Sure Rpgs come in FPP, after all it is only perspective

I don't think it is that bad. I like to change couple of things but as long as you play a nice dodging or block animation when it fails, it can work. This is about anticipation. Crysis is a highly responsive true to origins FPS game. In this game Koreans dodge your bullets.

By the way, any math expert can change the equation so 80-80 agility fails more than 40-40. Thanks. (Funny, I'm trying to get more miss, miss, miss...

I didn't like Morrowinds dice system, firstly because it's flawed in a FPP Rpg. FPP demands control of the head/aim/general body. Had morrowind been in third person, and with a lock-on feature it would work, but it doesn't, resulting in a broken system.
In morrowinds system you basically have two hit detections, the hit of the player and the hit of the character.
Character hit will only have a chance of succes, if player hit is detected. This is a big flaw, because it puts player skill in the center, This is enhanced because of the few hits it takes to win. The character can be a master swordsman, but his skill wont matter if the player doesn't hit. The NPCs never have this problem, because they all have auto lock on.
I disagree, I'm always confused when people say they can't miss in Oblivion, I've missed a million times. The combat comment is valid though, damage should be higher.
show the sparks from my weapon hitting his armor, shield, weapon,
in hand to hand, add slip punches...
show my blade sinking in enemy's chest if I succeed.
show the side affect of his injuries, change in speed, disability in one arm etc...
I don't want morrowinds system improved, because it is broken from the beginning. Some of the suggestion are good and could be added on top of physics based hitting (Oblivion), with skills/stats determining what happens when you hit (as well as other stuff). I've crossed out those that wouldn't work, even in Morrowind. Showing the enemy dodge because of your skill, is a bad idea. If the enemy svcks at sanctuary and agility, but you svck more, he will magically be agile in combat with more ducking and leaning. I wouldn't like that, which is why I would rather have dodging as a separate skill.
Even if you could have math expert change the formula so that 80-80 resulted in more misses than 40-40, you would still have the problem that player hit always trumps character hit.
Player hits -> there's a chance the character hits
Player miss -> there's Never a chance that the character hits, because the game doesn't even recognize that you're trying to hit anything.
This wouldn't be a problem with a lock-on feature (Player skill is always successful), but we can't have that because of FPP. FPP demands control of aim, and lock on would also lock the viewing direction, even if it only locked the attack direction, so you could turn your view and look away, now you would be blind to possible tactical situations on the target you locked on to.
The absolute best possible solution as I see it, would to have (in a combat duel):
Stats govern Physics
Physics governs Hit
Skills governs what happens when you hit (make contact with the opponent).
This is just combat related, of course stats should also govern skills, and all the other stuff.