I know it most likely wouldn't fix it, but maybe one could be able to access his/her stats menu while it loads your screen, or have a small amount of ( like 3 at most) random battles in random places while you were on your way.
It just assumes you won them all or never had a random encounter during fast travel.
It just feels wrong that a nord who never practiced magic, other than drinking potions, can teleport. I like the random battle idea for that simple purpose
This also applies to the non-magical world of fallout, where they have mines, guns, and radiation.

That makes sense. not all blades would be made the same so the weight would be off, or the center of balance would be a little off etc, and i'd think all this would screw you up just a little, maybe not too much but enough to take the edge off until you get used to it. Another thing i would change is the impact the different materials have on the sword. instead of damage the material should determine its hardness its durability. It should be the person that makes it that determines its damage. An apprentice wouldnt be able to make a perfectally balanced, sharp as hell sword, so his weapon wouldnt be as good as a master smiths, but it would cost a hell of a lot less. So smith=damage while material=durability.
Also maybe have it so if your using a poor quality blade theres a chance it would snap on impact, while higher quality materials and better blacksmiths would reduce that chance. Also i think they should just cut the glass weapons and armor altogether. They would just shatter and spray both you and your opponent with glass mainly you i'd think. If they make it so you can make any day objects into weapons maybe you could break a window and stab someone with a piece of glass if you have no other option, but to have it as a main weapon seems kinda stupid.