» Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:57 am
These are my ideas for future TES games, like TES V. If you don’t have the time to read all look only the ARTS OF MAGIC. I think I have some good ideas there.
_____3.1.1-MARTIAL ARTS
_____3.4.2-SHOP OWNER
_____3.4.5-ILLEGAL JOBS
Your character is ageing and so does every NPC in the world (apart from some exceptions).
Your character is born in a city that you have chosen. Maybe you have a family there, maybe not. You can choose only your first name, and the last name is your father’s name.
In order to avoid childhood, you start at (let’s say) 13 years old. At this point you start developing your attributes. Now, for some players who want to finish the game very quickly, there is an option before you start, that lets you choose the kind of game you will play. If you don’t have enough time to play you start the game as advlt with already developed attributes and you start to deal with the main quest immediately. If you decide to play the type of game that gets you older, every NPC (including you) should die at a predefined age (let’s say 80 years old). But if you die then do we have game over?
Every person in the world (NPCs and you) can have a child. There is a NPC generation process (like unreal football players in Football Manager) that creates new NPCs replacing the dead ones. You can have children with any woman\man in the game. Once a child of yours is born, you choose its future characteristics in the same way you started the game (you know, specialization, favored attributes etc). One potential problem is the race of the child, because you can’t be a breton and have an orc for child (unless of course you marry an orc). Your children exist in the world as NPCs. Now, at some point that you decide (or when you die), you cal leave the control of your original character and get control of one of your children. Now your ex-character becomes a NPC (unless he is dead). But this happens only once. You can’t take control of your ex-character again or of any other children that the character had. If the new character’s age is below 13, it becomes 13 at the point you start to take control. Now, this character will grow up and make children, and so goes on. So, in this game type, the main quest of the game could be completed by more than one character.
Now what happens with the important NPCs? If they die how can you continue the game? It is simple. Someone else takes their place, not necessarily a child of theirs. When you go to Anvil in order to ask reinforcements for Bruma you need the Count or Countess of Anvil and not particularly Countess Millona Umbranox. Of course the answer that you get is the same whoever the Count is.
Generally, it is really frustrating to abandon your strong advlt character for a weak child and to start developing your attributes from the beginning again and again, isn’t it?
The beginning attributes of your first character in the game are determined by the race, birthsign etc. The beginning attributes of the next characters are also determined by these facts, but also by the attributes and skills of the parent-character. This means that the child gets a percentage (let’s say 50%) of the parents’ attributes and skills. So, the child might be a weaker character now, but with more potential than the parent.
On the other hand, physical attributes like endurance are affected from age, while mental attributes like willpower are not. This means that after an age, your character’s endurance will start dropping and it will be harder, or impossible to increase the value. In general, a combat specialized character finds it difficult to level up or can’t level up at all as he grows old. On the contrary, a magic character, while relatively weak in the beginning, keeps becoming stronger and stronger with passing years and is more powerful than ever at third age (for more info on the subject, check the attributes section). So, if you play a combat character, it is a wise idea to take control of a child while the parent is not too old, because increasing physical attributes is much easier when you are young. But what happens if you like your character and you want to finish the main quest or all quests with this one?
While you play the game, you always have the option to stop growing up. Of course this will affect all NPCs and no one will die from ageing. You will still keep developing your attributes and the game becomes just like in Oblivion. The years pass, but they don’t affect us. Whenever you want, you can turn off the “Stop the Watch” option and everybody starts growing up again.
There is also the other option: you can drink from the extremely rare potion that you found in that very difficult quest and it makes you stop ageing. You see the others become old and die while you stay forever young and beautiful. Finding this potion is a dream of life for some people.
Some specifications for new additions:
-Body Type: It is the body type of your character. It can take five values, very thin, thin, normal, fat or very fat. It can change during the game according to what and how much you eat.
-Appearance: It describes how fearsome or beautiful your look is. It can take five values, very dreadful, dreadful, normal, beautiful, very beautiful. (As you can realize i accept that ugly= dreadful)
-Upper Body Strength: How strong your muscles above your waist are.
-Lower Body Strength: How strong your muscles below your waist are.
-Steadiness: The ability to maintain parts of your body in a fixed position.
-Memory: The ability to store, retain, and recall information and experiences.
-Temperature feeling: It tells you if you feel cold or hot.
-Dread\Beauty: The way the NPCs see you in the game. These skills take into account your appearance and other factors like your age, six and body type.
These are chosen by the player at the beginning of the game.
(R ) Race__________one of races
(H) Height (cm)_____155 to 205
(BT) Body Type_____Very Thin to Very Fat
(A) Age (years)______12 to 80
(S) six____________Male-Female
(AP) Appearance____V. Dreadful to V. Beautiful
(B ) Birthsign________one of birthsigns
These are the character’s attributes in the game. They are depended by the FACTS. The symbol f( ) means that the specific attribute is depended by the relevant fact. For example, Agility f(R,H,BT,A) means that agility is depended by the character’s race (R ), body type (BT) and age (A).
Upper Body Strength__(ubs)_________f(R,BT,A,S)
Lower Body Strength__(lbs)_________f(R,BT,A,S)
Steadiness__________(ste)_________f(R )
Intelligence__________(int)__________f(R )
Memory____________(mem)________f(R )
Personality__________(per)_________f(R )
The values of these attributes are quantities that are derived from the character's facts and primary attributes. So their values are depended by them.
Temp feeling____f(A)_________-
Your character can feel the temperature of the environment. There is a small colored area in the screen which is green if the temperature is ok. It becomes deeper and deeper blue when you feel cold and deeper and deeper red when you feel hot. These are the limits of temperatures you can take without losing health. When something is very hot (like a fireball), it will cause the color to become very deep red and you will have some health loss. If the temp stays cold for a long time there is a message that appears on your screen which informs you that you feel cold (maybe you start shaking too). You must wear thicker clothes or start a fire. Otherwise you may catch a cold.
For some players who feel that this is too realistic, there is an option that turns off the temperature feeling. So they only feel the health loss that is caused by it, like in Oblivion and the game becomes easier.
The value of this derived attribute is the value of the fastest speed you can run in the game, without carrying anything and without using magic. In the game, speed is interacting with fatigue. So, your maximum speed becomes lower if you are tired.
Like in Oblivion you must fine-tune your physical appearance. Unlike in Oblivion, your physical appearance will affect your game. One of the 5 FACTS is called “Appearance” and its 5 scaled: Very dreadful, dreadful, normal, beautiful, very beautiful. The appearance of your character is determined by your choices during this tuning. If your choices are too extreme you will create a more fearsome character. The “Appearance” has no effect on the ATTRIBUTE “Personality”. It only affects the skills “Beauty” and “Dread” which mean how beautiful and how dreadful you are. These skills are affected by “Personality”. The more personality your character has, the more dreadful\ beautiful he will be. This categorization affects every social intercourse the character has (for example, if you create a dreadful character other tough NPCs will think you as a threat and will dislike you. On the contrary, it will be easy for you to get information by NPCs who fear you). There should also be some things in the game which make your character even more dreadful\ beautiful, like tattoos and specific haircut (Like in Fable).
GENERAL SKILLS. It’s a more general categorization of skills. A general skill contains some specific skills which are connected to each other. For example, the “Chopping Weapon” skill, contains the skills of “Two Hand Blade”, “One Hand Blade” and “Axe”.
SPECIFIC SKILLS. The values of these skills are depended (apart from race, birthsign, favored attributes and specialization) by the experience of the character on each skill. Each specific skill, is connected with two attributes. One primary attribute and one secondary attribute.
____________________________________1 Hand Blade____________(ubs),____(agi)
COMBAT__________Chopping Weapon_____2 Hand Blade___________(ubs),____(end)
_____________________________________Hammer _______________(ubs),___(end)
COMBAT__________Melee Weapon________Mace__________________(ubs),___(end)
STEALTH__________Long Weapon________Trident__________________(ubs),___(ste)
STEALTH__________Ranged Weapon ___Dart\Thrown Dagger_________(ste),____(agi)
COMBAT__________Hand to Hand Fight____Kick___________________(lbs),____(end)
_____________________________________Shield Block____________(ubs),____(end)
COMBAT__________Deflect Attack_________Heavy Weapon Block_____(ubs),___(end)
______________________________________Heavy Armour____________(end),___(ubs)
_____________________________________Light Weapon\Shield Block_(agi),____(lbs)
STEALTH__________Avoid Attack__________Unarmoured____________(agi),_____(lbs)
_______________________________________Light Armor____________(agi),_____(lbs)
_____________________________________Metal Weapon Create_____(end),____(ubs)
COMBAT__________Heavy Armorer________Metal Weapon Fix________(end),____(ubs)
______________________________________Heavy Armor\Shield Create_(end),____(ubs)
______________________________________Heavy Armor\Shield Fix____(end),____(ubs)
_____________________________________Wooden Weapon Create___(ste),____(mem)
STEALTH__________Light Armorer_________Wooden Weapon Fix_____(ste),____(mem)
_____________________________________Light Armor\Shield Create__(ste),____(mem)
_____________________________________Light Armor\Shield Fix____(ste),____(mem)
______________________________________Sneak Attack____________(ste),_____(agi)
_____________________________________Lockpick Security_________(ste),____(mem)
STEALTH__________Security_____________Probe Security__________(ste),_____(mem)
______________________________________Alchemical Security ______(ste),____(mem)
MAGIC___________Psychic Force________Massive________________(wil),_____(int)
More information on skills at the 3.0-COMBAT, STEALTH, MAGIC, JOBS section.
When a character trains a specific skill, the experience value is rising, let’s say by 2 points. This training also raises the values of the connected attributes to that skill, let’s say 2 points for the primary attribute and 1 point for the secondary. It also raises the values of the skills that belong to the same “General Skill”, let’s say 1 point each. But these other specific skills could be connected to attributes that have low values. In this case the character gets no experience points for that specific skill. So, by training of a skill, you make your character better in that skill by 2 points, in two attributes (2 for primary and 1 for secondary) and perhaps in your other Specific Skills that belong to the same General Skill (1 point each, it depends on the connected attributes values). So, the increase of a specific number of attributes will allow your character to reach the next level.
[In simple words, when you swim, you get better endurance and strength. If you also have strong legs, you get better running. That’s the idea.]
Your character is swimming. The “Swimming” specific skill is depended by and affects two attributes: “Endurance” (end) as a primary attribute and “Upper Body Strength” (ubs) as a secondary attribute. This skill is depended by these attributes. This means that its value cannot exceed a specific value unless the attributes values increase. Now, let’s suppose that the “Swimming” skill increases by 2 points. This will cause the (end) attribute to increase by 2 points and the (ubs) attribute to increase by 1 point. The “Swimming” specific skill belongs to the “Athletics” general skill. The other specific skills connected to “Athletics” are “Running”, “Jumping” and “climbing”. “Running” is depended by the (lbs) attribute and the (end) attribute. If both attributes, are above a certain value, the “Running” skill will increase by 1 point. If not, it will not increase. The same story stands for “Jumping”. Now, “Climbing” is connected with the same attributes as “Swimming” (but now (ubs) is the primary attribute and (end) the secondary). So, because “Climbing” is connected to the same attributes as the trained skill, it means that it will increase by 1 point for sure.
OK this system might not be perfect or looks very complicated, but after working on it and changing some blemishes, it could become a very useful tool
I like the fights in Oblivion. The only problem is that they are boring if there is no magic use (you hold a weapon and a shield, you defend and take no damage, then you attack and occur some damage. This goes on until you kill the opponent.). Ok, there are the power attacks, but they are few.
In the future TES game, these power attacks can evolve in martial arts. When you get experience in a weapon (or hand to hand fight), you have to choose under which style of combat you wish to upgrade and learn the basic moves. By getting more experience, you learn more moves, move combinations and combinations with other skills (even with magic skills). There are not general trainers now (like blade trainer), but trainers in specific arts (like the Tiger Fist. This martial art, mostly selected by Khajiits, is an art that combines punching, kicking and jumping skills.).
You are informed about what moves and combinations each martial art contains at the beginning of the game, when you have the opportunity to choose the skills of your favorite art as major skills.
All one handed weapons can be used as double hand weapons. So there are different arts for shortsword and double shortsword for example.
Wrestling is another way of hand to hand fight with its own martial arts. There are moves which can lead a punching fight to wrestling fight and the opposite. Wrestling favors heavier characters.
The climbing attribute refers to all types of climbing. On a building, a wall, a tree, a mountain etc.
Light\ Heavy Armorer:
If you deal with fixing armor, you can use this experience in a job. (more information about jobs at the 3.4-JOBS section).
This weapon is a spear with three spearheads. For this reason it makes more damage but it requires more strength to be used.
If you cut a thick branch of a tree you can use it as a weapon. This is a stick, a simple weapon which does small damage in comparison to other weapons. Many things can be used as sticks, like a staff or a broken spear.
A thrown spear that makes more damage than any other ranged weapon. If you get hit by a javelin it will perforate you and get out of the other side of your body. You will lose some health from the strike, but you will keep losing health because of the hole in your body. If you use a Restore Health spell, it will not fully restore your health until you pull out the javelin. The same thing happens with all weapons that penetrate your body, but the javelin is the one that is most difficult to pull out because of its size.
A pea shooter exists in this game because it is a weapon very easy to create. You find some spines (they could come from a porcupine or a cactus) and you poison them. Then you take a large leaf from a tree and you wrap it so that it can be used as a pea shooter (like in Apocalypto movie). You can have a deadly weapon in minutes.
Light Weapon \ Shield Block:
It is not possible to fully block an attack from a heavy weapon with light weapons like daggers (heavy weapons are the weapons which are heavier than a specific value, let’s say 20 kg). In this case, you can use the dagger so that it changes the orbit of the attack. The same happens if you use a light shield. A heavy weapon can penetrate it if it is vertical to the strike. So you use the shield in angle to change the way of the strike.
Sneak attack:
Sneak attacks are some specific attacks used while sneaking. If you use a sneak attack perfectly, you can easily knock down or kill an opponent instantly. The more experience you get, the more possibilities you have to make a successful sneak attack and you learn new attacks.
Probe security:
When a lock keeps something valuable, the owner does not reassure in the safety of the lock itself, and he may add a trap (with a magic effect for example or a potion that destroys the content). A probe is the tool used to disarm these traps (like in Morrowind).
Alchemical Security:
Another way to open a door, safe box etc, is to use a specific acid and burn the material of the lock. After using this acid the lock becomes a burned lock. It is destroyed and it can’t lock again. But there are many materials used in locks, or a more advanced lock could be made by more than one materials. In this case, you will need more experience in Alchemical Security in order to open it.
The Arts Of Magic Description:
The general sense is that a mage in Tamriel is something like a scientist in real world. Unlike combat or stealth characters, this character has to try hard using his brain for years, so that he can understand how to manipulate the power of his mind.
_______________Swift Swimming
_______________Reflect Damage
_______________Chameleon (Invisibility)
Elemental_______Fire Damage
_______________Frost Damage
_______________Shock Damage
Mental__________Detect Life
_______________Sixth Sense
Physical ________Waterbreathing
_______________Water Unbreathing
_______________Night Eye
_______________Super Vision
_______________Super Hearing
_______________Through Vision
_______________Flying Wings
Material__________Summon Creature*
________________Bound Item
________________Turn Undead
________________Spell absorption
________________Reflect Spell
A mage specified in using psychic force is generally a person who uses his mind in order to create movement to living or non-living things. There are two types of psychic force: The massive psychic force is used to move heavy objects and the circumstantial psychic force is used to act on small and detailed targets, such as locks.
MASSIVE force spells:
The psychic force is used in order to move living or non-living targets with your mind. The parameters are how heavy and how far the target is and how fast you can move it. Note that many times telekinesis is used to make damage to a target.
You use the psychic force in order to move yourself wherever you want. The more experienced you are, the more time you can levitate.
This spell uses magicka to give you a lift towards up. The more experienced you are, the higher you can jump.
Swift Swimming:
You use this spell to get a force when you swim in the water.
CIRCUMSTANTIAL psychic force spells:
This spell uses the circumstantial psychic force in such a way, so that it creates a force, exactly opposite of the attacker’s. The two forces are neutralized and it makes no damage to you. The higher the level, the greater the opposite force you can create and the longer the time of the spell. Note that shield spell can also prevent you taking damage when you fell down hard.
Reflect damage:
It’s a more aggressive type of shield spell. The force created is more powerful than the force which was destined for you. In order to use Reflect Damage spell, you must be already using 100% Shield spell.
This school uses magicka in order to trick the minds of alive creatures, to see or feel unreal things. While this has nothing to do with reality, everyone reacts based on what his feelings can feel. In general, illusion spells don’t affect undead creatures, as they are not alive and have no minds.
Illusion spells:
Possession is not similar to command. When you possess a target, you have the full command of his brain. As a cost of that you don’t have control of your own brain. Firstly, a spiritual force leaves your body and you don’t have any control over it (maybe, if you sit down like meditating, it will prevent you from dropping down like a stone). You are now in control of this spirit only. This spiritual force can pass through walls and doors and when it meets a creature, it captures its mind and you have full control of it. When the duration of the spell ends (or you can terminate it willingly), the spirit returns back to your body. While you are a spirit you can’t hear, eat, feel or touch anything. The only thing you can do is to choose who your victim of possession will be. This spiritual force can’t be used for spying purposes. Of course in order to be capable of possessing a creature, you and your target must meet some criteria. You can’t possess the king of Tamriel just like that. Finally, note that, while possessing a creature, you use its physical attributes and your mental ones. This means that you use his strength and that you can cast only your spells.
The caster can transform himself or another target, into a third target (even into himself). Like all illusion spells, this transformation is only visual and involves only creatures of the same category (all races are considered the same category, humanoids). This means that a humanoid can only transform himself into other humanoids. The transform spell has two phases. First, you cast the spell on a target (it could be yourself). Then, you cast the spell on a second target (it could also be yourself). Now the second target will take the shape of the first target. The transform spell does not affect non-living objects like clothes, weapons and armor. The transformed person keeps all his physical and mental attributes, spells etc. Undead creatures can’t be transformed. There are rumored to exist some rare ancient artifacts that have the power to constantly transform your character into a specific person.
This spell makes you able to talk to someone directly through your brains. This situation is called telepathic connection. When you want to talk to someone who is near you (maybe you don’t want others to hear what you say) the telepathic connection is used like a spell. Your experience in telepathy effects the duration of your connection. But there is also another way of telepathic connection. You can also communicate with someone that you know and he lives miles away. You can think of it like a telephone of your mind. The only conditions you have to meet are that you have been connected at least once from near and you both have some level of illusion.
This schools main purpose is to use magic to make damage to living or non-living things.
ELEMENTAL Destruction spells:
Fire damage
Frost Damage
Shock Damage
FUNDAMENTAL destruction spells:
To health, magicka, fatigue, attributes or skills
To fire, frost, shock, magicka, normal weapons, disease, poison.
Disintegrate weapon
This spell uses a medium (air or water) in order to create a wave of the medium towards a direction. By using this spell, you can simply throw someone away using an air wave or you can bloat a dried river (remember Arwen against the nazguls at lord of the rings?). This spells effect has also to deal with your experience at the school of psychic forces.
Health, magicka, fatigue, attribute, skill. This spell is also affected by your level of restoration.
This school uses magic in order to give to the caster (or someone else) supernatural abilities.
Mental superskills are affecting someone’s mind while physical are affecting someone’s body.
MENTAL superskills:
Detect Life
Sixth Sense:
This spell is used to warn you when you are in danger. For example when someone is prepared to use a weapon against you or when you are approaching a trap. When the sixth sense becomes active, the best thing you can do is to leave that position immediately.
PHYSICAL superskills:
Water Unbreathing
Night Eye
Super Vision:
This spell makes you able to zoom far far away like you were a hawk (i know a guy named Legolas who can do that). The more experience you have, the further you can look.
Super Hearing:
This spell makes you zoom your hearing towards a direction and listen to very far or very soft sounds. The more experience you have, the further you can hear.
Through Vision:
This spell makes you able to look through materials. The more experience you have, the thicker materials you can see through.
Health, magicka, fatigue, attribute, skill.
Flying Wings:
Levitation is not the only way to fly. You can also use this spell which gives you a pair of wings at your back and you can fly like a bird. One problem: you need to take off your shirt.
Swift swimming is not the only way to swim fast. Waterbreathing is not the only spell that lets you breathe underwater. This spell turns a part of you into a fish so that the bottom of the sea is now a friendly environment to you (remember the gillyweed at Harry Potter and the goblet of fire?). Note that the spell makes you a half-fish human. This means that you can keep wearing all your equipment (as a human) except of shoes and gloves. This also means that you can’t walk in land, at least comfortably.
This powerful spell lets you take the morph of a creature. It has nothing to do with transform spell from the school of illusion. It really turns you into a creature. This means that when the morphing spell stops affecting you, you will find yourself naked and have to equip all your weapons, clothes and armor again. Now, if you turn yourself into a small creature (like a rat or a small bird), your equipment will be propped at the point of the spellcasting. It works like the transform spell, but it refers to species, not particular persons. So you can turn yourself into a specific race, but not in a particular person. While you are a creature, you have all physical and mental attributes of the creature. By getting experience in morphing, you will be able to morph into more powerful creatures and for longer time. Morphing can’t turn you into undead, rare or unique creatures.
The school of conjuration is divided in material and immaterial conjuration.
MATERIAL conjuration spells:
Summon Creature:
You can summon several creatures at the same time to aid you in battle. Note that this spell is also affected by your level of illusion. If your level of illusion is low, the creature could easily turn against you.
Bound Item
By using the Mark and Recall spells you can teleport yourself or others to a specific place you have been before.
IMMATERIAL conjuration spells:
Necromancy (Summon Soul):
When you perform necromancy, you summon a soul back to its dead body. It should be made clear that these creatures do not become alive again as their dead body can’t host a soul. They become zombies. When the duration of the spell ends they become dead again.
Necromancy in general has more things than just summoning souls such as using parts from dead bodies to create amulets with certain effects, potions etc.
Turn Undead
School of restoration is divided in two categories. Corporeal and Spiritual restoration. Corporeal restoration restores body conditions while Spiritual restoration refers to spiritual conditions.
CORPOREAL Restoration spells:
Disease, poison, paralysis.
Health, magicka, fatigue, attribute, skill.
Fire, frost, shock, magicka, normal weapons, disease, poison, paralysis. (100% resist equals to fire\frost\shock\magic shield)
SPIRITUAL Restoration spells:
Spell Absorption
Reflect Spell
There are many jobs that your character can do in the game. There are three main reasons that make you go to work.
1) You like this work
2) For money
3) You want to get experience points in a skill.
In each job you have some experience points. There are jobs connected to some attributes\skills (like an armorer) and others which are not (like a farmer). Whenever you start occupying with a job, you start getting more experience points. If this job is connected to a skill, you get experience for the skill as well.
Success at work (getting more money) depends on several factors:
-What the needs are (how much competition).
-By getting experience in a job, you can provide better quality services. So, you can ask for more money by your customers, bosses etc.
-How many hours you work per day.
-If you own a shop, how many years your shop is open.
There are many legal ways to make money in the game. In general you can find, buy or produce something yourself with low cost and then go sell it to the appropriate person. Sometimes you need a way to transport your goods (cart, boat etc). Jobs of this type are:
Chapman (traveling merchant)
Farmer (farming experience)
Plant Grower
Herbal Collector
Fisherman (fishing experience)
Winemaker (winemaking experience)
If you want to have a shop, inside or outside a city, you must firstly go to the city’s Commercial Council. There, you will speak with specific people who are assigned to help you on this matter. If you don’t know what kind of shop you want to have, they will give you their suggestions. You can ask the people living in the city as well. When you decide what you will sell, you go to the Council again and a specific person follows you back to your shop area to see if the place is appropriate for something like that. If everything is ok, you sign some papers and you can open your shop now.
There are shops in which you buy goods and you sell them in higher price to make profit. There are also shops in which you buy raw materials and create your goods in the shop. In this case, you have to buy the machines and the materials to start producing. Each shop is allowed to sell specific goods. If you get caught selling other goods than allowed, then the Council will give you a penalty. If you do it several times, the Council might decide to close your store and never trust you again. There are also made frequent examinations by the council to see if the shops are selling to right prices and if the time program is not violated. Your shop can be closed whenever you want but it can’t be open in not allowed days and hours.
At the entrance an indication shows if your shop is open or closed. When your shop is open, another window is added in your menu. In this window, there are information about your shop, goods sold/bought, balance etc. When a customer comes in, he opens a conversation with you. At this conversation he will activate your shop inventory. Then all your goods are presented in this inventory. He chooses what he wants and he might try to convince you to get it cheaper. If you have a deal, he takes the goods, he pays you and leaves. If the customer is pleased with this deal, he will visit your shop again.
You can also occupy an assistant or several assistants to keep the shop open when you are not there, to help you with something during work or just watching for any thefts (fighters guild.). To find assistants, you add an indication out of your store which says that you need assistants or, if you want a specific person, go and speak with him.
In case you want to work, but you are boring to do it, there is the SKIP THE WORK option. This doesn’t count like resting. You go at the shop and you activate this option. When the working hours are over, you are in the game again. The Skip the Work option is interrupted if someone speaks to you about other matter, if someone attacks you or if you catch someone stealing from you.
Apothecary____________________(per) (int) ____________Mercantile
Greengrocer_____________________(per) (int)_____________Mercantile
Merchant______________________(per) (int)_____________Mercantile
Wine seller______________________(per) (int)_____________Mercantile
Pawnbroker____________________(per) (int)_____________Mercantile
Glass seller________________________________________________________________________Glass making
Mercer (expensive clothes)___________________________________________________________Cloth using
Alchemist_______________________(mem) (int)___________Alchemy
Shoemaker________________________________________________________________________Cloth using
Furrier (light armorer)______________(ste) (mem)__________Light Armor\shield Create\ Fix
Tailor_____________________________________________________________________________Cloth using
Jeweler_____________________________________________________________________________Jewelry making
Pastrycook________________________________________________________________________Food using
Carpenter___________________________________________________________________________Wood using
Wooden weapons________________(ste) (mem)__________Wooden Weapons Create\Fix_______Wood using
Cooper (barrels and containers) _________________________________________________________Wood using
Baker______________________________________________________________________________Food using
General blacksmith___________________________________________________________________Metal using
Weaponsmith___________________(end) (ubs)___________Metal Weapon Create\Fix__________Metal using
Heavy Armorer ___________________(end) (ubs)___________Heavy Armor\Shield Create\Fix______Metal using
Locksmith______________________(ste) (mem)________Lockpick\Probe\Alchemical Security____Metal using
Rugmaker___________________________________________________________________________Cloth using
Healer_________________________(mem) (int)_____________Alchemy
Inn keeper___________________________________________________________________________Food using
Restaurateur________________________________________________________________________Food using
Another way to get a job is to find a place to work as assistant. By doing this you don’t need to spend money to buy a shop, materials or tools. By working as assistant, you also get experience in that job. So when you decide to open your own shop, you will already be experienced worker. By working to fighters or mages guild, you will start the relevant quest. There are jobs which you can only work as personnel and not as boss (miner and stable assistant).
You can also work as people transporter from one city to another. There are 3 ways to travel (not teleport), with cart, boat and silt strider. Like a shop owner you have an inventory with places you can travel and how much each travel costs. A customer begins a conversation with you and makes his choice. On the contrary, ships have specific hours and routes and are affected by weather
Apart from already known illegal ways to make money, there should be:
The ability to create your own gang.
The ability to create or simply join a pirate ship and attack cities and other ships for money and goods.
The chance to join the underworld of Necromancy.
In order to find many occupations I used the site below:
One major thing I would love to see in the future TES game is the EXOTIC ENVIRONMENT. In TES IV there was not much of it. In fact, if you exclude the plane of Oblivion and a few other quests, I didn’t feel living somewhere exotic at all (Normal cities everywhere. Normal forests, animals and foods. Watermelons, potatoes, bread… I see these every day. I mean, i like them, but there should be given priority to exotic things). In my opinion, that was the main factor of success for Morrowind (There were weird ingredients like ectoplasm, like moonsugar. There were giant mushrooms, weird cities like Ald’ruhn and Sadrith Mora. There were egg mines, airborne jellyfishes, diseases like corprus and many other exotic things).
Another disadvandage is the small amount of people in the cities and especially in the streets. Who build all these walls, bridges, castles etc? Where are the people?
There should also be a larger variety of animals, especially underwater and in the sky.
And something else. How is it possible to know everybody’s name before speaking with them? You must speak with someone, ask his name and then know how to call him.
I have a great complaint about the fighters guild, mages guild etc quests. Why do we have to finish the quest when we become the leader of the guild? In my opinion that’s when the real quest should begin. What are you going to do in order to make the guild progress? Are you going to be a leader to be remembered or not? How are you going to handle the next challenge the guild will face?
In Oblivion, when I became arch- mage I wanted to propose to the guild to make Necromancy legal again. Where was the guild leadership? Where is the Council? Ok, some people died, but shouldn’t they be replaced? I wanted to ask some Arcane university professors to replace the lost members of the council, but I couldn’t. The previous arch- mage didn’t have time to do anything but working for the guild. Now, I was going once a month to the arcane university and everything was all right. How much I would love to have another quest after I became arch- mage…
I believe that there should be more realism in the quantity of items a character can carry. It’s just not realistic to be capable of carrying 5 shields and 3 warhammers in your pockets. I think that for everything you carry, you should have a place to put it. I also think that items like bags, scabbards, empty flasks and purses should have a place in your inventory and the ability to fit other things in them.
In oblivion, I hated that my character moved like a car. I think that the running speed should be affected by fatigue. After you sprint for some time, fatigue drops and you are unable to run at top speed. After you stop running, you pant and you need some time to recover fatigue and be ready for another sprint (GTA games handle this perfectly). I think that you should also be able to feel the mass of your body and all things that you carry while running (you know a small tremble of the image when your feet reach the ground and more realistic sound).
That’s all.