» Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:50 am
I've made a few suggestions here and there throughout these threads, but I'd figure I'd take the time to write out everything I feel should be implemented, or changed, in TES:V from previous games. Saddle up, boys.
1: More Major Skills. I don't like the idea of having a level cap, which is essentially what Oblivion did, and Morrowind did not. In Morrowind, you had 10 major skills and 10 minor skills, allowing for leveling up to 60+. I always hit a brick wall around 40 or so in Oblivion, which gives me the feeling that I can't get better. That isn't something I want in an RPG.
2: Stop simplifying things for the sake of simplifying. I want 2 pauldrons, a right one and a left one. I want 2 gauntlets, a right one and a left one. I want to be able to change them and put 2 differet ones on. Boots wold also be nice, but not required.
3: Make enchanting a skill again.
4: A better weather system, involving dynamic seasons and weather changes in every part of the land. I don't want North to always be snowy, and I don't want South to always be swampy and rainy. I want them to change, and certain regions to gain different weather conditions based on the month of the year.
5: I want a more dynamic hunting system. I want to be able to have a weather system that effects hunting. Say it's the end of the year and snowing. In the summer, area "x" was dry and humid, allowing for a certain creature in said area. In the end year, when it's snowing, I want to be able to hunt different game in that area, because it's not dry and humid anymore, it's snowing. Obviously different animals would be there.
6: I want gear to be harder to come by, and I don't want every damn NPC at level 20+ to be wearing a full suit of Daedric or Glass armor. That's not realistic at all.
7: Something I liked in Oblivion was the armor rating system, but I feel it should be looked at again, and tweaked a bit. I liked the perk system in Oblivion though.
8: I think you should move a lot slower in water if you have a full suit of armor on that weighs over 150 pounds. That's just unrealistic to breeze through the water like a snake when you're a Warrior with a shield on, with plate armor weighing you down.
9: I want to be able to climb, and have climbing not as a skill, but an option.
10: I want the compass to be able to be toggled on and off. Having it in there is a bonus, and it's nice for some people, but it's not for me, and not for a lot of people. Let us choose.
11: I want there to be another method besides Fast Travel to get around. The Morrowind system, which had boats, Sylt Striders, and Gondoliers, was great. Obviously Sylt Striders were native to Morrowind, but something else would suffice. Point being; I don't want to be forced to use fast travel, and the game shouldn't be focused around that. City to city transport is a huge plus for roleplaying. Instantly appearing anywhere from anywhere is not.
12: I want caves to reflect the condition of the weather outside, at least at the entrance. Why does a cave entrance from inside the cave glare with a bright light at 4 AM..?
13: I want to be able to be the bad guy in the main quest. Sure, Tamriel needs saving, but at least let use choose whether we want to use our power as the champion of the game for good or evil.
14: Guilds. Ah, guilds. A lot needs to be changed with guilds. First off, being the Arch-Mage of the Mages Guild and the Master Thief of the Thieves Guild isn't practical, logical, or even possible in most case scenarios. That hugely diminishes replay value, because one character can do everything. Let us pick what we want to do, and save the rest for another playthrough, increasing the longevity of our play of the game. Second off, guilds need to be better done. The quest that is. Morrowinds guilds seemed more alive, and it seemed like your actions had more consequence.
15: I want my actions to have more consequence in general.
16: I want to be able to kill whoever I want, whenever I want, just like in Morrowind. Even if you make "Essential NPC's" something that can be toggled, do so, but I still want the option to kill someone if I so choose.
17: I want there to be more types of Magic to choose from. Also, improve the spell effects. Morrowinds spell effects were truly awesome, and Oblivions just looked like sprites flying across the screen. The fire was especially lackluster. Lightning in Ob was pretty cool though.
18: Bring back individual skills for weapons. An axe is not a blunt object. It is an axe. A blunt weapon is a top-heavy weapon that is used for smashing. An axe is a top-heavy weapon used for chopping. Not the same thing.
19: Tattoos, and preset faces. I want the ability to add scars, tattoos, and even pick from Beth made preset faces just like in Morrowind, but also give me the ability like in Oblivion to make whatever I want through a facegen.
20: Please mesh bodies and heads together properly, I don't want to look like a barbie doll.
21: Please please PLEASE do not phase level the entire world. I don't want to complete the main quest at level 4 like I did in Oblivion. That is just dumb.
That's all I can think of right now..I'll probably add more later.