Combat. I want to actually HIT the people I'm fighting, I want to cut throats and stab people in the back and decapitate them. It's already implemented in Oblivion with mods like Unnecessary Violence and Deadly Reflex (that really saved Oblivion for me), but I want this in the Vanilla game. I want to be able to sneak behind someone and stab them in the throat, so they don't even have time to call out before they're dead on the ground. I want to be able to pierce someone's lungs through their ribcage with an arrow from behind a corner and have them be useless in battle because they can't breathe anymore. More diverse attacks, location-based damage. I don't want opponents to be like blocks of wood with health, so that you hack and hack but in the end the hacking only reduces their energy bar. They don't get any wounds (unless you count ketchup-like blood spatter in places not even remotely related to the place I just bashed with my longsword...), they don't get hurt, and even after they die the only way you notice is that they stop moving and the battle music ends. Yay?
No more unnatural, choppy dialogue and creepily robotic conversations. I want people to have more personal voices (just a couple more voice actors, pleeeease?), more dynamic dialogue (NPCs treat you differently depending on who you are - no more being sneered at by everyone even though you're the Nerevarine, Hortator, Champion of Cyrodiil, Gray Fox, Arch-Mage, Morag Tong Grandmaster, Listener for the Dark Brotherhood and the Fighters Guild Grandmaster...), more rumors (if I hear about one more mudcrab sighting, I swear I'll kill the one who said it)... NPCs had schedules in Oblivion, but that just somehow made them feel less realistic than ever. Voice acting's great, but it brought the problem of having one voice actor for each race/six being so noticeable it was really a pain. NPCs are now robots that do the same things every day and say the same things as each other and speak with the same voices as everyone else. I want them to be
human. I want the way they percieve me noticeably change depending on how I treat them, who I am, who they are and what they want from me.
Bigger cities, more small towns, more to do in towns. Less than 10 miscellaneous quests per town (I refuse to use the word 'city' to refer to any of the settlements in Cyrodiil) gets boring. I want to have wider ranges of activities to do in cities and I want to meet more (and different types of) people. More diverse guilds, not just the basic Fighters/Mages/Assassins. Joinable Legion, joinable Temple, et cetera. Morrowind had a lot more guilds, but in Oblivion they got rid of a lot of them. Another thing that's already been brought up by many people that I totally agree with also is something to do after you're the master of the guild. Can I pleaaase kick that one brat that's been bugging me for the whole of the time I've been in the guild? Can I recruit some new members? Can I give people tasks? Oh yeah, and pretty NPCs. It's not nice if the PC is the only character in the game whose face doesn't make you think of inbred pigs.
Full-level scaling in Oblivion was absolutely horrible. I really don't want to be able to go everywhere when I'm level one, because everything else is level one too. I want there to be areas I'm terrified to go in until level 25, because I know there's dangerous creatures there. And on the flip side, I don't want every single goblin to be a fight to the death at level 30+. I want to be able to kill a Goblin easily when I'm level 37, not have said goblin be level 37 right along with me.
No more quick travel, or at least have it toggleable. I don't want to be a magical being capable of just deciding to go somewhere and POOF! I'm there. I'm a person, not some transdimensional superhero who just decides to go somewhere and can. Bring back Morrowind's travel system - Silt Striders, boats, Mages Guild teleportation, Levitation, Almsivi/Divine Intervention, Mark&Recall... I really miss that, and it adds so much realism and immersion to the game just getting rid of the POOF!-type travel. And it makes the world seem so much bigger.
I want seasons and more diverse weather conditions. Storms, lightning, hot/cold temperatures, wind, etc. I want the weather to affect the environment more. Ideally, when it's hot and dry you'd lose fatigue faster and fire-related spells (etc) would cause brush fires easily, but when it's cold you'd not be able to move as nimbly and it's take you longer to change from walking to running and to reach your maximum running speed. Animals behave differently according to the season (for example bears would attack aggressively in mating season/when they have cubs, hibernate in winter and be pretty much docile/timid at other times, unless provoked). Dynamic nature would be interesting too. Animals would react to weather conditions and seasons, be either nocturnal or day-time animals, animals hunting each other, animals eating plants, animals bearing young... Just make it more realistic.
I also really agree with this. I want more noises than just my own footsteps (I'm not sure if they even have that in Oblivion anymore, but in Morrowind you did), animals sometimes making some noise and battle/cave/normal music. Footsteps would be different depending on what terrain you're on (this would also affect sneaking), you could hear a bear from behind a tree because it's making some kind of noises even though it doesn't see you, you could hear yourself breathing and be worried if the person you're sneaking up on can hear it too, etc.
As for weapons, I want diversity back. I miss throwing knives, darts and stars sooo much from Morrowind. Crossbows, spears and staffs you can use as blunt weapons (not just spell throwing devices) are also missed by many. As weapons I should be able to use miner's picks and a knife from the kitchen table, or even a bottle of mead if I want to.
I want a more eccentric location. Cyrodiil is boring - I'm not playing a game in medieval Earth, I'm playing a game in
That's just what I'm talking about. I loved Morrowind. I could almost smell the blight disease in the air when I was walking near Ghostgate. I was actually afraid of going into the Ghostgate and Red Mountain region, because I was so scared of catching the blight. I want to feel I'm immersed in a completely different culture, with working politics, religion, festivals and the like. Oblivion was much more stagnant as a world, because it didn't feel so realistic. In Oblivion, Bethesda lost a lot of the wonderful immersiveness that I experience when playing Morrowind. Like MouseMage said, it feels like a
game, Morrowind feels like a
That given, ditch the freaking Map Markers already. Make the game un-gamey. Oblivion, to me, is almost as bad as those games where you run down a single corridor and shoot at everything that moves. You just do the obvious, and everyone tells you exactly what you should do. Morrowind required you to think and that really brought this whole new dimension to it.
Don't make everything so prissy and pretty and clean, like in Oblivion. Morrowind was realistic because it was grimy at some points. Diseases? Oblivion's got it. Are they anything to be worried about? No, just drink a potion and you'll be okay in a second. Grossly distorted, horrifically mutilated walking corpses that have a disease you're terrified to catch? Morrowind's got it. Is it prissy and pretty? No. Is it realistic? Yes. You really should care about whether or not you catch a disease (the only disease you care about anymore is Porphyric haemophalia, and even then you just drink a potion and it's gone... unless you sleep). Just as an example. It doesn't all have to be gross and unsterile and icky, but it's not all cleanliness and stuff either. Give us a balance. Morrowind was nice in this aspect.
Clothing under armor, armor split back into pieces again.
... I could still think of a lot more, but this post is already so majorly long I think I'll stop here for the time being.

EDIT // And I really wish the game wasn't in Skyrim... Snow is icky. Pleaaase, Valenwood or the Summerset Isles or Elsweyr, pleaaaase!