Ok so after seeing that the spell thread is dying I just had to make the nerdiest most awesome spell thread of all time, it will be detailed and in my view if implemented into the new ES 5 game will make magic a fun and amazing choice to have.
So basically I will explain what I had in mind. Once upon a time there was a lame and uninteresting spell system which Bethesda used in Morrowind and oblivion, this spell system had 3 types of magic, damage, and healing and summoning and they come in 3 forms "Balls" and touch and self, LAMEEEEEEE.
What I want to see, NO, what all of us want to see is this:
I spent a lot of time on this cause the nerd energy was strong in me and I almost had an aneurism cause I could not show it to anyone, so here we go:
I will start with the school of destruction:
In this school we usually had fire that did not burn (unless u make it over time

) ice that does not freeze, lightning that does not stun, and magic that does very much the same as the elemental spells, what I propose is to keep the schools of magic in ES 5, BUT to greatly change and enhance the core of these skills.
So u chose the school of destruction yay, but this time instead of "buying" spells u will start out with only a few low level spells, let me warn u that I have not properly placed every spell in the proper level/place cause frankly that requires me to know the game, which may or may not even exist, so this is a list, for fun, so feel free to add, hate, love what's in it.
The school of destruction will open up 4 sub trees of spells and special abilities which are:
1- Fire
2- Ice
3- Lightning
4- Entropy
Each one of these schools has special spells and abilities that will blow ur mind (in game too hehe). At first u will get one spell from each school if u start as novice, then as u level up u gain the ability to have more spells, and your existing spells will LEVEL UP AS U USE THEM MORE, not as u buy/make new ones, buying spells is lame unbalanced and boring.
So let's start with good old fire:
1- Fire Ball: an AOE (Area of effect) magic attack that has a chance to knock enemies about as it hits, as you gain higher levels in fire ball you will gain the ability to guide the projectile by holding down the mouse bottom as it flies, and of course it will gain more damage and cost a little more mana to use.
2- Fire Blast: an AOE fire explosion that radiates from the caster, it will knock enemies around u and burn them with a DOT (damage over time) for a while, higher levels will increase AOE radius and damage and mana cost of course.
3- Greater Fire Ball: A chargeable version of the fire ball it does the same thing, but it cannot be guided, and can be charged for extreme damage before releasing it.
4- Inferno: A deadly torrent of flame that shots out of the caster's hands, it will keep coming until caster stops or mana runs out.
5- Fire Wall: A wall of flame that appears in front of the caster, which prevents enemies from crossing due to the extreme high fire damage, good for blocking narrow caves or when wanting to escape.
6- Rain of Fire: The caster targets an area with his mouse and casts a fire spell that bombards the area with fire, doing massive damage and DOT damage as well.
7- Ignite (Passive ability): when u gain this power all your fire spells will have a better and longer DOT (damage over time) as they burn enemies alive.
8- Intensity (Passive ability): Increase the enemy's weakness to your fire magic.
9- Fire Shield: create a fire shell that absorbs all fire damage until it depletes its max. absorption points, the points increases with level.
Now we move to ice:
1- Ice shards: the caster shots ice shared like a machine gun, the projectiles slow targets down, and damage them, higher levels increase both effects, and the caster has to stop casting or run out of mana to halt the deadly barrage.
2- Freeze: the caster freezes the target solid, and if the target gets kicked of a high place he will shatter and die, the spell can also be used to create an ice patch on the ground to make enemies slip on it and fall, very dangerous near high places, and stairs. Higher level increase freeze duration.
3- Blizzard: A large AOE damage targetable spell that belts the area with ice shards and hails and icy winds, slowing, freezing, and damaging enemies that are caught in it.
4- Ice Wall: a wall of ice appears in front of the caster protecting him from attacks and blocking narrow ways, until the barrier's time ends, or gets destroyed.
5- Frost Nova: an icy blast of ice that radiates from the caster and freezes all enemies around, allowing the caster to escape or maneuver better.
6- Ice Lance: an icy spear of death that damages enemies and does high damage to frozen targets.
7- Ice Shield: A shell of icy energy that absorbs frost damage until it is depleted.
8- Icy Heart (Passive): Increase the freezing and slowing time/effects of ur ice magic.
9- Frost Mind (Passive): Increase your enemy's weakness to your ice magic.
OK then lets continue...
Now to the Lightning spells:
1- Lightning Beam: A continuous beam of deadly lightning that turns enemies to ashes (if they die), stops only when caster stops casting or runs out of mana.
2- Lightning Ball: A chargeable ball of lightning with an AOE damage area that stuns targets on impact, more charge costs more mana but increase damage and stun duration.
3- Chain lightning: A lightning shot that bounces from one target to the next.
4- Lightning field: A shield of electric energy that surrounds the caster and damages all who dare come near.
5- Super Sky Blast: a spell that needs time to cast and affects a targeted area with a massive AOE super spell, which blinds, damages, and stuns enemies that are caught inside it.
6- Tempest: create a cloud of death over an area that rains lightning strikes on the targets below, (a low cloud, so u can use indoors too)
7- Lightning shield: a shell of energy that absorbs shock damage until its points are depleted.
8- Godly Blood (Passive): your lightning spells have a higher chance to stun victims, also makes you lightning spells a little less mana expensive.
9- Storm focus (Passive): your enemies will be weakened to ur lightning attacks (less resistance if they have any)
Entropy spells:
1- Siphon life: drains life gradually from enemy slowing his movement speed while he is affected ( caster can't do anything while casting Siphon spells, he must stand and channel it)
2- Siphon mana: drains mana from enemy, and slowing his movement down when he is under the spell effect.
3- Siphon Fatigue: Drains fatigue from enemy and slowing him down even more.
4- Damage life: directly cast a curse that destroys life energy over time, the spell has no projectile, its cast on target directly in front of the caster.
5- Cripple: cast a curse (again curses have no "projectile" they are target casts) that slows, and weaken enemy.
6- Poison Ball: a ball of deadly gas that creates a poison cloud upon impact, causing DOT damage, poisons have random bonus effects like (slow, blind, knockout, silence), and higher spell levels give more bonus effects together and higher damage.
7- Bone shards (Hexen2 spell for necro.): shot a barrage of sharp bone fragments that belt the target with fast physical damage.
8- Bone spike ball: shot a ball of spiked bones that explode like a frag. Grenade upon impact causing physical damage.
9- Magic Shell: create a barrier that absorbs all kinds of magic damage until points run out.
10- Poison cloud: A poison cloud radiates from the caster, damaging all targets around and slowing their movement down as they stay inside the area effect of the spell.
11- Potency (Passive): targets are weakened to your entropy magics.
Ok destruction is done on to Mysticism.