Someone earlier said, think it was shade, that you could block someones posts? could someone tell me how? Azuras posts have gotten meaningless, theres no point arguing with them, they just repost the same thing over and over, im getting tired of seeing the same thing again and again.
As to Lex's idea, this is why people rage against Multiplayer, having the gameworld change each time might add to the replayability but even 10 worlds cannot match up to one world if those 10 worlds have 3 choices while the 1 world has 30 or 60, because thats how much difference i think it would be if they devoted their time to multiplayer instead of singleplayer. as to increasing skill level caps, whats the point? they could just increase how much u get per lvl and keep the nice even 100. The last part though, i completely agree with. as for the first 2 parts, eh idk about the skaling dungeons most people had problems with skaling, i think it would be better if some caves had low level guys and some had high and they stayed that way for the entire game, it would be nice for that if they kinda seperated the two, like had lower levels living in caves while the higher levels can bust into ruins and take over so if your a low level your not wandering into places and getting ownt every time. As for skeletons and zombies, i think they should both be weaker but have mobs, brings back a L4D kinda feel

The town thing seems cool, being able to build stuff and increase towns would be cool, maybe make your own town from followers

like you get someone to follow you and then you build a house together, and then maybe get another guy and they stay in the one house because its only 2 guys, but you bring a third so they build a house without u, and maybe some refugees wander in and they build their own houses and soon u have a town

you could be able to train ur town so it could defend itself or high someone to defend/train high some builders to make cool stuff, higher someone to run supplies in from the city, get people to start farming and hunting

that would be cool.
something i think would be cool is if they have kids and what not you can actually grow old, but you could teach ur kid some of ur skills and when u die ur kid becomes ur character, that might be a cool way to handle death, you die and you become ur kid if u have one. but that shouldnt be the only way to handle death, maybe like someone suggested earlier im not sure if it was here or somewhere else but you have to get a priest to cast something so if u die u get revived, maybe a portable create a body item

u die and it grows u a new body albit with maybe a few differences (its not a science

) they could be good differences like stronger or they could be bad like dumber. but if you dont have a portabody you have to fight/bribe/help someone in the underworld to get ur freedom and ur life back.