I agree with everything Absinthe82 said except for one thing the endurance thing increase the plus health maybe add a +30 to +60 or 80 a warrior should have more than 20 more health than a wizard other than that everything you said i would love to plzy, infact if theres a mod that does all that stuff i will download it right now and go play oblivion
Simple enough right? Make a wizard, sacrifice 20 of your 40 points of END to boost INT by the same amount, get 100+20= 120 HP. Make a warrior, do the opposite to get 160 HP. 33% more actually. When maxed out, your warriors gonna end up with 66% more HP than the wizard, who naturally focusing on INT and WIL, and relies on Shield, Heal and other spells to stand the punding. Still your both characters are mortals, made of flesh and bone. Flesh gets cut and bones break, no matter how wimpy you are, OR if you're a huge tank. The strong warrior is also able to stack more protective gear, so they're pretty equal if you ask me.
HP whould NOT be the only thing that makes you tougher. I'm not too fond of the idea that in level 1 you can get killed with 2 stabs, while at level 30 you can leave your character alone with 5 daedra for 10 minutes, just to come back after having a snack to see how many points your Dodge has gone up meanwhile. All thanks to ridiculous amounts of HP.
But I'm glad if this really is the only thing you disagree with

Edit: well of course I mixed Poe in this again. My bad.
And, I do NOT have too much time on my hands. You can tell that by seeing how little I've added or edited to that post over the 2 years.. or something.
AND. I know painfully well that this sort of realistic and challenging game is not what kids today want. AND I also know that for some reason the game developers today have the illusion that kids actually are the people who play and buy their games. Go figure...
They made a huge fan base with Daggerfall and Morrowind, and those (we) are not getting any younger. So why would we suddenly want to be treated as children? Our intelligence insulted, even?
I got my own business, I have money to buy games, not that many of them are worth it today. I'd gladly pay 200€ or more for the TES5 my post tries to describe. I can take a week off easily if TES5 is immersive enough to require it. I have patience to search for a single item in a huge maze for several days. IRL days ofc. I can read directions and maps, and I'm not easily fooled by obvious hoaxes and plot twists. I enjoy being able to reaaally consider my actions in the game, finding alternative ways of doing things. And what I enjoy the most is trying to live with the consequences of my actions and choices, which I might have done during a stressful situation or with too little knowledge of the situation and NPC's motives. (yes, I play BioWare games, and European RPGs)
Thanks for reading.