and so on.
b]Meaningful Relationships:[/b]There needs to be more meaningful relationships. Characters that you bond with; characters that you actually -care- about if they die; characters that might not play a massive part in quests but are an integral part of your own characters' life. Their would be only a handful of these across the world, and you'd be able to progress the relationship steadily - as they become more loyal to you and more important. You might end up marrying them; they might turn out to be luring you into betrayal; they might end up fighting alongside you; they might manage a business alongside you; they can go out with you to pubs and the like; they might be your thievery partner; they might be always getting into trouble; they might be younger and you'd have to raise them in your image.
The possibilities are endless.