Whats wrong with mudcrabs? I don't even have an argument about it, they're just basically scenery. If anything, I can unerstand the relentless chasing of everything in Oblivion, but that's not a fault in the actual creatures...
I fail to have ever found a good argument against Cliff Racers. The few problems with Cliff Racers are oversights by the devs that will obviously be fixed in TESV, if included. As I've said many time, and I'll probably need to say many times more: Do you expect all AI to be cut from TESV, becaus eNPC's would occasionally kill eachother in Oblivion? No. That's ridiculous. It's the same basic princible.
- Vampires (I hate vampires)
Wait. What? You don't like Vampires, so they should be removed? Has anyone ever forced you to be a vampire throughout TES? I actually think Vampires should have some kind of mix between Morrowind and Oblivion. I would like to be able to do quests, but I don't want to be a human that occasionally needs to drink blood. We should, perhaps, have Morrowind esque vampires, but, instead of literally everyone hating me, I could use either speechcraft or magic to make them think better of me (Thanks Vampire Embrace for the idea

), or I could scare them with my level.
- Bosmer who act like retards
- An Adoring fan
I agree here. I think Bosmer are far too often shown as a joke, since Morrowind. Bosmer have great lore, and could quite easily be expanded well. But, if Bethesda want to include the ocasional stupid Bosmer, it's fine by me. I mean, I don't get forced into having to talk to them the whole time.
Fargoth: Ignore (although I don't get his hate)
Gaenor: Ignore
Adoring Fan: "Scram, kid" - Ignore
It's a simple proccess. There's many things that people often avoid in TES.
Now I really don't get this. Have you ever looked at norse mythology? It's bloody awesome. Real life Viking lore doesn't consist of hitting things with axes and getting drunk (although they are quite awesome). Dragons and monsters are all over the place. Beowolf is a good example of some of the potential available to a Viking influenced Skyrim.
Also, there are other influences on Nords. Don't just look at Bloodmoon for Nordic culture. They're like the ashlanders of Skyrim. Do you ever get that "Native American" feel you get from the Ashlanders on the Telvanni, or the Redoran? No.