^Balrog? WTF are you doing in Tamriel?:D
Definitely too LOTR-y:D
...TESV needs new fresh style of MQ storytelling . Every game (especially MW) has brought new elements of gameplay and plot (playable Orcs, x-zillion of LORE, scale of MQ) and add sth for the gameworld. Oblivion is a lorebreaker(Cyrodill fauna and flora, more medieval-style of world - but I found this changes well-placed). Some changes could be made(I would like Ayleid Nation to Return(they will return somday:D) and new playable race - as it had happened to Orcs - from enemy/creature to player's race)
Skyrim(if it'll be setting of next game) should be mix of Scandinavia, Slavic regions, "Solstheim", Arctic, Switzerland and Siberia. It should share
some of their geography, environment, mythology and forms of architecture but definitely it shouldn't be
only a random mix of above regions.
I would like to see "mounted fight"(not only horses but maybe also....guars:D), ship travel(in "real time" and option to skip it), having more "possessions" : ships, houses, pets, mounts, partners(nah. just kiddin' - no Fable:d), shops(activity)/their shares and so on.
I would also welcome some (as much as they can invent:D) new or widened never before known lore(from books - more NEW books!, quests etc.)with open arms.
I am of good cheer they (Bethesda) make new TESes. I was expecting rather new Morrowind instead of experimental Oblivion but in the end it has made a neat piece of game:d
I trust developers that they'll go all out

So what stood out most to me in this post was the mounted fighting and the ship travel!
For mounted fighting I think a new weapontype should be submitted. polearm weapons (ie; poleaxes, spears, naginatas, bos, etc.) as their own skill of course (can be used on and off horseback aswell) and that would be that.
For the ship travel, a new topic could emerge: piracy, and naval academy!
The adventurer could either be a pirate (like the late captain of the black flag for those who've bought the expansion) and could spend their time sailing the high seas looking for loot, or a Marine who would spend their time sailing the seas hunting pirates and defending the helpless.
To start: in order to learn how to navigate the dangerous plane of possidon, one must learn from a man/woman with experience! So the adventurer could either start as a scaliwag on the dread pirate robinson(just realized that I REALLY need to watch princess bride again!!) or as a cadet in the naval academy.
the leveling(we're going to use anvil as an example in this)
The first quest to do with sea-faring would be a simple dilivery quest: once your fame is high enough (nothing big like maybe 6-10) and you wait for any amount of time in anvil and a "desperate merchant" or somehting of the sort would run up to you asking for your help, offering 75 gold pieces to deliver 10 wolf pelts(provided by the merchant) to something like "Dormant Island" or something like that, and if you accept he gives you 25 gold pieces and 10 wolf pelts and urges you to hurry. Maybe you have to go to the docks and ask around "what the hell is that place, how do I get there?" etc. and one person(should be a sailor) will tell you that your in luck because captain Ronae was just about to set sail. You get a new mapmarker and dash over to his ship. Just as you are getting on you are stopped by an excessively large, grumpy nord who asks "where do you think your goin boy?" and you tell him your situation and he tells you that it costs 25 gold a person. bummer. So you pay the gold and are on your way. once the ship sets sail you can walk around for a few hours waiting for your destination, or you can go to your cabin and sleep(has the same effect as prison if you know where I'm goin with that). BUT suddenly, halfway through the voyage you are startled(or woken) by a man far above the deck callin out "WE GOT SKULLS ON THE HORIZON!" and all the sudden the full crew and a few mercinary marines are all abuzz. you are told by a map marker to go to the far side of the deck, and your journal updates: "There is a life boat hear... and I could escape and finish my quest, but maybe I should stick around and see how things play out."
Sticking around, the captain will run up to you, "You're an able bodied young man, here, take this! go below deck and protect the passengers!" and you do so. While down below deck you can talk to the passengers and attempt to comfort them, and within a matter of minutes everyone on deck is slaughtered and the pirates are storming in! The pirates would corner in all the passengers with you infront,(this would be a quick situation where you can't move) and the dread pirate robinson will walk up to you. "You be mighty brave for standing between the Dread pirate robinson and his prey! ...either that or you be a fool. I'll tell ya what. Those sunsufogres up there killed two of me best men! and I be in need of another mate. Join me crew, and I'll spare you, and all the passengers!" You would be given the option of "Okay." or "Never!".
Saying "Never!" will cause you to have to fight off all 5 of them, including the dread pirate robinson(a boss level character) and you will end up losing some of the passengers. that is inevitable. there really is no failing this cus if you do, you're dead and have to start over anyways. So if you are victorious your fame in both chivalry and honour would increase by 2, and you would load everyone up into lifeboats and finish your quest you originally started off with. You'll also be approached by a naval academy officer and offered a position on his shipand the title of midshipman in the naval academy.
Saying "Okay." will transport you back to "A cave" which robinson chose as his lair. The first mate, (come up with some silly name but make him a total badass) will come up to you and lay down the law. You will never be able to bring up piracy in conversation outside of that with a fellow pirate, and never EVER mention the cave, when not in the cave. and tells you that the passengers got too troublesome, so they were killed. Your quest from the merchant is updated "I will probably never finish this quest, but I'd better go talk to Robinson" and so you do. He apologieses but tells you he has a reputation to maintain. You are angry at him and reply somethin fiesty to him and he snapily responds "Now don't get fresh with me laddy; your lucky I even spared YOU!" and he tells you that in two hours they are going out to plunder again, and that you should go out and familiarize yourself with the crew. The quest changes from like "late delivery" or something to "A new life" maybe. You get waypoints to talk to all the crew members, and one of them will be the smithy, and he'll ask you what kind of fighter you are, if you're a clobberor, a slasher, or a bow-and-arrow kind of guy. the Clobberors are supplied with an iron mace, the slashers with a steel shortsword, and bowandarrows guys supplied with an iron bow and 30 iron arrows. There is no magical option, because no option to even use magic while on a ship, because no true captain would EVER have a mage on his/her ship! But all after that you go talk to the captain and you'll head out on your first plundering mission. I guess it has the same effect as waiting, and stopped only when a ship is in sight and you get ready to board. They'll throw planks down connecting the two ships once they're close enough and you can run accross them and attack the crew. (Note: these do not count as murders as no one lives accept for the pirates, so no one can pin them directly on you) And after the week goes by You are back in the cave. You notice your infamy will have increased a little bit, and The captain talks to you and tell you to go to a certain NPC(it will always be the same one) to get you're cut, and be back at the cave in one week for another plunderin mission! You leave the cave to go exploring and notice that on the far side of the island is a small fishing village(that is completely unaware of the pirate's presence on the island, they never go near that side of the island because anyone who has; has never returned to the village) and you can go talk to the fairyman, who will fairy you back to (anvil) for a fee. you can also talk to any fairyman in (anvil) once you want to return and just ask to be fairied to that fishing village.
OR byescaping would transport you to Dormant island, where guards immediately approach you and ask you your story. you can finish the quest but your infamy will increase by 2 no matter what(come on, you ditched ALL those people to die. not cool.)
Now I could go through my own idea of the ranks and the sequences of rising through them, but I'll leave that tiny bit to anyone else's imagination. You'd obviously have to rise through a couple ranks before you get your own ship, and of course it would cost a great deal of money to get a ship and crew up and running, I'd say 30,000 for the smallest ship/crew - which includes 4 buccaneers, 2 people to drive(can't think of the name), a captain's quarters with a pet or two, crew's quarters, a brig (to take hostages which could be ransomed for a large deal of money - up to a thousand a person maybe), and a hold(stores supplies and treasures). For those of the Marines they'd get a small ship and crew also for 30,000 which would be 4 Marines, 2 drivers, captains quarters with a buttler/maid, crew's quarters, a brig- holding maybe like 10 pirates compared to the one hostage pirate's ships can hold(for pirates which you get bounty money for once you dock - like 100 ea) and a hold(storing food) since the marines do not collect booty and have the same amount of room in their hold, they can go out to sea for a longer time.
I could go on and on. I'm such a ranter when I'm typing lol any one else on this?
PS - Warlock, I like your idea of trap setting! and also being able to perform the black sacriment. I tried it once. I was so sad