Yeah, though in the end, it would be easy to re-assign most skills, since few things can be boiled down as simply as revolving around one attribute. Willpower and Intelligence probably blur together even more than Agility and Speed, Strength and Endurance overlap in places...Personality stands alone and usually ends up with fewer skills attached anyway. I usually prefer "find a way to make it work" over "remove it", especially with how much has already been taken out. This is partly why I assigned two attributes to each of the skills in my set; only one of them is raised by using the skill, but both are beneficial to it, and could theoretically improve it in different ways. Tracking might involve Willpower for attention to detail (seems closer than other attributes to "concentration" to me, anyway), but being alerted to the distant snap of a twig is connected more to reflexes/Speed. A weapon would benefit from Strength in the force behind the strike, but higher Agility or Speed would raise the chance of critical strikes due to being more able to quickly and accurately respond to openings. It could also help differentiate characters who use the same skill but with different attribute bases, like the finesse warrior versus the heavy skullcrushing type.
In most cases it is better to rework an aspect than to cut it and do without, but in this case it's a synonym being treated as a separate category. It would be like having a skill for intelligence and a separate one for intellect. We can't kneejerk and say "keep it because we've lost so much already" because that is designing out of fear, not out of sound decision making.
The problem of the extra attribute is how spread out the melee fighter needs to be to be effective, and how to make a decent mana pool, any character with magical ability needs intelligence and willpower. My changes would correct some of that, so when the attributes are applied to the actions you are performing, you aren't tied to a deficit in an area even though an action can draw upon multiple attributes. The character who is a battlemage doesn't need to take intelligence skills to make sure his mana pool is high enough to cast his fireballs, but he won't be teleporting around without that ritual magic.
Strength - Determines your carrying capacity, knockdown ability, and physical intimidation.
Agility - Governs movement rate, missile reloading time, and weapon swinging speed.
Endurance - Governs hit points, healing rate, resistance to poisons and diseases, and the fatigue bars.
Personality - Affects how people react to you.
Willpower - Governs magical resistance, magical consumption per cast, and total magic.
Intelligence - Governs ritual magic, summoning magic, perception, and savvy.
Luck is knocked off of course, because if they're going to tie the attributes right to the skills, there won't be anything to do with it outside of character creation. I say we pick it from the beginning and it doesn't move.