No "quest markers":
I hate feeling like a child being told where to go, let me find my own damn way to my objective, not some GPS plotted route...
A simple multiplayer set-up:
It would be great to spar off in an arena against my friends, I don't think we need anything with 4 or more players (it would interfere with the single player experience due to limitations that were imposed to balance the multiplayer aspect of the game).
More armor slots:
I liked customizing my characters look in Morrowind with two different pauldron slots, maybe you could go wild in TES:V and make every item that can be a "pair" be separated into two slots (Feet, Gauntlets, & pauldrons). You can't go wrong with more options for customization.
A skill system similar to Morrowinds:
I liked the Major, Minor, & Miscellaneous skill system that was in place in Morrowind.
No more scaling:
I hated how in Oblivion everything grew steadily with my player and I was never in a life or death situation unless it was brought on by my own stupidity. I want a lot of encounters to create the ominous scenario of life or death even if I went into those encounters after careful preparation, I enjoy having the risk of death looming over me no matter how well prepared I was. If my character can't complete said encounter (say I die a lot, and end up reloading) well then I'll just have to leave the dungeon, level up my character using safer methods, and come back when I think I am more prepared. Scaling was downright stupid, I want to feel as though I'm taking a HUGE risk when I leave the city to go dungeon plundering (like it should be).
Use the games ESRB rating to your advantage:
Oblivion has an M rating, yet it has little blood, gore, and swearing, or anything else that is typically associated with an M-rated game... please take advantage of the M-rating in TES:V (if you plan on it being an M-rated game that is)
I want so much new lore that I'll be playing the game for years... I want there to be so much new lore that I feel even more humbled by the size and complexity of the Elder Scrolls universe, I want there to be so much new lore that I feel like reading through every single book, doing every single quest, and exploring every single inch in the game!!!
That about sums up my wish list, I hope you at least take the time to read through it and consider my ideas ^_^
1.that makes sents but let the aroww be enebled or dissabled just for personal preference say im trying a quest for 3 days and cant find it let me be able to tun the arrow on at will
2.yes wit internet conection and a sigle player game exept for friends in realife with a game code and they eace can get a quest from the same person and you can be a band of mercanarys and your all neghbors also or something you know just a thing with real friends so you dont have to pay for the game online
3.yes this i agree with 100% for realism and fun also cloacks and capes they were used in real life for camaflage and warmth or collnes from the sun why not in the game?
4.i agree and i dont because i want to be able to have more major skills because leveling skills is a pain but it is more realistic to have minor skills and micalanios skills too if the minor skills were incressed a few points i would agree with this morethan i do
5.yes and yes this idea is awsome we should not be able to run into an oblivion gate at level 1 and kick but its so un realitic dedra are suposed to be exelent fighters not someone who can be defeted by a well armed pesent
5.this i agree with also but dont overdo it like crazy i donnt want to hear the F-word 10 times in evry conversation or even 3 times unless its warented for the situation and the text and dont overdoo it on blood and dont make it dispear as soon as it lands and dont go crazy on six eather it would just make little teenage boys buy the game and close the door and do inapropriate stuff while the parents are not around
6. and yes more lore it is no fun with little lore make it so i want to explore the whole provence for a legendary item to make me famous and have people envy me or like me or try to kill me for the item (only if i can handle it)