More roleplaying opportunities.

(I think this is my third time saying that)
Yes, but options that are more meaningful than:
-Help the old lady for free cause you are a goody two shoes for some reason
-Kick her into the gutter cause you're a big meanie for some reason
In The Witcher, Mass Effects, and Dragon Age I really stopped to think my brains out when I was presented an option. What would I do in that situation, what would the character do, what would be the instant consequences and what are the odds that I regret this later on. Who I decide to trust in, which is the lesser evil here... Those kinda question I wanna ask myself when playing...
And when talking about choices and consequences, they should be fully uncovered only later on, so quickloading through all the choices and then picking the best one would be impossible. Make a choice, then live with it. Replay the game, think if you want to try something differently.