1- Summon skeleton: (not for 20 seconds) but for a decent amount of time, although it should be weak at first levels of course.
2- Summon skeleton archer: does what its says, duration increases with level/skill/usage.
3- Summon skeletal army: summon up to 8 skeletons (at highest level) to fight for you.
4- Summon armor: summon a full deadric armor for a while to protect you (not summon gauntlet finger, then after 50 levels u get the other figure, to complete the gauntlet…etc).
5- Summon weapons: Summon random weapons at first then you can chose on higher skill levels.
6- Summon zombie horde: summon a bunch of scary deadly flesh eating zombies.
7- Animate the dead: command a fallen enemy's corpse as your follower for a while.
8- Summon deadra: obvious.
9- Summon Dedroth: also obvious.
10- Summon Flame golem: I like those.
11- Summon Ice golem: good to have.
12- Summon Storm golem: awesome pet.
13- Summon spider deadra: looks like a crazy old woman BTW.
14- Summon scamp(s): when you level up you can summon more scamps at one time.
15- Summon Clan fear: as it says.
16- Summon Golden saint: why remove in the first place.
17- Summon lich: badass undead unit of doom what can I say more.
18- Summon oblivion rift: a small rift opens and random deadra start to come through, it lasts only a limited amount of time and the deadra are NOT under the caster's control.
19- Summoning Master (Passive): increase summons duration.
20- Necromancer(Passive): Skeletons become permanent summons until dismissed by caster (except skeleton army spell which only gains a nice bonus to number of summoned skeletons), also lich becomes permanent and zombie horde too, BUT you must chose one of these undead creature(s) at any given time, so u can't have all as permanent pets at the same time (so it's either a bunch of skeleton fighter/archers, a bunch of tough zombies, or a lich)
NOTE: you can't be a Summoning master and a Necromancer at the same time.
See I don't want to take the ES spell system and throw it away I just want to enhance it, and add stuff to it, is it really such a bad idea/suggestion!!
Ok now for the Restoration skill which I spiced up to accommodate all you dark and broody evil knights and fallen paladins too, its 2 sub trees now, which are:
The blessing tree contains most of the old spells but they are more balanced (should be):
1- Heal: heal wounds (has cool down so you can't spam)
2- Heal other: heals others.
3- Cure poison: cures any poison
4- Cure disease: cures any disease
5- Break curse (to accommodate new curse spells): breaks any curse except silence of course.
6- Resist magic: grants slight resistance to all kinds of magic, more on higher level but never 100%, could reach 75% with alchemy.
7- Regenerate: slowly regenerates health, fatigue, and mana.
8- Buff strength: temporary increase in strength.
9- Buff agility: same.
10- Buff intelligence: same.
11- Buff willpower: same

12- Buff speed: same
13- Buff endurance: same too (no more buff luck that’s silly)
14- Sanctuary: makes you immune to all damage but you can't attack while in sanctuary.
15- Healing Master (Passive): your healing spells have less cool down, and cost less mana.
For the dark ones the Wrath tree:
1- Absorb health: take health from target.
2- Fatigue: drain the target's fatigue
3- Destroy undead: a high damage spell for undead.
4- Control undead: control an undead corpse, using ur great knowledge about life and death.
5- Banish deadra: High damage curse for deadra if they die from it they get banished to oblivion in a cool way

6- Mass fatigue: an AOE blast of negative energy that wears down your enemies.
7- Debilitate: curse that reduces main attributes.
8- Death: A powerful curse that has extreme damage and mana cost, it can kill lesser beings with one hit.
9- Dispel: dispel the target from all magic buff/curses.
10- Shadow bolt: a direct attack spell that does damage to target can weaken target at higher levels as well.
11- Vengeance (Passive): Your restoration harmful magics are greatly enhanced, but you can't heal others, and your healing spells are weakened
NOTE: You cannot take Vengeance and Healing master at the same time.
And that’s all folks, man I'm beat. Comments and replies plz LOTS of them. :user: