Well, it's not as bad as Lost Planet 2; that game had men running around armor-clad from head to toe, yet the women seemed to be running around with more of their bodies exposed than covered up. A little inconsistent, isn't it? I swear, this was the main reason that game is now sitting buried beneath fifty others, including my Super Nintendo games - and I'm a guy, an adolescent six-hungry one. Oblivion's 'sixist' armor pales so much in comparison that you won't even notice it; it simply looks impractical when it comes down to protection.
I'm fine with form-fitting armor/clothes/uniforms/etc. because its only practical to wear something that you can move around in easily. Once it starts looking like an iron bikini though, I lose all respect for the game that implemented that design.
Im having a hard time getting my mind wrapped around what has you guys so worked up. I cant even come up with an argument im so baffled. I spent 10 minutes typing before i even started all >>>> that and i erased it all because my mind just wanst working

Its a game thats it. It doesnt need to be 100% practical looking. It can look good since its a game. IRL im sure the women would want just as much protection as the men but in a game it doesnt really matter. If it really bothers you that much im sure you can find a modder to put every woman in the game in a full head to toe knights armor. I just think you should play a game even if it has a few flaws you dont like as long as its a good game. Now this may get me epicly raged out but... how is having slightly revealing armor in a game any different than the women today? They try and look good, for the most part. Looking good gives them an advantage over us ugly men

The reason for games having sixier women than men in a game is the same reason women go around in high heels and spend hours on their looks. Because men like it, thus they are more likely to pick two similar games if one has better looking women than the other. IMO men are more likely to go for looks while women look deeper at stuff, be it a game or a man

Now this is all my OPINION if you would like to state yours, fine.
Now ill try and get back on topic

I think it would be cool if you could combine magic to create new effects, like fire and ice make steam or something like that and you can use the steam to make a get away

it would also be cool if your magic had an effect on the environment, like fire setting trees on fire, ice creating slick patches or freezing things solid, and you could use these to your advantage, like freezing a man solid and then shooting fire at him creating steam and obscuring you from the enemies archers for a while or setting a tree on fire and then bringing it down on your enemies with lightning. Also destructable environments would be awesome

I noticed i only really use

ill try and add variety next time