I don't know if this has been suggested before--I don't have the time to read every single post in these threads.

A lot of TES fans are writers to some degree. Why not let us write our own in-game books and notes? If we have access to parchment, a quill, an inkwell, and a desk (or any flat, hard surface), we should be able to write something. It could be something simple, like scribbling a reminder to ourselves on a piece of parchment, or it could be a larger project, like a short story or biography. Parchment can be found just about anywhere. Blank books could be purchased from the book stores, in a variety of sizes and colors, with a set number of pages available for text. Once the book is finished, it could be sold at a book store, and after a week or more, copies start appearing on the shelves, under your character's name. NPCs can then come in a buy one or two or twenty. The author would, of course, receive some amount of gold for every sale.
But why limit it to NPCs who can buy your books? Why not have an online database where the info for all the books in the game are stored and shared? If your system is connected to the Internet when you publish a book, it gets added to this database, which then updates other connected players' bookstores to include your work. Again, the author would receive a bit of gold for every sale. This, I think, would be a deceptively fun addition to the game. Got a good story to share with the gamers? Want to publish a humorous autobiography? Why not do so?
Obviously, this could be a little frustrating to console users--typing on a controller is a real test of patience. But unless I'm much mistaken, the PS3 and 360 are both compatible with USB keyboards (I think...?), so that would get rid of that problem. Also, to deal with the issue of having thousands of user-made texts and not enough space for them in the bookstore, the store's stock could be randomized every game week or so, ensuring that everyone had an equal chance of getting noticed. The only other issue I can think of is separating user books from the official stuff included with the game... Easily solved with a little automatic disclaimer at the beginning, saying something like "This is a user-created book and should not be taken too seriously."
I don't know. That's just something I thought of when I noticed how many quills and inkwells there are in Oblivion, and how odd it was that we can't use them. I think it would be pretty interesting. What do you guys think?