I am undecided on this one but money weight I don't like and why don't they make it like the WOW money system.
Thats pretty much what im saying, they should make it so gold isnt pretty much worthless, and you could use coppers and silvers too, in this one book i read, not sure if its realistic or not but it seems a lot more realistic than carrying 50000 gold around, the hero only carried around 50 gold at a time, he might have had more but it was in a chest or in saddle bags, he only kept 50 on his person for like food for a few weeks and inns and stuff. and if you need something expensive youcould either load it up in a chest on a wagon or maybe have a receipt from a banker and the other person turns that in at the bank for the correct amount. Having it like this could better explain why bandits and what not only had 5 gold on their persons while you have a couple thousand.
So in a more clear manner ill try and restate that. Their should be copper and silver as well as gold. Gold should be much more valuable. You shouldnt be accumulating 50000g in a couple weeks. Money should have weight so you only carry around 50-100 gold at a time. You can exchange receipts at the bank for more valuable stuff. Also if you get robbed of the reciept your bum outta luck

so the reciept would be the equivilant of the gold it states it has and whoever has the receipt can exchange it for the money.