TES V Ideas and Suggestions #185

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:40 pm

my thread was locked so im assuming that means i have to put it here.

take your time.........i mean it, take your time.

first i would love to play on an optimized less buggy engine that has amazing graphics that arent outdated right away. the difference between crysis, farcry 2 etc. and oblivion was shocking and that was only about a year. in fact bethesda could save time and money and simply use someone elses engine and adjust it for their needs. gamebryo just svcks at these types of game as oblivion, fallout 3 and new vegas and that divinity 2 game have shown. i read somewhere they they still insist on using gamebryo so it might be too late for that request....

second and more important, wait for the next gen consoles. console games look like crap today and since TES games only come out every 5 or 6 years that means if they released it next year we would be looking at 4 year old dated graphics for the next half decade. i would rather not have to play a game with archaic graphics for the next several years. and dont get me started on lack of physics and AI on consoles.
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Elle H
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:34 pm

my thread was locked so im assuming that means i have to put it here.

take your time.........i mean it, take your time.

first i would love to play on an optimized less buggy engine that has amazing graphics that arent outdated right away. the difference between crysis, farcry 2 etc. and oblivion was shocking and that was only about a year. in fact bethesda could save time and money and simply use someone elses engine and adjust it for their needs. gamebryo just svcks at these types of game as oblivion, fallout 3 and new vegas and that divinity 2 game have shown. i read somewhere they they still insist on using gamebryo so it might be too late for that request....

second and more important, wait for the next gen consoles. console games look like crap today and since TES games only come out every 5 or 6 years that means if they released it next year we would be looking at 4 year old dated graphics for the next half decade. i would rather not have to play a game with archaic graphics for the next several years. and dont get me started on lack of physics and AI on consoles.

You want them to wait for the nextgen consoles? You realise that the currentgen consoles will last another 4-5 years right? I cant even wait 1 more year for TES:V!
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:06 am

my thread was locked so im assuming that means i have to put it here.

take your time.........i mean it, take your time.

first i would love to play on an optimized less buggy engine that has amazing graphics that arent outdated right away. the difference between crysis, farcry 2 etc. and oblivion was shocking and that was only about a year. in fact bethesda could save time and money and simply use someone elses engine and adjust it for their needs. gamebryo just svcks at these types of game as oblivion, fallout 3 and new vegas and that divinity 2 game have shown. i read somewhere they they still insist on using gamebryo so it might be too late for that request....

second and more important, wait for the next gen consoles. console games look like crap today and since TES games only come out every 5 or 6 years that means if they released it next year we would be looking at 4 year old dated graphics for the next half decade. i would rather not have to play a game with archaic graphics for the next several years. and dont get me started on lack of physics and AI on consoles.

i don't see the point of whining, if you judge a game by graphics and the graphics from TeS series don't satisfy your needs don't get it. But they said the new game that there working on graphics are going to be really good.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:25 am

It would be so easy to make hunting a meaningful part of the game. Challenge, time consumer, something to give that sense of accomplishment, and a way to earn.

-Improve animal instincts to superhuman level as IRL. They hear you from far away, smell you even when you're invisible, and surely run much faster than you. Or fly.
-Fewer animals, but more variety. Hares, fox, deer, reindeer, elk, bear, lynx, black grouse and capercaille... smaller ones are impossible to kill without great skill in Stealth and Archery! It should take some luck or playtime to even see some of the animals!
-Trophies like antlers, skulls, claws, wigns and teeth can be taken from them. Some animal parts are used in alchemy, like fairy dragon scales and spider venoms in TES2.
-Meat, trophies and hides are valuable, and a good hunter can live by his trade. Hunting your own food gives satisfaction. (IRL as well as in The Unreal World and other good RPGs.)
-Survival skill that includes tracking, hideworking, cutting, fishing, cooking, shelter construction. (seriously just Stealth and Archery are enough IF the animals are varied and chellenging enough! Of course improving in this area gives immersion and a better RP experience)

TES4 and Gothic 3 are the only games I've played with deer, and in both you can pretty much walk up to them and stab them with a sword. Then you just pick up a bunch of meat, hide and trophies as they were items the creature was carrying in a bag. That's not hunting, that's looting. Remember my Time Consuming Actions idea? Skinning your prey needs to take it's time.
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Lily Something
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:20 pm

One thing that TES:V could really use is a grittier, harsher atmosphere. Oblvion, for taking place in an age very similar to our world's medieval times, was so very clean and polished. I'm not telling anyone here something they don't already know when I say the middle-ages were grimy, damp, and full of hardship and adversity.

No thanks. The Elder Scrolls is high fantasy, and while there is a degree of grittiness in the series, it doesn't need to turn to the ways of Dragon Age and the like. Besides, I think our middle-ages would've been quite different if people could suddenly start casting magic.
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:39 am

second and more important, wait for the next gen consoles. console games look like crap today and since TES games only come out every 5 or 6 years that means if they released it next year we would be looking at 4 year old dated graphics for the next half decade. i would rather not have to play a game with archaic graphics for the next several years. and dont get me started on lack of physics and AI on consoles.

When I complain to others about fellow gamers I hold to be responsible for the popularity of titles that don't deserve to stand the test of time, this is exactly who I'm talking about. Seriously, you want to know why Morrowind gets slaughtered in popularity contests on sites like GameFAQs? This kid is why.

I'm amazed that such a person even posts here, given that the last two TES games are four and eight years old, clearly this kid would reel in horror at the thought of being caught dead playing any game that old, despite how fantastic they may be.
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trisha punch
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:51 am

they should put two provinces in TESV just like Daggerfall, Skyrim and Morrowind...
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:44 am

I would like a gore system and a slow-motion/cinematic killcam system.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:09 am

theres still alot of oblivion realms we have not seen yet in the elder scrolls series, we have seen four out of 16?? Mehrunes Dagon's Deadlands, Peryite's Pits, and Boethiah's Attribution's Share look the same. Sheogorath's Shivering Isles looks different, imo we will see Hircine's Hunting Grounds(his plane of oblivion) in TESV since he said he will return with his hound servants and bring back the bloodmoon in TESIII Morrowind...cant wait!
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:32 am

There's only three things I'm hoping for/will earnestly suggest:

1) No game-wide scaling. Certain areas should be dangerous enough that the player would be wise to avoid them until reaching a certain point in their development (not determined entirely on their level), with a few chosen spots becoming more hazardous with the development of one's character. If a particularly crafty player manages to survive venturing into said areas and living to see another day, they should be justly rewarded for it with awesome loot not determined solely by their level. Certain NPCs/creatures, whether they're potential enemies or not, should level to the player, mostly in terms of stats rather than equipment. This is getting into different territory, but I think Disposition on NPCs should play a factor in how difficult they can be to eliminate. Such as if the player decides to threaten them repeatedly, then leaves the area, they should come back to find that NPC either equipped with stuff they possessed but just weren't showing, surrounded by friends, or both. Of course, that could mainly have to apply to popular NPCs with some degree of influence in the in-game world. Like a noble or something.

2) The return of levitation. I don't know why it was excluded from Oblivion, I'm sure there was a good reason, but I just want it back for TES V. They can make it hard as hell to cast and/or get a scroll/enchanted item for, like how Command Humanoid/Creature is in Morrowind, I don't care. Just make it an option.

3) The ability to kill essential NPCs. This is probably the least likely and feasible, but being able to severely mess up ones game from being too judicious in murdering people is in my mind a fundamental aspect of playing a TES game. Saving a lot should be a well-learned habit for most players anyway, and if a few of them aren't paying attention to what they're doing, or just don't care about the MQ because they think it's lame, who cares? That's their problem isn't it?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:44 am

I prefer Morrowind as well, but Oblivion made some pretty amazing improvements. If they could break back clothing under armor, seperate armor peices, morrowind enchanting/spell making, and merge that with Oblivion it would be perfect!

EDIT: Levitation was sorely missed as well I agree with alot of the above post.
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:32 am

More armor especially stuff from Morrowind. I don't wanna find just Daedric and Glass armor. I would love for bone armor from morrowind to be in there. Also more customization with the character creation and make it easier to use don't have one section where if you move the cheekbones a little bit it screws up the rest of the face.
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Joie Perez
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:46 am

I heard on these forums a while they were making the next game in Elsweyr. But I obviously know that's not official but it would be nice.

One thing for sure though, is they need to update the movement graphics, I hate being in 3rd person and I have to turn around while being still and I just slide.

Being able to hack off limbs would be nice,

Also, stabbing/impaling with swords, the frontward power attack should be where you trust your sword/Dagger/spear into the enemy and yank it out.
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Josee Leach
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:54 am

When I complain to others about fellow gamers I hold to be responsible for the popularity of titles that don't deserve to stand the test of time, this is exactly who I'm talking about. Seriously, you want to know why Morrowind gets slaughtered in popularity contests on sites like GameFAQs? This kid is why.

I'm amazed that such a person even posts here, given that the last two TES games are four and eight years old, clearly this kid would reel in horror at the thought of being caught dead playing any game that old, despite how fantastic they may be.

im hardly a kid..................graphics are very important for games that are designed for immersion. does anyone seriously think that morrowind or oblivion (with mods) would have been nearly as good if it had run on the first quake engine............really. im sitting here with a quad core computer and a 285 nvidia card and when i have games like far cry 2 and crysis and metro 2033 that look light years better than oblivion and the best i get is that the next TES game is going to be slightly better looking than oblivion which is 4 years old now...........that just svcks. we all get to play a TES game for the next 6 years that looks like a game from 4 years ago. alot of people poo poo graphics and say that only the gameplay matters...........heres a thought. how about they both matter. amazing isnt it. maybe a great game has both good graphics AND good gameplay. wow what a concept. im sick of crappy ports with aging graphics, tiny view distances, low res textures, oodles of loading zones and nerfed AI and physics. and if graphics didnt matter how come texture replaces like qarls were some of the most popular mods for both morrowind and oblivion. in fact im betting alot of "gameplay is the only thing that matters" people downloaded and used those.

as to some other points peopel mentioned. morrowind allowed you to kill everyone and that system was just fine. if you killed someone important then a message popped up about fate or something and you could choose to continue at you own risk or reload an earlier save. worked just fine.

i miss levitating and generally i miss morrowind magic system. the things i hated most about oblivion was the insanely high magicka regen rate and the fact that you no longer had to switch to a magic stance to cast spells. i swear you could swing a battle axe, drink mead and eat a sandwich at the same time as casting a spell. "oh noes i have to cast a fireball" then you just flick your wrist while holding a sword and a fireball just shoots out. wow..........my character literally puts more effort into eating mutton than casting a spell.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:46 pm

does anyone seriously think that morrowind or oblivion (with mods) would have been nearly as good if it had run on the first quake engine............really.

Ask the people who think Daggerfall is better than either of them, with its graphics that are far inferior to Quake.
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Annick Charron
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:49 am

IM DEPRESSED...........

I need another Oblivion,

I want to lose 1,000 hours of my life in another world like in oblivion, sigh, although no confirmation has been made, atleast I can dream..... :nope:

To me the world hat was repressented in tesIV was what made the game, i didnt really care too much about beating the game as i did exploring, alyied ruins, the caves, the river, sigh.... everything was awesome :facepalm:
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:12 am

Ask the people who think Daggerfall is better than either of them, with its graphics that are far inferior to Quake.

would daggerfall be a better or worse game if it had morrowind or more modern graphics? im inclined to think that if they ever finish that project daggerfallx alot of people are going to be going back and playing it again and for no other reason than its graphics have improved.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:45 pm

Combat. I want to actually HIT the people I'm fighting, I want to cut throats and stab people in the back and decapitate them. It's already implemented in Oblivion with mods like Unnecessary Violence and Deadly Reflex (that really saved Oblivion for me), but I want this in the Vanilla game. I want to be able to sneak behind someone and stab them in the throat, so they don't even have time to call out before they're dead on the ground. I want to be able to pierce someone's lungs through their ribcage with an arrow from behind a corner and have them be useless in battle because they can't breathe anymore. More diverse attacks, location-based damage. I don't want opponents to be like blocks of wood with health, so that you hack and hack but in the end the hacking only reduces their energy bar. They don't get any wounds (unless you count ketchup-like blood spatter in places not even remotely related to the place I just bashed with my longsword...), they don't get hurt, and even after they die the only way you notice is that they stop moving and the battle music ends. Yay?

No more unnatural, choppy dialogue and creepily robotic conversations. I want people to have more personal voices (just a couple more voice actors, pleeeease?), more dynamic dialogue (NPCs treat you differently depending on who you are - no more being sneered at by everyone even though you're the Nerevarine, Hortator, Champion of Cyrodiil, Gray Fox, Arch-Mage, Morag Tong Grandmaster, Listener for the Dark Brotherhood and the Fighters Guild Grandmaster...), more rumors (if I hear about one more mudcrab sighting, I swear I'll kill the one who said it)... NPCs had schedules in Oblivion, but that just somehow made them feel less realistic than ever. Voice acting's great, but it brought the problem of having one voice actor for each race/six being so noticeable it was really a pain. NPCs are now robots that do the same things every day and say the same things as each other and speak with the same voices as everyone else. I want them to be human. I want the way they percieve me noticeably change depending on how I treat them, who I am, who they are and what they want from me.

Bigger cities, more small towns, more to do in towns. Less than 10 miscellaneous quests per town (I refuse to use the word 'city' to refer to any of the settlements in Cyrodiil) gets boring. I want to have wider ranges of activities to do in cities and I want to meet more (and different types of) people. More diverse guilds, not just the basic Fighters/Mages/Assassins. Joinable Legion, joinable Temple, et cetera. Morrowind had a lot more guilds, but in Oblivion they got rid of a lot of them. Another thing that's already been brought up by many people that I totally agree with also is something to do after you're the master of the guild. Can I pleaaase kick that one brat that's been bugging me for the whole of the time I've been in the guild? Can I recruit some new members? Can I give people tasks? Oh yeah, and pretty NPCs. It's not nice if the PC is the only character in the game whose face doesn't make you think of inbred pigs.

Full-level scaling in Oblivion was absolutely horrible. I really don't want to be able to go everywhere when I'm level one, because everything else is level one too. I want there to be areas I'm terrified to go in until level 25, because I know there's dangerous creatures there. And on the flip side, I don't want every single goblin to be a fight to the death at level 30+. I want to be able to kill a Goblin easily when I'm level 37, not have said goblin be level 37 right along with me.

No more quick travel, or at least have it toggleable. I don't want to be a magical being capable of just deciding to go somewhere and POOF! I'm there. I'm a person, not some transdimensional superhero who just decides to go somewhere and can. Bring back Morrowind's travel system - Silt Striders, boats, Mages Guild teleportation, Levitation, Almsivi/Divine Intervention, Mark&Recall... I really miss that, and it adds so much realism and immersion to the game just getting rid of the POOF!-type travel. And it makes the world seem so much bigger.

I want seasons and more diverse weather conditions. Storms, lightning, hot/cold temperatures, wind, etc. I want the weather to affect the environment more. Ideally, when it's hot and dry you'd lose fatigue faster and fire-related spells (etc) would cause brush fires easily, but when it's cold you'd not be able to move as nimbly and it's take you longer to change from walking to running and to reach your maximum running speed. Animals behave differently according to the season (for example bears would attack aggressively in mating season/when they have cubs, hibernate in winter and be pretty much docile/timid at other times, unless provoked). Dynamic nature would be interesting too. Animals would react to weather conditions and seasons, be either nocturnal or day-time animals, animals hunting each other, animals eating plants, animals bearing young... Just make it more realistic.

How about more sound effects, like wind blowing, rivers rushing, waterfalls flowing, torches burning, and maybe even heavy breathing after taking a long run. All of these could have effects on sneaking, too, especially breathing after running from guards for an hour.

I also really agree with this. I want more noises than just my own footsteps (I'm not sure if they even have that in Oblivion anymore, but in Morrowind you did), animals sometimes making some noise and battle/cave/normal music. Footsteps would be different depending on what terrain you're on (this would also affect sneaking), you could hear a bear from behind a tree because it's making some kind of noises even though it doesn't see you, you could hear yourself breathing and be worried if the person you're sneaking up on can hear it too, etc.

As for weapons, I want diversity back. I miss throwing knives, darts and stars sooo much from Morrowind. Crossbows, spears and staffs you can use as blunt weapons (not just spell throwing devices) are also missed by many. As weapons I should be able to use miner's picks and a knife from the kitchen table, or even a bottle of mead if I want to.

I want a more eccentric location. Cyrodiil is boring - I'm not playing a game in medieval Earth, I'm playing a game in Tamriel!
Oh, almost forgot: Atmosphere. Its hard to describe, really, the way morrowind felt. The immersion, the depth, the emotion. I think of seeing daedric ruins through the fog, those twisted purple stones and what could lie within. I remember the bleating and groaning near ghostfence. I remember the crashing thunder and rain at the bitter coast abandoned shack, as well as the disorder found within. I remember the funeral barge. I remember the beautifully unique kagouti and Alit, and the horrors I anticipated as I advanced (I feel morrowind was seriously lacking in monsters, considering how beautiful the ones it had are.) Oblivion feels like its really missing on the atmosphere: it feels too much like playing a game. Finally, a return to strangeness: one of the grandest things in morrowind was its alien cultures and landscapes. Nothing in oblivion comes close sadly.

That's just what I'm talking about. I loved Morrowind. I could almost smell the blight disease in the air when I was walking near Ghostgate. I was actually afraid of going into the Ghostgate and Red Mountain region, because I was so scared of catching the blight. I want to feel I'm immersed in a completely different culture, with working politics, religion, festivals and the like. Oblivion was much more stagnant as a world, because it didn't feel so realistic. In Oblivion, Bethesda lost a lot of the wonderful immersiveness that I experience when playing Morrowind. Like MouseMage said, it feels like a game, Morrowind feels like a world.

That given, ditch the freaking Map Markers already. Make the game un-gamey. Oblivion, to me, is almost as bad as those games where you run down a single corridor and shoot at everything that moves. You just do the obvious, and everyone tells you exactly what you should do. Morrowind required you to think and that really brought this whole new dimension to it.

Don't make everything so prissy and pretty and clean, like in Oblivion. Morrowind was realistic because it was grimy at some points. Diseases? Oblivion's got it. Are they anything to be worried about? No, just drink a potion and you'll be okay in a second. Grossly distorted, horrifically mutilated walking corpses that have a disease you're terrified to catch? Morrowind's got it. Is it prissy and pretty? No. Is it realistic? Yes. You really should care about whether or not you catch a disease (the only disease you care about anymore is Porphyric haemophalia, and even then you just drink a potion and it's gone... unless you sleep). Just as an example. It doesn't all have to be gross and unsterile and icky, but it's not all cleanliness and stuff either. Give us a balance. Morrowind was nice in this aspect.

Clothing under armor, armor split back into pieces again.

... I could still think of a lot more, but this post is already so majorly long I think I'll stop here for the time being. :P

EDIT // And I really wish the game wasn't in Skyrim... Snow is icky. Pleaaase, Valenwood or the Summerset Isles or Elsweyr, pleaaaase!
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Sammie LM
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:16 pm

I was told to move that here.

Oblivion is a marvelous game. But it was 4 years ago. I want a new TES with OMG Dx11 graphics,(nvidia geforce 580 demo, anyone?) and possibly where i do not need to install mods to improve how the game looks. Textures, windows light, climate, tesselation, view distance, and more would be great if they all come in a already epic fashion in the new game.
I have to say that i do not posses a Dx 11 GPU yet, but i would buy one tomorrow, to make a game like TES 5 run properly.
Still i fear the console compatibility, that would mean a Dx9 game with SOME Dx10-Dx11 effects....
I hate consoles.... they keep pc graphics buried alive.

I would like to have great woods, mighty castles, blue skyes, shining lakes, acient ruins, to explore once again..... To loot, to claim as mine, to burn.
Do not get me wrong, there are a lot of things that make oblivion wonderfull, besides graphics. But more the world is beutiful, and visually gorgeous more i love to explore it.

And i think that some, or even more and more complex ruling options like the ones from fable 3 would be good.

Of course if an MMO is in the making, i fear for all this things.
Would a TES mmo be bad? Probably not, but at the same time it won't give me that epic experience i am looking for. I want to change the world i am exploring, in my way, and i fear an MMO would never allow us do to that.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:34 am

Another thing that I would like is Fallout style dialog options, where you choose what you actually would like to say rather than just the topic you would like to speak on. Also FO made speechcraft important as you were able to have different dialog options. Also I liked how your core attributes played a factor into dialog, say if you were very strong you would be able to coerce NPCs or if you were intelligent you had more intelligent dialog options.

This went a long way in creating a more unique playthrough, as each character had different dialog options and just in dialog there were many ways of talking out or into a quest.
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saharen beauty
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:47 am

More dancing :dmc:
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:45 am

City Acticvty

One thing TES always needed was stuff to do in towns and cities. The settlements was just a place to trade items and to get quest. Nothing else. I even think that you spend more times outside the cities in TES. Sometimes when I get back from looting and slaying, I just want to sell my loot and do stuff in the cities. What are all this gold for, if its only to buy items? Well, heres some stuff that I want to be in the next game.

- Being able to gamble with npcs in inns/taverns
- Challange npcs to a drinking game. The higher the endurance, the more you can drink wihout passing out.
- Sign up for a dual or a bow and arrow competition.
- Hand out invitations to a house party to increase your fame.
- Start a buisness. Either a store or a tavern.
- Forge new armor/weapons from raw marterial.

Cant think of more right now, but this should give the player to spend some time in the towns and cities around the land.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:16 am

Hey, folks -- it's me again. This time I've got an idea for pickpocketing:

Ever thought it was weird how any novice thief could browse through their victim's pockets like it was a chest or something when pickpocketing? I'm not a pickpocket, but I'd guess that when you go up behind someone and start nosing about in their pockets, you can't really know what they've got and where everything is. You can't see anything, only feel with your fingers, and realistically, you won't be able to search more than one or two pockets before you're detected.

Most pickpockets in real life work in large crowds and have to see their victim put their wallet or whatever inside a pocket before they strike. In oblivion, you enter sneak mode, go over to the unsuspecting victim and press activate, choose your loot and exit the "container" menu. Does every NPC put every possession in an open, transparent backpack that the PC can just sort through without the NPC noticing? (while the player can't see anything...)

I see one way this could be fixed somewhat. If you successfully sneak up to a person, you press pickpocket and when the container menu pops up you see a number of items depending on your character's steal/pickpocket(/sneak) skill level --- a novice, for instance, would only be able to pick one item, while a journeyman could pick maybe three --- while only a master would know every item the NPC has on their person and could choose from them (but would still have some trouble nicking a heavy/big item).
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:48 am


Remember the merc from Tribunal? Awesome.

It seems like Beth really started to get the feel for companions in F3, so I bet TES 5 will have them. At least, I hope so.


More weapon variety. EIther blade or blunt? What about Polearm?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:11 am

Hi, i'm new here in the forums and a huge fans of the Elder Scrolls. Cratesmasher has a good point here that I too have been somewhat thinking about and that post and this thread is mainly the reason why I made an account here to bethesdas forums. The idea cratesmasher is great, but it could be taken into a whole new dimension, creating a new mini-game for pick-pocketing. Mini-games in oblivion for example are lock-picking and persuation. If there was a pock-picking mini-game it could add the much wanted realism into it, as realistic it can be to take an axe from a guards hand as it can get that is.

There can be lots of ways of getting it working but I was thinking about something like this: you enter sneak mode as normal and then activate a character you want to steal from. this would trigger the mini-game. You'd see five different pockets in a horisontal or vertical line. To successfully steal everything in the first pocket, you'd have to have a pretty low sneak skill, under 25 and it would be possible. Depending who the character is, there might be nothing at all in that pocket. If there is something, you'd only get a small amount of gold or some other really-not-worth-it, items and non of the items would be known to you until you have taken them. The next pocket would be harder, making it possible to steal from it with a little bigger sneak skill. This one would be a safer pocket of theirs, closer to hands and would have more and more valuable stuff in it, or if it would be a king or queen, this pocket would be empty too. The difficulty and reward you gain from the harder pockets wold increase, until you get to the last and final pocket. You could also only steal one pocket, as the character would quickly realize something is missing and start looking around, this is the time when you should act casually and sneaking away would certanly make the character aggressive and call the guards after you.

This is just one way of getting realism into the picture and I know it has its flaws. Still, what do you think about something like this?
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Tasha Clifford
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