Hi all I'm new here and I just wanted to say I'm glad I found your site cause I was dying to get all this stuff off my chest ever since I hear the "rumors" for the new elder scroll game.
anyway to make a long story... well less long

hehe I want to say that I greatly enjoyed both the ES games I played (oblivion and morrowind) but I did enjoy morrowind a little better to be honest, BUT what really bugged me about both games is the uninteresting combat/magic/stealth system, why? well that's why I made this post where I want to discuss (though it might be of no real goal but our own nerdy entertainment) the possibility of improving the said system to something much more engaging and challenging.
1- The combat system in both games left much to be desired, and actually in oblivion the combat system was better, though boring after a few hours of play. What I would love to see (and I mentioned this before on too many sites to remember

) is a combat system like the one I saw in Dark Messiah, with improvements of course, I want weapons to interlock when u and the bad/good guy swing swords, I want arrows to fly fast and to pin enemies to walls if they die close to one. I want shield slams, and spear charges and awesome fighting styles for each weapon type AND on each skill level for that said weapon, I want to see dismemberment or beheading or impaling strikes, and in addition to the traditional skill tree of the ES I want the skills to have many more sub skills and abilities, example :
long blade skill:
a- wide slash = you swing the sword in an arc in front of u damaging all enemies in its path and knocking them down if its a 2H sword.
b- Counter strike = after a successful block/parry u can do a counter strike that knocks ur enemy back if he is not killed.
c- Vital strikes (passive ability) = your blade strikes have a chance of making the enemy bleed
.......etc. You get the point
2- The magic system in both games also was bad and limited, all spells came in the form of "balls" or touch spells, (except summoning which was lame too) the spells of destruction had no effects other than damage, and the other schools offered no interesting spell "animations" to separate them from the school of destruction, every spell was a "projectile ball".
In my humble opinion the new spell system should be MUCH more interesting and deep, if u played Dark messiah or diablo 2 or world of warcraft, or Hexen 2, you will see a lot of amazing magic effects and skill trees that leave u in awe, and invite u to explore and learn more about them, I want ES 5 to have a more complex and interesting magic system, for example the school of destruction should open up three different sub skill trees for u to invest points or learning points or whatever in them, fire, ice, and lightning, and each sub tree has MANY spells and passive abilities, so instead of a fire ball that does not burn anything, u get:
Fire Magic:
a- Fire ball = a sphere of deadly fire to hurl at ur enemy becomes guided when u level up the skill and will have large AOE.
b- Fire Circle = an explosion of fire radiates from the caster burning all targets around u.
c- Fire Wall = create a wall of fire in front of the caster that blocks/burns enemies.
Ice Magic:
a- Ice Blast = freeze the enemy in a solid block of ice, when it breaks he is slow and sluggish, if the frozen enemy gets kicked of a ledge he will shatter upon impact, higher levels freeze enemies longer.
b- Ice Shards = A torrent of ice shards shoots forth from ur hands and will not stop until u command it or run out of mana.
c- Ice Nova = A blast that freezes all enemies around u saving u from death.
3- The stealth system was the WORST thing ever, and if u played the thief series u will agree with me, I want stealth to be amazing like in the thief games, as u use darkness for cover, and different floor surfaces actually affect the noise u make while u sneak/wall/run, I want deadly back stabs, and blackjack knockouts, and I want roof jumping, and rich people's homes full of valuables to steal, I want ropes, and traps, and the ability to hide from pursuers if I have good stealth skill and I run around a corner into a dark ally or door way.
I think the stealth system is by far the hardest thing to manage for the ES team, but they can do it, I mean look at fallout 3 u can see that their skills are improving ALOT.
anyway that's the only thing that worries me anyhow everything else is icing on the cake, if the combat/magic/stealth system is great and complex (as in many skills and abilities and spells and such) then everything else should fall into place.
feel free to give ur opinions and again glad to be on these forums.