well back to actual ideas and off this sidetrack of six or no six.
I think they should make it so u can cast spells continuosly, like flamethrowers cept ice lighting and fire, maybe also channeled spells like it shoots bolts out but takes magick for each bolt it shoots. It would also be cool if you could combine effects, like a wind spell plus a fire spell could make a firestorm tornado thing, ice + fire would make water, which admitly might be kinda useless but maybe for fire creatures does a lotta dmg? ice and wind creates a wave of cold freezing enemies in an arc in front of u. It'd also be nice to have more spell effects, instead of just fire, ice, lightning, and dmg health, maybe have wind, water, earth, time, gravity stuff like that. gravity could force ur enemy to the ground or it could lift him off his feet heh be funny to see an orc swing his sword and go spinning about in zero gravity

anyway, time could slow others down, speed urself up, or at mastery stop time itself if they could get stop time to apply to everything that would be awesome, like throw a wind spell out and knock things every which way then freeze it and see the chaos in mid air

with earth you could create sinkholes and svck ur enemies underground. collapse tunnels,collapse bridges, with wind you could blow ur enemies off edges, you could shoot water into the road and then freeze it creating a slippery patch cool stuff like that

anyways ill try and think of more stuff later