I think it would be awesome to watch battles, as long as they have good animations, deadly reflex had some good animations, while it could use some work, like them being able to duck every projectile thrown at them, but ahem back on track, if they had DR's animations, or better considering it must be coming out a long time from now if they havnt announced it yet, that would be cool to watch.
Also, for the people discussing being able to see stuff on the map automatically. I personally like fast travel, in Oblivion that is, regular travel was just too slow. Now if they have stuff like carriages or silt striders or what have you, i may actually never have to use fast travel and that would be just fine with me. However, i did not like the fact that coming out of prison, not knowing the Emperor or even what you did, you know exactly where every city is, you know exactly where to go for the main quest. Now if they had explained this a little better, like when talking to Baraus, or w.e his name was the gaurd in the sewers, you say but who is Jauffre? and where do i go? and he goes, here i have a map of the provence, this here is the imperial city, you should see it behind you as u exit the sewers, and right here (points at spot on map) this is where Jauffre is, here let me mark it for u. And that way you know whree the imperial city is, and you know where Jauffre is, but you cant just Fast Travel willy nilly, you dont know the way there, you ahve to travel, look at your map every so often, now if you've been there you could find you way back automatically with FT but you actually need to go there to be able to FT. This was how it was with most things, but i think this should include cities too, you have to physically walk or ride there to be able to FT there, otherwise you have to use transportation. Even with transportation, unless its like a carriage and you are watching where you're going every minute of the ride, you shouldnt be able to FT, this would promote exploration, so you dont have to pay the carriage man every time. And for stuffmagically appearing on the map, it was the only way i knew it was there, i wouldnt want to have to walk a grid just to find a new dungeon, i say keep the magic compass, or maybe make it into a minimap instead idk.
And on another note, please, oh please dont make us go through that long ass tutorial again. I had it set on hard and it took 4 fire balls to kill a rat and more to kill a goblin. By the time i got out of there i had leveled my destruction and restoration up enough to level 5 times, i want to start out level one, freshly customized and raedy to roll not level 6 bored already and about to get off. Oh yea, and get rid of the way you level. I dont want to have to worry about effiecent leveling i just want to play the damn game. Maybe make it like experience, you do things and get experience, and you can put it into attributes. While thats not as realistic as you spend more time doing one thing you are able to level it up faster, its a hell of a lot more player friendly.
I'd also like more varied spells. A fireball was a fireball was a fireball. And make spells have an effect besides damage, a weak shock might jolt him and make him stumble or miss a swing, while a strong one makes him convulse, drop his sword, and fall to the ground. a small frost might make a mage stutter, ruining his spell casting abilities for a while, a strong one could freeze a man solid. a weak fire could make an archer shield his eyes, causing him not to shoot for a second or two. a strong one could roast the [censored] alive. a weak pure force spell could stop an arrow or a man for a second giving you time to move, a strong one could blow him off into a tree cracking his spine. You get my drift yet?
Besides spells you could vary lots of things. Make people fat, short, tall, and skinny. Make some daggers long and smooth, some shorter but with serrated edges, make some arrows typical broadheads, make some with hooks to stick into wood and climb an attached rope or stick into people and make it a [censored] to pull out. Make it so i can walk boldly into a targets front door, or sneak into his bedroom via his window and stab him while he's asleep. Let me chop a mans arm off or cut his throat from behind. If i cant find someone let me torture his beloved, or charm her into telling me where he is, or just kidnap her so he'll come to her rescue. Let my attacks actually have meaning. If i shoot you in the head with a bow you're dead, unless you have a helmet, but if you have a helmet but just a cloth shirt, let an arrow to the chest kill you. If you're a good marksman, one arrow should be enough to kill. A well aimed thrust with my blade could pierce your heart, but you could block it or dodge it. Just dont let people be able to dodge my arrow shot, they could be running and i could miss, but dont let them dodge, can you dodge an arrow? not unless you're really really luck or incrediably fast. Let me, as an armorer, make my own knives, however i want them, serrated or not, long or shot, fat or thin. And let me sell my stuff in a shop. let me see my customized blade in the hand of, ahem, a gladiator in my arena. Wow im writing a lot, but lets continue.
Let some stuff have actual value. A nobleman should have something of value i can steal in his house or loot off his body. But i have to get rid of the "hot" merchandise in another city, because the gaurds will warn merchants and the merchants will call the gaurds on me. Don't put 500 copies of a single book on a shelf, make books vary. Maybe if you read a book, you can figure out a clue to a secret treasure.
On the topic of gaurds, they are not god, make them less omniscient, a lot less. If i kill a man in his house, the guards shouldn't know until the wife comes home from the market, or a friend comes to check up on him, and make it so if i have a pattern, like i slit his throat and steal his clothes and cut a brand into his forehead or maybe i leave my knife in his body, and they see the same thing more than once, i become a serial killer, and they warn other cities and then and only then will all the cities be on a look out for me. I want my ...wantedness.. to be different in each city, guards halfway across the world shouldnt know i robbed a little old lady on the otherside of the world. And my bounty should only go up if they know it was me that did it. If i can kill a man and all the witnesses before they escape i should be able to get off scott free, its not like they have fingerprinting and dna anolysis. Now to make it so i cant kill every man jack in town, maybe if its a high enough crime like murder, they call in the mages to try and constuct and image of what happened, they get my face and post it around the city, some people recognize me others wont. If its jsut a robbery of a carpenter then they wont bother, now if i rob the king they will send the full force after me. Nine forbid, but if i...say
kill him..hehe..they would have every man jack looking for my sorry ass, they would send out search parties, instead of just alerting everyone.. I couldnt show my face in a near desert village without being recognized, but recognition wouldnt necessarily always be a negative thing. The "bad" sort of people might put me up, hide me from the guards. Now i could disguise myself, but the level of disguise would depend on how much effort i put into it. If i just throw on a wig and funny hat, they would still be able to recognize me easily. But if i get a rogue mage to completely alter my features, i could be completely unrecognizable, but if the mage is bad, or just doesnt like you, he could melt your face and make you an abomination and you could show your face in town anyway and he might make it irreversable, heh heh.
I'd also like to be able to do jobs for experience, like if i help an armorer, my skill could increase, i train a mage i could realize ive been doing a spell harder than i could have and my spell cost goes down. Cool stuff like that. I'd also like to be able to have a life besides fighting and killing and slaughtering every rat, goblin, and wolf that gets in my way. Now im not sure if i would or would not like marriage and stuff like that but maybe if i visit a shop everyday for food, the shopkeeper gets to know me, sys hey bob, the usual? and i wouldnt have to search through all his items, i would just say yea, and he gets it all for me. Another cool thing would be that instead of people going stop stealing when you grab something of theirs in a shop, you couldhave like a "shopping cart" kinda thing. You put all the items in it and then talk to the clerk. but you could also pocket something if hes not looking, but if you have too many bulges he may accuse you of shop lifting. like heh, point out a specialty item behind the clerk, he turns to unlock the cabinet and you slip a silver dagger into your boot. Maybe the real good stuff, the expensive stuff, he wouldnt have lying around but you'd have to ask him, you got anything special, and if you buy it he delivers it to your house.
Another cool thing would be secrets. Like a women hires you to find out what her husbands up to and you could follow him keep track in a notebook. Also shopkeepers could have secret compartments for valuable stuff so u cant just kill him and make off with the best stuff. They could also have hidden crossbow mounted under the clerks desk that they can shoot u with if you try and assault them. Have a loaded crossbow behind the bar for if you get too drunk

I never drank in any of the games, it just seemed stupid, even if they added realistic effects, i still wouldnt drink just on principle, but some real rpers could want to be able to get drunk and fall off their stools and wake up half a day later.
Maybe if they have better animations and combat, in the beginning you should know basically nothing if its anything like M or OB because you've been in prison and in OB you apparantly have amnesia, so maybe you have to go to a guy to train you, and instead of time just passing, he actually trains you. Like you meet him at a certain time/place, and he shows you, this is how you thrust, this is how you parry, this is how you should swing. An assassin could teach you how to sneak up and slit someones throat, a mage could give you a book to read, and you actually have to read or at least turn the pages, to explain magic. An archer could show you how to stand properly to aim better. Before you could swing a sword but it had no skill it was just like swinging a club, with a teacher you could learn how to slice, jab, and parry in one fluid motion, instead of just ramming your sword at the enemy. This would translate into less missing, a lot more power behind your blows and a better chance to parrry. Before the archer you could miss a lot, maybe the arrow jerks a bit and it flys wide, and expend fatigue uselessly, with him you could miss less, pull properly use less energy and have a lot more force and accuracy behind it. A thief could explain how to pick a lock, before you meet him you just fiddle around inside hoping it clicks, breaking many picks. The thief makes it so you break many less picks and its faster too. If they have the same mini game, maybe before you cant see the locks moving but after you can. Also you shouldnt be able to learn everything. If you are an warrior for example, learning to be a mage would make your skill go down as you go out of practice and vie versa, as a thief/assassin you forget how to sneak as well, you make more noise, you miss the jugular stuff like that if you train in something else. This could be a good alternative to just saying hey i swung my sword 50 times, now ill do a fancy thrust and get it perfect. Wow, i must have been really bored or on a really good roll to write all this, anyway, if i think of something else ill make a new post so as to not make this one any bigger, and i asure you, i will think of more magic related stuff