1- Offensive alchemy (bombs, acid phials...etc) and poisons that are timed instead of lame 1 use per bottle, like u coat a sword with specter hurting stuff

it lasts 30 minutes and so on.
2- And I as I mentioned before SPELL BOOKS with trees or some other form of organization, and with passive and active spells/abilities as well.
3- more engaging environments (throwing barrels, exploding barrels, oil, deadly drops, light sources that can be turned on/off, destructible walls, and kicks I want to kick people and make them fall of a stair or slide on an oil slick....etc, it has been done in several games already, and more complex puzzles and more awesome loot/monsters/dungeons too)
4- more natural character movement, deeper characters and NPC's
5- A NEW STEALTH SYSTEM, like the one in the Thief games only more improved, hell if its the same I won't mind

6- A more engaging combat system with finishing moves and parry and weapon locks and all that, and as I said kicks too

7- Climbing (ropes, walls, trees!!)
8- More items and magical items (random loot tables for bosses and monsters would be great too, adds replayability)
9- Better telekinesis, where u can throw objects as weapons.